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更新时间:2018-12-04 浏览次数:375 类型:期末考试
  • 16. (2018七上·广州期末) 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。

        Most people would get a doll or a toy from their parents when they were young. Sometimes they might like it much that they wanted more of it. Then they were in their way to become a real collector. Many collectors, young and old, start out in the same way: Their parents give them a toy, and another one, and another one, until the shelf is full all kinds of toys. Other collectors begin collecting when their parents or grandparents pass down (they) own collections. However they start, collectors are people take their interests to a whole new level.

        Here are some reasons why collecting is so cool. One of many benefits you can get from collecting things (be) just having as much fun with it as possible. Nothing can be more exciting than seeing your collection arranged (careful) on a shelf or in albums, ready for the world (see). There is also that excitement from waiting for a new toy or book. Another good thing about (collect) is that you get to learn so much as well. Many collectors learn a lot about the things they collect and become experts. An even cooler thing about having your own collection is that it can (sell) at a high price after a few years if it's a very special one.

        Collecting items is not only fun pastime but also a way to earn money. If you do not know how to begin your collection, ask your mum or dad for help, or visit a museum to find something that may interest you.

  • 17. 根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        Allan was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by 1. He didn't know how to find his 2, so he went to the air hostess (空姐) and asked, “Could you 3 me? I can't find my seat. ” The air hostess showed him the seat and told him to 4down and fasten the seat belt (系好安全带). She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan's ears might feel a little 5, but he didn't need to 6 about it because many people felt like that. When the plane was flying very 7. Allan could stand up and walk around. He could either read 8, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would 9 food and drinks. Allan would enjoy the flight and 10 soon.

    A . ship            B . air               C . car
    A . book           B . bag       C . seat
    A . help         B . thank       C . tell
    A . look             B . put              C . sit
    A . strange           B . funny         C . friendly
    A . know            B . talk          C . worry
    A . tan            B . deep            C . high
    A . TV              B . books         C . music
    A . hold             B . take   C . bring
    A . arrive           B . leave       C . visit
  • 18. (2018七上·广州期末) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Timetable for the Lecture Month







    8th Oct


    1:20 p.m.

    Room 2ol, Building 4

    How to read a novel

    famous writer

    11th Oct



    Room 503,

    Building 3

    Fire prevention


    13th Oct



    Room 404,

    Building 4

    School life in the USA

    USA student

    19th Oct



    Room 105,

    Building 2

    Outer space


    21th Oct



    Room 306,

    Building 4

    Fighting AIDS


    22 Oct



    Room 204

    Building 3

    Famous football players

    newspaper reporter

    27th Oct



    Room 4ol,

    Building 2

    Traffic signs


    29th Oct



    Room 303,

    Building 4

    Australian pop songs

    famous singer

    Things to remember:

    ⑴Take a pen and a notebook with you when you come to all these lectures so that you can take some notes.

    ⑵Turn off or mute your mobile phone before the lecture begins so that you won't disturb other listeners.

    ⑶Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the lecture begins.

    ⑷No eating or drinking during the lecture.

    ⑸A small number of books signed by the writer and CDs signed by the singer will be sold at a very low price at the entrance of the building 30 minutes before the lecture begins.

    ⑹Small gifts from the USA will be given to students who ask questions at the end of the lecture on 13th October.

    1. (1) Andy is a big football fan. Where should he go and when should he arrive?
      A . Room 204; 1: 20 p. m. B . Room 204; 1: 10 p. m. C . Room 201; 1: 20 p. m. D . Room 201; 1: 10 p. m.
    2. (2) Lily wants to buy a book signed by the writer. When should she arrive at Building 4?
      A . At 1: 20 p. m. B . At 1: 50 p. m. C . After 1: 20 p. m. D . At 12: 50 p. m.
    3. (3) In order to get a gift from the USA, a student should ________.
      A . go to Room 4ol, Building 1 B . ask a question at the end of the lecture C . answer a question after the lecture D . arrive at Building 1 at 2: 50 p. m.
    4. (4) Where are you most likely to see this timetable?
      A . In a storybook. B . On an entertainment web page. C . On a notice board at a high school. D . In a music magazine.
  • 19. (2018七上·广州期末) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Money makes the world go around, yet the best thing in life is free. A penny saved ls a Penny earned, but you get what you pay for. Do you have your own ideas about spending money wisely? If no, now it's a great time to learn how to spend it. Follow the steps below when you are considering buying something you want.

        How much do you really want?

        Seeing a $25 gum ball (口香糖球) machine, Ben wanted it at first. But after thinking about it, he thought that it would be exciting for only a day or two." "Besides, it's impossible for me to chew that much gum," he said wisely.

        Do you still want it a week later?

        If the thing passes the "really-want-it" test, try to wait for some time to see how strong the desire (欲望) is. This method works for grown-ups too!

        How will you pay for it?

        After the first two steps, Ben found he really wanted a toy pirate ship, but it cost $50. He had $23 in his pocket and he got $1.5 a week from his parents. It would take Ben 18 weeks to save enough money to get the ship.

