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更新时间:2018-09-29 浏览次数:406 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 完形填空

        Ma Yun became one of 1 men in China when his company Alibaba went on the stock (股票) market last year with a value of around 140 billion—the largest public offering in history. Here are some stories about him on the way to success.

        Ma made his 2 trip to the US in 1995 and used the Internet for the first time. After 3 for "beer", he saw that no results came up about China. Then he searched for "China" and still saw no results. He decided to set up a Chinese website--the seed for Alibaba was sown (播种).

        Ma said he was refused many times in his life. He failed the College Entrance Examination in China three times and 4 companies offered him jobs, including one at KFC. And he was refused by the famous Harvard University 10 times.

        5 was difficult to learn English when Ma was a teenager 6 limited resources. 7, he found that he could learn English well by 8 tourists free guides around his hometown Hangzhou. And he kept it for nine years. Ma said that tourists opened up 9 new world for him.

        Ma's hero is Forest Gump who never gives up. When he made a speech about his 10 at Davos (达沃斯论坛) in 2015,Ma said, "Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get."

    A . rich B . richer C . richest D . the richest
    A . one B . once C . first D . the first
    A . search B . searching C . searched D . to search
    A . few B . a few C . little D . a little
    A . This B . It C . That D . Those
    A . as B . since C . because D . because of
    A . But B . So C . However D . And
    A . give B . to give C . gives D . giving
    A . / B . a C . the D . an
    A . success B . succeed C . successful D . successfully
  • 12. 完形填空

        When I was in primary School, I got into an argument (辩论) with a boy in my class. The teacher 1 to teach us a very important lesson.

        She brought us up to the front of the classroom and placed him on one side of her desk and 2 on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could 3 see that it was black. She asked the boy what colour the object was. "White," he answered.

        I couldn't 4 he said the object was white, when it was clearly black! Another argument started between my classmate and me, this time about the  5 of the object.

        The teacher told me to go and 6 where the boy was standing and told him to come and stand where I had been. We changed 7, and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, "White."

        It was an object with two 8 colored sides, and from his viewpoint it was white. Only from my 9 it was black.

        I have never 10 the lesson I learnt that day. Sometimes we need to look at the problem from the other person's viewpoint in order to truly understand his/her view.

    A . decided B . remembered C . offered D . promised
    A . her B . me C . him D . you
    A . closely B . hardly C . clearly D . carefully
    A . choose B . notice C . believe D . hear
    A . size B . weight C . shape D . colour
    A . lie B . sit C . find D . stand
    A . places B . ideas C . objects D . seats
    A . brightly B . beautifully C . differently D . completely
    A . lesson B . side C . book D . experience
    A . finished B . taught C . prepared D . forgotten
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Hunan TV station is very popular among young people in China. Are you interested in it? Do you think it's good or bad? Some students had a discussion about this question. Here are some opinions.



    I know a lot of great people who are introduced by Hunan TV station. They are good at singing, dancing and acting because they always spend plenty of time practicing these things. They should be our heroes.


    Every weekend I watch its different kinds of programs with my parents. And it helps my parents know about me and my favorite things. Besides, it's also a good way to relax after a week's schoolwork.



    I don't like the program Supper Girl. It attracts too much of our attention. Many of us always talk about who is beautiful or who will win. Sometimes we even talk about it in class and forget our study. It's not a good thing for students.


    I don't think Hunan TV station is useful. Some hosts of some programs just try to play jokes on others or themselves. It's a waste of time. We can't learn anything from them. We should make a rule to keep students away from these boring programs.

    1. (1) ______ think it's a good way to have rest by watching program of Human TV station.
      A . Nancy B . Tommy C . Lily D . Daniel
    2. (2) Why does Nancy think the great people introduced by Human TVs station are her heroes?
      A . Because they are famous in Human. B . Because Nancy parents like them. C . Because they try their best to practice their shows. D . Because they sing very well.
    3. (3) Why does NOT Lily like the program Super Girl of Human TV station?
      A . Because the show is boring. B . Because she knows who will win. C . Because her parents don't like it. D . Because it makes her forget her study.
    4. (4) What can Daniel learn from Human TV station?
      A . Some famous hosts. B . Many jokes. C . His favorite things. D . Nothing.
    5. (5) How many people expressed their opinion in the passage?
      A . There B . Four C . Five D . Six
  • 14. 阅读理解

        I was woken up by a strange sound. I saw something moving by my window. I was terrified and ran downstairs. I found my mom in the kitchen, getting my brother ready for school.

        "Mum, did you hear anything? I, uh. I thought I saw an alien."

        "Are you all right? Just a dream! " Mum answered.

        Then I went back to my room. As I walked to the window, I cried, I saw a little alien, no more than three feet tall, with big and black eyes. It tried to run between my legs and escape through the window. Although I was scared, for some reason, I squeezed (挤) my legs together in time to catch it. It took out something and hurt me. I felt a terrible sense of nothingness and fainted (晕倒). Then I woke up.

        At first, I could hardly move. I wasn't sure whether it was a dream or not. I pulled myself out of the bed and walked downstairs. I saw my mum in the kitchen. She was really getting my brother ready for school, wearing her pink clothes. Then I realized it was just a dream because in my dream she was wearing her work clothes.

        From then on, I always dreamt about aliens and all the dreams felt so real. At that time, I really thought maybe I had some kind of relationship with aliens. About two months later, I stopped having such dreams. Later I realized that l used to have those dreams because I always read books or watched TV programs about aliens before I fell asleep!

