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更新时间:2017-01-19 浏览次数:2538 类型:期末考试
  • 1. The beginning of           novel is interesting, so I'd like to read it

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
  • 2. There will be an           about French arts in the museum this weekend.

    A . opinion B . instrument C . exhibition D . experiment
  • 3. Steve gets on well with his classmates           he has been in this class for only one month

    A . as B . since C . until D . although
  • 4. The manager says, “I just want to say cheers to           for coming to celebrate the New Year together."

    A . nobody B . anyone C . everyone D . somebody
  • 5. More and more people are interested in online shopping, and they pay much attention to sales           those on November 11.

    A . simply B . actually C . probably D . especially
  • 6. -- I met Liu Xiang on the plane to Shenzhen last Sunday. You know I'm his fan.

    --            !

    A . How lucky you are B . How relaxing it is C . What a lucky plane D . What a wonderful day
  • 7. -- Is it           to protect the earth against heavy pollution?

    -- No, I don't think so. If everybody takes actions now, it will become better.

    A . useful B . hopeless C . dangerous D . important
  • 8. -- Jack, do you know who won the school writing competition?

    -- Not yet. It is said too many excellent works         .

    A . received B . are received C . were received D . will be received
  • 9. -- If you have problems, will you get help from some          ?

    -- Yes, I always go to my best friend to ask for some advice.

    A . people who you trust B . places that offer advice C . websites that are famous D . magazines which you like
  • 10. -- It's snowing. I really want to run outside and make a snowman.

    --           Why not have a snow ball fight instead? It's more exciting.

    A . Let's go. B . That's boring. C . What a pity! D . That's the main thing.
  • 11.


        Alison cornered me in the kitchen. “Daddy, I really want a rat.”

        "Again?” I saw the ugly grey things with round eyes and long tails in my mind. She wanted one of those in our 1?

        “No, Daddy, a pet rat kept at home."

        This topic was around in our family for about one year. This time, Alison told 2 seriously how she would take care of the rat herself, how she would learn to be 3 by doing so. I wanted to say “no” as usual, 4 it was not the right response for this situation. I suggested that Alison should 5 me that she would be responsible by researching some basic questions we had about   6 : How much do they cost? What care do they need?

        I thought the answers she found 7 change her mind. Alison searched for information and made many notes. She learned 8the best cage for rats is and what types of food they can (and can't) eat. She learned that two rats are 9 than one — they like staying together.

        Alison proved herself with her efforts, so I 10 finally. If she continued to do so, caring for the rats and preparing food for them, she would learn the responsibility we always wanted her to have.    

        We 11 several pet stores, asking for baby rats. One store told us it just received some that would be ready on sale in a week. Alison was so 12 — her dream would come true soon.   

        On Sunday afternoon, I drove Alison there. I must say, 13 seeing the rats, I found they were much cuter. Alison 14 picked out two little ones with her soft little hands. She cradled the cage with them, 15. We went back to our car, and huge smile was still on her face.

        “I can't believe I have them after a year of begging!"

        “It wasn't your begging,” I told her. “You showed me you were responsible so I wanted to reward that.”

    A . house        B . store    C . school     D . kitchen
    A . me  B . us   C . her       D . them
    A . traditional   B . responsible      C . humorous       D . successful
    A . if   B . so   C . and     D . but
    A . ask    B . tell     C . show       D . surprise
    A . care  B . food       C . rats            D . money
    A . must     B . need  C . might        D . should
    A . how   B . what   C . when        D . where
    A . more   B . cuter        C . better           D . quieter
    A . agreed     B . forgot    C . escaped          D . apologized
    A . called up    B . talked about   C . heard from      D . looked after
    A . angry   B . excited      C . worried        D . nervous
    A . after   B . since     C . before          D . without
    A . hardly   B . quickly      C . proudly     D . carefully
    A . eating  B . dreaming  C . singing    D . shouting
  • 12.


        With the development of Internet, relative services are developed in the form of websites or apps on phones too. Here introduces you Airbnb and Uber.

        1 Airbnb (air Bed and Breakfast)

    People can offer or rent rooms for a short time on Airbnb website or its app on smart phones. The cost is usually cheaper than that of hotels. Travelers can book rooms with special activities such as enjoying local music, art and food.

