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更新时间:2018-10-29 浏览次数:566 类型:期末考试
一、         单项选择
  • 26. 完形填空     Do you drink bottle water? How long does it1you to drink a bottle of water? Maybe just five minutes. But the plastic (塑料的) bottle will stay in nature(大自然) for 500 years! Plastic does not disappear (消失) 2 It is a big3 for humans.     There are many plastic things in our lives. They are cheap, light and easy to make.     Every year, the world uses 500 billion plastic bags. Every minute, we buy 1 million plastic bottles. The plastic we throw4 in one year can circle (环绕) Earth5!     For plastic things, the trash can (垃圾桶) is not 6 place they go in their lives. Every minute, a full truck of plastic things7into the sea. They make the seawa ter 8.They are dangerous for sea animals, too, 9when they eat.     So, is there10 useful we can do to help? Here are some tips.(小提示) First, carry your own cup to school. Second, take cloth (布的) bags to shopping, and buy fewer new toys, or you can exchange toys with your friends. Yes, just these small things, then you can help make the world a better place.
    A . pay B . cost C . take D . spend
    A . easy B . easily C . difficult D . difficultly
    A . answer B . surprise C . example D . problem
    A . up B . away C . down D . far
    A . four B . the fourth C . four times D . the fourth time
    A . the only B . the first C . the very D . the second
    A . go B . goes C . come D . comes
    A . dirty B . clean C . cold D . hot
    A . really B . totally C . absolutely D . especially
    A . anything B . any thing C . some thing D . some things
  • 27. 阅读理解

        Do you have an English name? I have noticed (注意到) one thing in China: lots of people have uncommon(不常见) English names.

        One of my Chinese friends calls herself Big Bird, like the character(角色) from the children's TV show Sesame Street(《芝麻街》). Another one of my friends is an English teacher. She had students with the names like Tomato and Potato. There were also two girls named Echo. Before I came to China, I had never met anyone with these names.

        People choose these strange names for different reasons. Sometimes they copy the names from someone famous. Other times, they want names that have the same meaning as their Chinese name.

        But having an uncommon English name isn't a big deal, is it? It can be fun sometimes. I once heard about a girl named Shmily. It stands for “see how much I love you”. It is my favorite strange English name.
    1. (1) _________ is the name of a character in Sesame Street.
      A . Tomato     B . Potato C . Echo D . Big Bird
    2. (2) The writer thinks many Chinese people __________.
      A . don't have English names B . have strange English names C . have usual English names D . have fantastic English names
    3. (3) Before the writer comes to China, she ________ called Echo.
      A . knows two girls B . knows a student C . doesn't know anyone D . knows an English teacher
    4. (4) Sometimes, people have strange names because __________.
      A . they are famous B . they want to be famous C . they think they will be famous D . they copy the names from someone famous
    5. (5) From this passage we can know that ________.
      A . the writer doesn't like Chinese people B . the writer doesn't like Chinese people's English names C . the writer likes some of the English names that Chinese people have D . the writer thinks having an uncommon English name is a big deal and it is never fun
  • 28. 阅读理解

         John has got many things to do this week. The following chart is about what he will do:



    visit Uncle Mike in the hospital


    4:00pm- 6:00pm

    swimming class at the youth center



    lunch with Jo at The Couch House restaurant 



    Shopping with mum at the supermarket



    Meet Matt at the railways station and then catch the 2:30pm train to Oxford together


    Work at the dogs' home in Oxford



    A river boat tour with Sam on the River Cam


    Kate's birthday party at Kate's home



     Watch Jo run a charity marathon in the park

    1. (1) ________ is ill in hospital.
      A . Matt B . Jo C . Mike D . Kate
    2. (2) Where does John have his swimming class?
      A . In the Park B . At the youth center     C . On the River Cam D . At The Couch House
    3. (3) When does John work at the dogs' home?
      A . On Friday B . On Saturday C . On Thursday D . On Wednesday
    4. (4) Why does John go to the railway station on Friday?
      A . We don't know. B . Because Matt's train arrives at the station at 2:00pm. C . Because he will catch the 2:30pm train to Oxford. D . Because Matt's train leaves at the station at 2:00pm.
    5. (5) You can probably see the table(表格)above on a ________.
      A . newspaper B . book C . magazine D . notebook
  • 29. 阅读理解

        When you are doing homework, sometimes your eyes may suddenly twitch (抽动). You may hear some superstitions (迷信) about this. For example, if your right eye jumps, you will hear good news. If your left eye jumps, you will hear bad news.

