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更新时间:2017-05-05 浏览次数:537 类型:期末考试
一、 单项选择。
二、 完形填空。
  • 21. 根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        When you look up into the sky on a 1  night, you will see the moon and the  2.

        Since ancient times, men 3  wanted to know more about the moon, the stars and other  4 in the sky. They invented telescopes to get a closer look at them and 5 that there are many suns. moons and planets in the sky. They became interested in the    6 .

      7  October 4th, 1957, the Space Age began when the first man-made satellite was sent into space  8the earth. Today, scientists are able to 9 on the moon. Man will  10  more places one day.

    A . clean   B . clear  C . cleaned  D . cold
    A . stars   B . planets C . sun  D . earth
    A . are    B . were    C . has D . have
    A . planets  B . bodies  C . suns   D . moons
    A . invented B . watched  C . uncovered D . found
    A . sky  B . planets    C . moon D . sun
    A . In   B . At  C . On D .
    A . to run  B . to run around C . run  D . run around
    A . put    B . get C . take     D . land
    A . reach B . arrive   C . get D . come
三、 阅读理解。
  • 22. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

        We see many animals, like rabbits(兔子), bees, dogs, birds, sheep……but do you know how these animals say things? First, let's see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees something dangerous, it runs away at once. When it runs, its tail(尾巴) moves up and down. When others see this, they run too.

        Many other animals use this kind of language. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home. It cannot tell other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. This may tell other bees where the food is.

        Some animals say things by making sounds like a man does. For example, a dog barks(吠) when a stranger(陌生人) comes near. Some birds can make several different sounds, each with its own meaning. In a word, every animal has its own language.

    1. (1) A rabbit can tell others something by       .

      A . making sounds B . dancing C . running D . moving its tail up and down
    2. (2) A bee can tell others where the food is by        .

      A . making sounds B . dancing C . flying away D . running away
    3. (3) A dog says things by making sounds like         does.

      A . a man B . a rabbit C . a bee D . a stranger
    4. (4) Some birds can make several different sounds, each with         meanings.

      A . the same B . two C . different D . no
    5. (5) Which is the best title(题目) for the passage(短文)?

      A . Animal Food B . Animal Sound C . Animal Home D . Animal Language
  • 23. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

         Today, an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. These people are called the “Heads-down Tribe(低头族)”. Are you a heads-down tribe member? Heads-down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.

    More and more traffic accidents are happening because more drivers use mobile phones when they are driving. In order to make drivers pay more attention to driving, some new traffic rules have been made. For example, people who use mobile phones while driving in Taiwan are fined(罚款). Car drivers and motorcyclists who break the traffic rule will be fined NT$3, 000 and NT$1, 000 respectively(分别地).

    As we can see above, using mobile phones may cause accidents and even cost a lot of money. Also, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Heads-down Tribe”. Let's have a look at an interesting TV report. A man in America kept using his mobile phone on his way home. As a result, he knocked into a big lost bear. When he lifted his eyes from the phone, he was so afraid that he turned around and ran away quickly. Another fact is that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones. It's strange that they don't talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun communicating with others on the phone.

    Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. Are mobile phones good or bad? It depends on how people use them. Let's be “healthy'' users and try to be the “Heads-up Tribe”.

    1. (1) A heads-down tribe member          .

      A . is good at using the Internet    B . is a dangerous driver C . is always looking at his or her mobile phone
    2. (2) The underlined word “motorcyclists'' in the passage means “         ” in Chinese.

      A . 摩托车手 B . 手机使用者 C . 低头族   
    3. (3) The American was          when he knocked into the bear.

      A . driving a car B . going to work C . using his mobile phone
    4. (4) According to the passage, the “Heads-down Tribe”         when they eat in a restaurant.

      A . look at their own mobile phones    B . don't talk to the people who sit opposite C . Both A and B
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?

      A . Drive Your Car Carefully B . Use Mobile Phones Properly C . Be a Heads-down Tribe Member
四、 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。
  • 24. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。
    1. (1) If you work hard, you will make  (进步).

    2. (2) Nothing is more important than our  (友谊).

    3. (3) I often play the piano  (在我业余时间).

    4. (4) I could  (几乎不) believe my eyes.

    5. (5) It was wrong to  (拉, 拔) leaves off the trees here.

  • 25. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。
    1. (1) We should keep  (安静的) in class.

    2. (2) We students often  (依靠) on our parents.

    3. (3) Let's (数) down from 10 to 0.

    4. (4) To be  (诚实的), he is a good man.

    5. (5) Do you  (同意) me?

五、 句型转换。
  • 26. 句型转换。
    1. (1) I take the medicine twice a day. (对划线部分提问)

        do you take the medicine?

    2. (2) I think he is a student. (改为否定句)

      I   he  a student.

    3. (3) We watched the football game. (改为一般疑问句)

      you the football game?

    4. (4) He came here two years ago. (改为现在完成时)

      He   here for two years

    5. (5) I often help my mother do the housework. (改为同义句)

      I often  my mother  the housework.

六、 任务型阅读。
  • 27. 根据短文内容,完成下列各任务。

    You probably talk to friends more than you talk to your parents. That's natural. Still, most of us want a parent's help, advice, and support at times. But talking to the parents may be difficult or terrible-especially when it comes to certain subjects. Here are some suggestions to make it easier.

        Talk about everyday stuff—and do it every day. The more you do something, the easier it gets. Talking to parents about everyday stuff builds a bond that can help you discuss something more serious with them later.

    Find something to chat(聊天) about each day. Talk about how your team did at the sports meet. Share something one of your teachers said. Even small talk about what's for dinner can keep your relationship comfortable.

    It's never too late to start. If your relationship with your parents makes you feel nervous, try getting into conversations slowly. Mention the cute thing the dog did. Talk about how well your little sister is doing in maths. Chatting with parents every day not only keeps the present relationship strong, but it can help a might-be-worse relationship get better.

        When parents feel connected to your daily life, they can be there for you if something really important             .

    1. (1) What is the text mainly about?(根据短文内容回答问题)

    2. (2) Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语)

    3. (3) Please list two advantages of chatting with parents every day according to Paragraph 4. (请根据第四段内容列举与父母聊天的两个好处)


    4. (4) Please fill in the blank at the end of the text with a proper word or phrase. (请在文末空白处填入一个适当的词或短语)

    5. (5) Please write one more sentence about what you did with your parents in your daily life。(请结合实际, 写一个英语句子描述你和父母曾做过的一件事, 不得重复文中内容)

七、 书面表达。
  • 28. 假定你的好友名叫Bill, 是一名美国中学生, 他打算今年暑假来宁夏旅游。请你根据以上内容和所给提示用英语写一篇介绍他的短文。短文首句已给出, 不计人总词数。

    提示: (1)家庭情况、性格及爱好; (2)老师及同学对他的评价; (3)来宁夏旅游的原因。

    要求: (1)词数80左右; (2)合理增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

        Bill is my good friend.