        Are there ways to earn money?

        Ben agreed to wash the downstairs windows at $2 each. So he got $10 for himself.

        Can you get it cheaper?

        After deciding to buy it, it is necessary for you to look for ways to buy it at lower prices: search for what you want on the Internet or in shops and flea markets (跳蚤市场). Sometimes you can find the same thing at a much lower price.

        If these suggestions work well, you can save a lot of money. You will be a really smart shopper.

    1. (1) What should people do first when they have the desire to buy?
      A . They should think what is the best thing. B . They should learn how to make more money. C . They should consider if they really need it. D . They should ask advice from other people.
    2. (2) What should you do if you really want to buy something?
      A . Buy it immediately. B . Buy it after some time. C . Ask your parents to buy it for you. D . See how long the desire of buying it will last.
    3. (3) How many downstairs windows would Ben wash if he wanted to get $12?
      A . Five. B . Six. C . Eight. D . Ten.
    4. (4) What is the purpose of the passage?
      A . Tb explain the reasons of saving money. B . To introduce some tips about earning money. C . To give some advice about buying things wisely. D . To explain how to pay for things.
  • 20. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Many children like collecting stamps. Stamps collecting didn't begin until 1854. As time goes on, there are more and more kinds of stamps. These stamps are very beautiful and interesting. There are many wonderful pictures on them. And there are more stamp collectors. Not only children but also men and women collect stamps. In 1921, America began selling all kinds of stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there are even lessons on stamp—collecting in school. People all over the world are becoming more and more interested in stamps. Each picture on a stamp has its meaning in it. It may be the head of a great leader, a famous scientist or a writer. It may be a beautiful bird or fish. It may be an interesting place. Every stamp tells us a story.

    1. (1) Stamp—collecting started _________.

      A . in 1845 B . in 1921 C . in 1854 D . in 1912
    2. (2) Stamp—collectors are __________.

      A . children B . men C . women D . all the above
    3. (3) People can have lessons on stamp—collecting _______.

      A . in a few countries B . in our country C . in few countries D . only in America
    4. (4) Every picture on a stamp _________.

      A . is the head of a stamp—collector B . tells us something interesting C . has nothing to do with America D . tells us a story about some schools
  • 21. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
        Many parents today worry about their children's diets. Then what is a healthy diet for children? Miss Jones from Happy Children Hospital gives the following advice:
        ◆Children shouldn't eat food with too much salt, because it can cause high blood pressure(高血压).
        ◆Children should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar. They should not eat too much junk food.
        ◆Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins(维生素). Children need to eat fruit and vegetables often.
        ◆Water is important to everyone. Children need to drink enough water every day.
        ◆Children need to eat breakfast every day. It is good for their bodies and minds.
    1. (1) Miss Jones is possibly a _________ .

      A . doctor B . teacher C . shop worker D . waitress
    2. (2) According to Miss Jones,children should drink ________every day.

      A . enough juice B . enough water C . enough coffee D . enough milk
    3. (3) Which kind of food is rich in vitamins?

      A . Water. B . Junk food. C . Sugar. D . Fruit and vegetables.
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?

      A . Bad Habits B . Junk Food C . Advice on a Healthy Diet D . An Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • 22. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        “Which meal do we all need most, breakfast, lunch or dinner?” Miss Baker asks. Boys and girls wave their hands in the air. They know the answer.

        “What do you think, Jim?” Miss Baker asks.

        “Dinner,” Jim answers.

        “Dinner is the big meal of the day,” says Miss Baker. “But I don't think we need it most.” Tom puts up his hands. “Do we need lunch most?”

        “No.” says Miss Baker. “We need breakfast most. Why is this so?”

        “From night to morning is a long time to go without food,” says Ann.

    “That's right.” says Miss Baker. “We need food every morning. What may happen to us if we have no breakfast?''

        The students have many answers to give.

        “We may feel hungry.”

        “We may not feel like working.”

        “We may feel sick.”

        “Yes, you are right,” says Miss Baker. “Now let's talk about what makes a good breakfast. Give me your answers. I will write them on the blackboard.”

        The first word Miss Baker puts on the list is milk. What else do you think she puts on the list? Write your answers.

    1. (1) ______ are discussing eating.

      A . The mother and children B . Some of the boys and girls C . The teacher and her students D . A group of friends
    2. (2) Miss Baker thinks ______ is a big meal of the day.

      A . breakfast B . lunch C . dinner D . picnic
    3. (3) Why is breakfast the most important meal?

      A . Because it is the last meal. B . Because there are usually a lot of nice things to eat at breakfast. C . Because people like to enjoy food before going to work. D . Because from night to morning is a long time to go without food.
    4. (4) Miss Baker teaches by ______.

      A . writing words on the blackboard B . asking the children to eat apples C . telling the children stories D . asking questions and discussing them
  • 23. 不同的人有不同的爱好,你的爱好是什么?请你以“My Hobby”为题,



    My Hobby