    1. (1) In the dream, when the writer saw something moving by his window, ______
      A . He was too scared to move. B . He knew it was a dream and wasn't afraid. C . He was so scared that he fainted. D . He thought against the alien.
    2. (2) be underlined word "nothingness" in Paragraph 4 means "______" in Chinese.
      A . 虚无 B . 无奈 C . 兴奋 D . 开心
    3. (3) The writer found that it was just a dream ______.
      A . as soon as he woke up B . before he went downstairs C . when he saw his mother D . when he was hurt by the alien
    4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The writer had the dream at night. B . The writer's mother's work clothes might not be pink. C . The writer's mother was worried about his dream. D . When the writer had the dream, his family were sleeping.
    5. (5) We can learn from the passage that ______
      A . The writer was terribly ill. B . The writer had some kind of relationship with aliens. C . The dreams were all about the writer's real experiences. D . The writer often did something about aliens before going to bed.
  • 15. 阅读理解

        Boys and girls, do you like your eyes? And do you know that there are many phrases in English about eyes? We all know people's eyes can be a windows of soul (心灵). Today we'll enjoy the following eye phrases by a story. It's about a man and a woman who are both teachers at the same school.

        Let's suppose that the man asked the woman out on a date. She was so happy because this man was the apple of her eye, a very special person. On their date, they might eat a meal. During their dinner, they might discuss many things. They might discover that they see eye to eye, or agree on many things. For example, they might agree that every crime (罪行) should be punished. That is to say they believed in the idea of an eye for an eye.

        The next day, the woman asked the man to keep an eye on the young students in her class while she was out. This might be hard to do when the teacher was writing on the blackboard. To do so, a teacher would need to have eyes in the back of his head. In other words, he could know what the students were doing even when he was not watching them.

        Boys and girls, are you interested in these phrases? Maybe there are many phrases about other parts of the body in English. Have a try!

    1. (1) According to the passage, how can we know a boy without talking?
      A . By looking at his hair. B . By looking at his eyes. C . By looking at his ears. D . By looking at his heart.
    2. (2) What does the phrase "see eye to eye" mean?
      A . Be friendly. B . Have different opinions. C . Be interested. D . Have the same idea.
    3. (3) Your mom loves you very much; that is to say, ______.
      A . she has eyes in the back of her head B . she keeps an eye on you C . she believes in an eye for an eye D . you are the apple of her eye
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "This" refer to?
      A . Asking the man for help. B . Believing the idea of an eye for an eye. C . Watching the students. D . Eyes are important for me.
    5. (5) We can we learn from the paragraph?
      A . Different eye phrases. B . A story about two teachers. C . How to protect our eyes. D . Eyes are important to us.
  • 16. 阅读理解

        27 world records were broken during the 2016 Summer Olympics. They fell in swimming running weightlifting and a number of other sports. But how do athletes continue to get better, jump longer, run or swim faster? Although scientists say that athletes have reached their limits (极限), records continue to fall. In almost every sport, athletes have become better since the Olympic Games begin.

        One reason is that and more people than ever before have access to sports and exercise. They start at an earlier age and can compete longer in their sport. In schools more and more natural talents can be discovered.

        Besides, athletes can train full-time instead of training after works. As medicine improves, athletes can stay in competition for a longer time and overcome injuries (损伤) faster. Many top athletes achieve their best results later on in their careers. Technology has also helped improve scores.

        One of the most important reasons, however, is the human mind. We always want to be better and faster that someone else. It can release (释放) great power in our body.

        So, where are limits? One of the most difficult questions to answer is how fast a human being can run. Many years ago, nobody thought a person could ever run within 10 seconds in the 100-metre race. But the record was broken at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. A t the moment Sustain Bolt is the fastest man on Earth at 9.58 seconds. Scientists say that 9.48 may be the limit, but, who knows, maybe some runners will one day run within 9 seconds.

    1. (1) The underlined words "have access to" in Paragraph 2 mean "______" in Chinese.
      A . 推广 B . 接触 C . 回避 D . 放弃
    2. (2) What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
      A . The younger athletes are the better achievements they can get. B . Athletes' natural talent is the most important thing. C . Athletes have a longer career than before. D . Athletes have fewer injuries than before.
    3. (3) The world record in the 100-metre race now is ______ seconds.
      A . 10 B . 9.58 C . 9.48 D . 9
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . How fast humans can run. B . Where limits of athletes are. C . What athletes can do to improve their scores. D . Why athletes keep breaking world records.
    5. (5) Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)
      A . B . C . D .
  • 35. 课文默写

        I used to go  with my mum on clear nights and look at the sky. It looked like black velvet with a million  on it. In different seasons, we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars  brightly  the sky. How beautiful they were!

        Studying the stars was great  for me. Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my . I host a TV program  The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a  way. I am proud of my TV program me—it has  for more than 50 years!

  • 36. 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Michacl来信,说他下个星期要来广州旅游,希望你给他写信介绍一下广州。请根据以下内容提示,用英语写一篇80词左右的回信。文章的开头和结尾都已给出,不记入总词数。










    广州塔(Canton Tower),白云山(Baiyun Mountain)


    在天河城(Tianhe Shopping Mall)可以买到各种各样的东西

    Dear Michael

        I'm glad to hear that you are going to travel to Guangzhou next week. Now I would like to tell you something about Guangzhou.

        I believe you will have a good time in Guangzhou.


    Li Hua