        Airbnb was founded in August 2008, and now it has over two million listings for travelers to choose in the world. The idea of Airbnb, as its symbol shows, is about home and trust.

        2 Uber

        Uber is a ride sharing and taxi app for fast rides in minutes—day or night. It was founded as Uber Cab in March 2009. The Uber app can send an order to the nearest Uber driver, asking him to the location soon. Users can track the car on their smart phones, so they can know when it will arrive.

    In August 2016, Uber service was provided in 507 cities and over 66 countries. However, in China, its operation was acquired by Didi in July 2016. The website Bloomberg View said in July 2015 that Uber makes it easier for people to get a taxi.

    1. (1) Airbnb was brought to the world in

      A . August 2008 B . March 2009 C . July 2015 D . August 2016
    2. (2) Tony wants to taste some local food when he travels in Paris,        may help his idea come true.

      A . Uber B . Didi C . Airbnb D . Bloomberg View
    3. (3) What does Uber app offer to its users?

      A . Ideas about traveling around. B . Advice on how to drive their cars. C . Services of ride sharing and taxi. D . Information about rooms to live in.
  • 13.


        Maybe you are not familiar with the name Emma Watson, but you are sure to know Hermione Granger, the main character in Harry Potter. It is Watson who played the role of Hermione in all eight Harry Potter films, adapted from the bestselling book series by J. K. Rowling, from 2001 to 2011.

        In September 2014, Watson, as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, gave a speech to start the UN Women campaign HeForShe, which fights for women equality.

    In January 2016, Watson announced, on Facebook and Twitter, that she would be starting a club for females. Soon after, the book club, “Our Shared Shelf'', whose name was suggested by a fan, was formally set up on a popular book review website Goodreads.

    In explaining the reason for starting this book club, Watson wrote on the website, “As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading as many books and essays about equality as I can get. There is so much amazing stuff there! Funny, inspiring, sad, thought—provoking! I've been discovering so much……. I decided to start a book club, as l want to share what I'm learning and hear your thoughts too. The plan is to choose and read a book every month, and then discuss it during the month's last week.”

        Our Shared Shelf has already discussed some famous books including Caitlin Moran's How to Be a Woman, Alice Walker's The Color Purple and Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road. Watson told the group that she read Mom&Me&Mom. It is one of her favorites, so it will be the November's choice.

        Now Our Shared Shelf has around l50, 000 members. Watson says everyone is welcome to join up.

    1. (1) Emma Watson played the role Hermione from the book _____________.

      A . Harry Potter B . How to Be a Woman C . The Color Purple D . My Life on the Road
    2. (2) From the passage, we can know that Emma Watson ________.

      A . wrote several books B . served in UN Women C . gave a name to the book club D . founded the website Goodreads
    3. (3) Watson set up Our Shared Shelf so that she can __________.

      A . act in more films B . get more women fans C . sell more good novels D . communicate with the members
    4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

      A . The book club was set up for the website Goodreads. B . Watson plans to choose a book and discuss it every week. C . MomMeMom is November's book for Our Shared Shelf. D . Watson is not happy about the large number of her club members
  • 14.


        Kyle walked up and down as he waited for his turn at the back stage. This would be his most important piano performance yet. At ten years old, he was the youngest performer in the Christmas concert. Although his teacher Ms. Neal said he was good enough at the song he would play, he still practiced it more than 30 times that week. When he closed his eyes at night, the music played over and over again in his mind

        Now, the day finally arrived, but Kyle was not sure he was ready. He kicked a small ball which was picked up from a Christmas tree, and then looked himself in a mirror—trying to make his bow tie more smooth and beautiful. He thought of his mom who bought him the new suit with this bow tie. He would make her feel proud of him. He noticed that his hands were shaking. How could he play the notes of the song if his hands were shaking? He took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but his hands shook more.

    At this time, Ms. Neal walked up to speak to him. “I have something for you,” she said, putting a smooth black stone into Kyle's hand. “It's a special stone. There's no other one like it in the world. You've practiced so much, so you don't need anything else.”

        The stage lights reflected on it. “Thank you.” Kyle said.

