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更新时间:2017-02-05 浏览次数:2065 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        A boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world. He thought he was 1 because almost everything bad always happened to him. So he wanted to 2 the secret (秘密) to happiness. He walked a long way and finally came to a beautiful 3. There he met the king(国王).

         After learning why the boy had come, the king advised that he should  4 the palace and come back in two hours. "At the same time, I want you to hold (拿住) this spoon with milk," said the king. "As you walk around my palace, carry(携带) this spoon 5spilling(溢出) the milk."

        The boy kept his 6 on the spoon and began to walk around the fantastic palace. After 7 hours, he came back to the king. "Well," asked the king. "Did you see the wonderful paintings in 8 palace? Did you see the colorful flowers in the garden(花园)?" The boy felt 9 because he saw nothing. He 10 paid attention(注意) to the milk.

        "Then go back and see the beauty of my world," said the king. 11 time the boy saw all of the works of art on the walls. He saw the greatest gardens and mountains all around. 12 he came back, he described everything he saw.

        "But where is the 13?" asked the king. Looking down at the spoon he was holding, the boy saw there was 14 on the spoon. "Well, there is only one piece of advice I can 15 you," said the king. "The secret to happiness is to see all the beauty of the world and also keep an eye on the milk on the spoon."

    A . careful        B . unlucky   C . understanding    D . hard-working
    A . find         B . answer          C . tell           D . send
    A . school           B . palace    C . village        D . factory
    A . look for     B . look after   C . look around    D . look forward to
    A . by          B .   for          C . after       D . without
    A . face           B . mouth       C . ears    D . eyes
    A . two        B . three C . four   D . five
    A . his          B . her         C . my          D . your
    A . hungry       B . sorry       C . interested        D . surprised
    A . only          B . also        C . never        D . still
    A . This         B . That         C . Last      D . Next
    A . Because     B . Unless          C . When       D . Before
    A . milk          B . spoon  C . flower      D . painting
    A . anything        B . something     C . everything  D . nothing
    A . ask      B . take          C . give       D . catch
  • 2. 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    It's November. If you enjoy relaxing your mind, it's high time to go bird watching. In November, lots of visitors go to Poyang Lake of Jiangxi to relax in a special way. They watch birds. They watch white cranes(白鹤). With the coming of winter, all the birds begin to fly to some warmer places. In early November, a lot of white cranes fly across the sky of Poyang Lake.

        November is not the only time to do the fun thing. In fact, in Jiangxi you can watch birds all the year round. And you can do it wherever you go. Jiangxi is a good place for birds so it has a great many birds. If you keep your eyes open, you will probably find some around you. Here is some advice for bird watching:

    ● Don't get too close to birds that are building nests (巢) or feeding their babies. Some birds will give up their baby birds if they are frightened.

    ● Take a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜) with you so that you can see the birds more clearly.

    ● Buy a good field (实地) guide if you don't have one yet. It can help you know the birds that you have never seen before.

    1. (1) In November, many visitors go to Poyang Lake to _____________.

      A . feed some animals B . save some birds C . watch white cranes D . enjoy a warmer place
    2. (2) The underlined word (划线单词) "frightened" means _______________.

      A . scared B . excited C . interested D . relaxed
    3. (3) The writer gives us ___________ pieces of advice for bird watching.

      A . two B . three C . four D . five
  • 3. 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        One day, a young man was taking a walk with a professor(教授). As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes lying on the road. They thought the owner of the shoes must be a poor man who worked on the farm nearby. The student said to the professor, "Let's take away his shoes, and hide (躲藏) ourselves behind those trees and wait to see what will happen when he cannot find them. That must be very interesting."

        "My young friend," answered the professor, "we should never make fun of others who are poor. But you can put a coin (硬币) into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch what change (变化) will happen to him."

        The student did so, and they went to hide themselves behind the trees.

        The poor man soon finished his work, and came back. When he was putting on his coat, he put his foot into one of his shoes. He felt something hard and found the coin. Surprise was seen on his face. He found the coin and looked at it again and again. He then looked around, but there was no person. He now put the money into his pocket (口袋). When he put on the other shoe, he was surprised again to find the other coin. He fell on his knees (膝盖), looked up to the sky and said aloud some thanksgiving words to the person who gave him the coins.

        The student stood there, and his eyes were full of tears (眼泪),"You have taught me a lesson that I will never forget. Now I understand:      ▲       ,"he said.

    1. (1) At the beginning, why did the young man want to take away the poor man's shoes?

      A . He wanted to put on his shoes. B . He wanted to change his shoes.   C . He wanted to play a joke on him. D . He wanted to put a coin into each shoe.
    2. (2) When he found the second coin in the other shoe, the poor man was ___________.

      A . angry B . sad C . scared D . surprised
    3. (3) The missing sentence (句子) in Paragraph 3 may be      ▲      .

      A . Money is not everything B . Two heads are better than one C . A small kind action makes a difference D . A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart
  • 4.