        But science can tell you that it has nothing to do with these superstitions. It is just a movement of your muscles (肌肉). There are a few reasons why this happens.

        According to ZME Science, when you feel stressed or tired, your eyes will twitch. This tells you that you need to get more rest.

        Looking at a TV or computer screen for a long time can also make your eye twitch. Looking at screens can make your eye dry (干涩的). So it twitches to make itself wet.

        Lacking(缺乏) some minerals (矿物质) in your diet(饮食) is another reason. Eating food such as almonds (杏仁) or spinach (菠菜) can be helpful.

    1. (1) According to the article(根据这篇文章), if your eyes twitch, it means ________.
      A . you will hear good news B . you will hear bad news C . your eyes need some rest D . you are doing your homework
    2. (2) Your eyes twitch because ________. Which of the following answer is NOT right?
      A . you are tired B . you are stressed C . you look at the TV screen for a long time D . you do some homework
    3. (3) The writer gives us ________ reasons in the article to tell us why our eyes twitch sometimes.
      A . one B . two C . three D . four.
    4. (4) We can eat some _______ if our eyes twitch.
      A . spinach B . beef C . mouse D . cucumbers
    5. (5) The best title of the article is _______.
      A . The Food We Eat B . Why Do Eyes Twitch C . Science and Superstitions D . Bad News or Good News.
六、         句型转换
  • 55. 课文填空

        One night, Steve and Julie are watching a film at home. The film is t because it makes Steve bored and Julie c. Then, Julie hears a noise from the o. Steve goes out to check and l Julie alone in the room. Julie is s. At this moment, Steve wants to play a joke on Julie. He howls like a wolf(像狼一样叫), which makes Julie cry. What an i he is!

        People from different places have different lives. Calvin lives on a small i in Scotland. There isn't a school there so his mother t him and his three sisters at home. Mawar lives in a v. It is a seven kilometer walk to a r school. Mawar says that she never goes to that school because it is too far away and there are always s and rain. Does that mean Mawar studies at home too? Well, no. There is a t school near her home. She and 100 other pupils have their lessons there every day.

        Claire is a sixteen-year-old British girl. She lives in s England. She doesn't watch TV every day because in her o, it can be a w of time. And she is s. She only watches the programs that she likes. C are her favorite. She thinks people do great things in these shows. She also watches d. Sometimes, she watches cartoons at the weekend.

        People eat u food around the world. For example, people in Japan like eating reggs and in China there are many good d with snake in them.

        Sally is a chimpanzee and Paula is a little girl. But they have got many s. They are both very i and they've both got four f and a t  on the hand. When they are happy , they both jump up and down and l . Why are they so similar? Because they've got almost the same DNA. DNA is the c in our bodies that m us people, or chimpanzees, or fish, etc. N percent of their DNA is the same. There's only a 2% d.

  • 56. 从方框中选出单词并用其恰当形式填空。每个单词最多只能使用一次。

    how          show         where        rest       other       die     scare         your          anyway     check       get        what

        Do you love your city? If your answer is yes, try to ask this: Am I willing(愿意) to live in that same city for the  of my life? You can travel of course, but can not move to  place. Does that make you feel  or excited?

        A US survey  that most people would like to grow old in the same city.

        But people do move for different reasons, so do you know when it's time?

        The website Complex lists 10 signs (迹象) for you  For example, if your life goals(目标) change or you complain(抱怨) about your city all the time, or you just tired of the life you have now, you may want to change  you live.

        , where do you want to live when you are eighty years old?

  • 57. 选择恰当句子完成对话。

    A. What would you like to order?

    B. Would you like it with rice or potatoes?

    C. May I have your order now?

    D. What do you recommend?

    E: No, thanks.

    F: I'd like a mixed salad, please

    G. Certainly.

    Olivia: E xcuse me, can we have the menu please?

    The waiter:  Here you are, ladies.

    (Three minutes later……)

    The waiter:

    Olivia: Yes, please.  What about you, Emma?

    Emma: Can I have some soup of the day, please?

    The waiter: No problem, madame. And what would you like for your main course?

    Emma: Baked salmon with rice, please.

    Olivia: Roast lamb for me, please.

    The waiter:

    Olivia: Potatoes, please.

    The waiter: Sure. O.K, would you like something else? Desserts? Drinks?

    Emma:  Just water.

    The waiter: All right, thank you. I'll bring your water and starters right away.