    When Kyle's name was called, he rubbed the stone, stepped onto the stage, and played better than ever. After his performance, he noticed that Ms. Neal had a whole bag of black stones. “Why did you say this one was so special?” he asked.

    His teacher smiled, “Like your talent, it is special because it belongs only to you.''

    1. (1) Kyle heard the piano music in his mind at night, because        .

      A . this was his favourite song B . his teacher asked him to do so C . he made a dream about the concert D . he had practiced the song many times
    2. (2) Before the performance, Kyle          .

      A . was too nervous to keep calm B . was unhappy with his new suit C . kicked the ball with his teacher D . waited for his mom at the back stage
    3. (3) According to the text, Ms. Neal thought that

      A . Kyle was talented and well-prepared    B . it was difficult for Kyle to play the song C . the black stone was special and beautiful D . Kyle should be afraid of the performance
    4. (4) What does the passage want to tell us?

  • 15.


        Would it surprise you to learn that, like animals, trees can communicate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation--their young trees?

        Suzanne Simard, forest ecologist at the University of British Columbia, explains how trees are much more complex than most of us ever imagined. Simard and her colleagues have made the major discovery that trees and plants really do communicate and interact with each other.

        Trees live on through their group work and support, passing around the resources such as nitrogen and carbon “depending on who needs it by miles of underground fungi(真菌) networks. This makes sure that all trees in the forest ecological system give and receive just the right amount to keep them all healthy. This system works in a very similar way to the networks of neurons(神经元) in our brains, and when one tree is cut down, it affects all.

    Simard talks about "Mother Trees". These are the largest, oldest trees that rise above the forest, a concept explained in the movie Avatar. These “Mother Trees" are connected to all the other trees in the forest by this network of fungi, and may manage the resources of the whole trees and plants in the forest. She explains how these trees pass on the wealth to the next generation, transporting important resources to young trees so they may continue to grow. When humans cut down "Mother Trees" without paying attention to these highly complex "tree societies” or the networks on which they feed, we are losing the chances to save the whole forest.

        "We didn't take any notice of it,” Simard says sadly. “Mother Trees move nutrition into the young trees before dying, but we never give them a chance.” If we could send this message to the forestry industry, we could make a huge difference towards our environmental protection efforts for the future.

    1. (1) Trees can share resources with other ones by          .

      A . the help from animals B . underground fungi networks C . the communication with people D . neurons in the system of brains
    2. (2) "Mother Trees" are very important because they          .

      A . bring wealth to the scientists B . pass on nutrition to young trees C . get more from the complex “tree societies” D . seem more likely to be cut down by humans
    3. (3) The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to          .

      A . how trees grow old B . how "tree societies" work C . how young trees are saved D . how forestry industry develops
    4. (4) What would be the best title for the passage?

      A . Trees Are Rich in Resources B . Trees Are Good for Our Society C . Trees Are in Need of Protection D . Trees Are More Complex Than We Think
  • 16. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    main          invite     natural      twelve       difficult

    1. (1) I think  wonders are better than man-made ones because they are more amazing.

    2. (2) My  birthday is coming, so my parents are preparing a party for me.

    3. (3) Today people search for information  on the Internet instead of paper books.

    4. (4) As her parents were both  to a meeting in the school, Linda was home alone.

    5. (5)  are not excuses that stop you making progress.

  • 17. 覆藏内容和所给中文提示, 用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

        A new study found that Americans throw away  (几乎) 37 billion kilograms of food a year, and about half of all Americans do not realize that food  (浪费) is a problem in the US.

        The most common reason for throwing away food was about food  (安全). 68%of respondents said they threw away food after the package date has passed. They believe it  (减少) the chance of illness carried by food. 59%believe it is  (必要的) to throw away some food for fresh and delicious meals.

    Because most respondents (考虑) throwing away food after the sell-by or use-by date, the researchers suggested, “Clean up your fridge in time and don't store food (除非) some special situations. Before you buy, always remember to (比较) the dates·"

        The study's co-authors also took actions. They are using the  (结果) of the study to develop a smart phone app to make a  (记录) of how much food is thrown away more accurately.

  • 18. 根据表格内容写作。


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