        People often ask why "Uncle Sam" is a nickname (绰号) for the United States of America. The reason is strange but simple.

        Once there was a man called Samuel Wilson. He was born in Arlington, Massachusetts, on 3 September 1766. His nickname was "Uncle Sam". When Sam Wilson was 14 years old, he joined the army and fought in some battles (战役). At the end of the war (战争) he went to live in the state of New York. He opened a meat-packing business (生意) there.

    Sam Wilson worked hard and loved his country. People in the city liked him. One day in 1812, a reporter from a newspaper visited his business. The reporter looked at some boxes of meat. He saw the letters "EA-US" on the sides of the boxes.

        "What do those letters mean?" he asked one of the workers.

        "The ‘EA' stands for (代表) ‘Edward Anderson'," the workman replied. "The boxes of meat are for him."

        "What about the letters ‘US'?" the reporter asked.

        These letters really stood for "United States", but the workman wanted to have a laugh. "Oh," he said. "They stand for Sam Wilson. He has this company(公司). We call him ‘Uncle Sam'."

        The worker did not think that the reporter would believe him. But the reporter wrote a story about his visit to Sam Wilson's business. He wrote that his workers called him "Uncle Sam" and that "Uncle Sam" meant the United States.

    Many people liked using the name "Uncle Sam" as a nickname for the United States and soon they were all using it. In 1961, almost 150 years later, the United States government(政府) made the nickname "Uncle Sam" official (官方的).

    1. (1) What did Samuel Wilson do when the reporter visited him?

      A . He worked in an army. B . He worked for his own company. C . He worked for a newspaper. D . He worked for the government of the USA
    2. (2) Why did the workman tell the reporter the letters "US" stood for "Uncle Sam"?

      A . He wanted to have a laugh. B . He wanted to let him leave. C . He wanted to tell the fact to the reporter. D . He wanted to give the government a nickname.
    3. (3) What kind of box of meat did the reporter see?

      A . B .     C . D .
    4. (4) The story is mainly about __________.

      A . why the USA is called "Uncle Sam"   B . why the reporter visited Samuel Wilson C . how Samuel Wilson's nickname came   D . how Samuel Wilson's company became successful
  • 5. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次,每空一词。

       cheap,   although,  turn,   pollute,  piece

    1. (1) Put the corn in the machine and then it on.

    2. (2) To stop the river , we shouldn't pour dirty water into it.

    3. (3) My car runs well it is very old.

    4. (4) The hotel is always crowded because it's the in town.

    5. (5) They usually put the turkey between the two of bread.

  • 6.


        Jon Pritikin is a Guinness world record holder (吉尼斯世界纪录保持者) .  He is the fastest man who can roll (卷) two frying pans  (煎锅) with his hands!

        On November 6, 2014, we were lucky to  (邀请) Jon to our school. He gave us a report and showed his skill to us. (每人) was excited to see it.  And two girls   (甚至) came to the front to have a look.   (然而), Jon was quite different when he was young. As a   (青少年) , he had many problems with his schoolwork. And he was not    (能够的)to do well in his exams. But he didn't   (失去) heart.

        Now Jon becomes a  (著名的) person. He will   (旅游) all over the world to help today's young people. He is trying to tell them to become strong   (足够) to face problems.

  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        Did you watch that popular TV show A Smile Is Beautiful this summer vacation? Yang Yang, 25, plays  important role in it. He acts a good-looking and smart college student who is  (talent) in playing games. Many people think Yang is the right person for the role not only because his good look. He also has a nice smile, and likes to play games.

        Now, Yang is becoming  (popular) than before. People like to call him "Little Fresh Meat". At the end of the year 2015, Yang  (win) the Most Influential (影响力的)TV Actor.

        Yang always says, "I hope  will be different kinds of acting roles for me in the future. I expect  (make) my dream come true." 

        "He is always trying to improve  (him). If he  (feel) his acting is not good, he will ask to try it again. He takes his work  (serious)." Su Youpeng, director of movie The Left Ear, said in a talk show.

  • 8.


        Every year, lots of Chinese middle school students go to foreign countries to study. There are  countries that they mainly go to.  is the most popular country. More than 30 percent of these students study there. The second most popular country is France. About  percent go there. 10 percent go to  or Germany. Australia and Canada are also popular with Chinese students. But there are  Chinese students in Canada than in Australia.     

        Now these counties are still trying to increase the number of international students studying in their countries.

  • 9.


    1) 谈谈你对这三门英语拓展性课程的看法和理由(如表格所示,可适当发挥);

    2) 就"你希望学校再增设哪一门英语拓展性课程"提出建议和理由;

    3) 词数:80-100词。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    Expanding courses(拓展性课程)




    Wonderful English Movies

    improve my listening

    learn about foreign culture

    English Home Cooking


    learn how to make……

    English Newspaper Reading

    many new words


        Now I'm learning three English expanding courses — "Wonderful English Movies", "English Home Cooking" and "English Newspaper Reading".……

