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牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 4 Inventions 单元...

更新时间:2017-01-16 浏览次数:1199 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        Some day little cars may take the place of today's cars. If everyone 1 such a little car in the future, there will be less 2 in the air. There will be more parking places in the cities, and the street will be 3. Now the space for one car of the usual size can    4 more than one such little cars. Driving will be  5, because these little cars can go only 50 kilometres an 6. The future cars will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be 7 for going far away. The little cars 8 only two batteries, one battery for the motor, and the other for the horn (汽车喇叭) and the lights. If we still 9 the big cars along with the small ones; we will need to 10 two kinds of roads. That is, there will be some roads for the big fast cars and other roads for the smaller and slower ones.

    A . sits           B . drives   C . sells
    A . noise           B . pollution      C . space
    A . less crowded     B . poorer   C . dirtier
    A . hold           B . sit          C . sell
    A . better           B . faster         C . safer
    A . day          B . minute     C . hour
    A . careful          B . useful    C . bad
    A . runs          B . makes     C . needs
    A . think         B . park     C . use
    A . build         B . put         C . open
  • 17. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        One day, I was cooking with my friend Sandy in the kitchen. Suddenly, Sandy cut her finger. I went to her quickly. But to my surprise, I saw computer chips in her finger.

     “Now you know my secret,you have to die!” Sandy said and picked up the knife. “No, please, Sandy. Aren't we good friends?” I shouted. But before Sandy could say anything, she fainted.

     “Oh,Sandy!” I took her to hospital in a hurry. After a doctor checked her, he said, “I'm afraid we can't help her. Why don't you take her to a robot centre?”

        I hurried to a robot centre. A few days later, Sandy was well. She asked, "Mary, why did you save me even after I tried to kill you?”

     “Because I'm sure you are my friend. Can you tell me where you are from?”

     “I'm from another planet. It's far from here. Thank you, my friend. Now I see how friendly people are on the earth.”

    Two days later, a UFO came and picked her up. Since then I've never seen her.

    1. (1) What was Sandy doing when she cut her finger?

      A . She was watching a film named UFO. B . She was cooking in the kitchen. C . She was getting ready for the coming party. D . She was doing some shopping with her friends.
    2. (2) What did Sandy want to do when her friend knew her secret?

      A . She wanted to kill her friend.      B . She wanted to run after her friend. C . She wanted to go to the hospital. D . She wanted to play with the knife.
    3. (3) Who saved Sandy's life in the end?

      A . The writer and the police. B . The doctors in the hospital. C . The doctors and the robots. D . The writer and experts in the robot centre.
    4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

      A . Finally, Sandy told the writer her secret. B . At last, Sandy thought the people on the earth were friendly. C . Sandy went away by UFO. D . Sandy has returned to the Earth several times.
  • 18. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        Mobile phones are very popular with people. They are becoming smaller and more convenient.

    Now the scientists in Canada made a smartphone (智能手机)from electronic paper. The PaperPhone is flexible. People can control it by bending it or writing on it with a pen.

        Though the PaperPhone is only millimeters (毫米)thick, people can do many things with it. For example, people can use it to make phone calls, read books, watch movies and play music. So many people use it as a computer.

    The scientists think there will be no paper in the office. And people can store what they want in the PaperPhone.

    The scientists from Queen's University in Kingston,Canada said the PaperPhone would be in style in the future. It may be the end of paper and printers.

    To make people be interested in this kind of mobile phones, the scientists will make it more beautiful. People will see the PaperPhone on May 10 this year.

    1. (1) Now mobile phones are becoming.

      A . bigger and bigger B . smarter and smarter C . smaller and more convenient D . bigger and more beautify
    2. (2) Which of the following doesn't the passage mention?

      A . The PaperPhone is flexible. B . People can bend the PaperPhone. C . People can use the PaperPhone to read books. D . The PaperPhone is very expensive.
    3. (3) The underlined word “flexible” means “        ”.

      A . people can bend something easily B . people can see something clearly C . people can buy something easily D . people can hear something clearly
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?

      A . There will be no computers in the future. B . The PaperPhone is very thin. C . People will see the PaperPhone on May 10 next year. D . The PaperPhone looks very beautiful.
  • 19. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        George Stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family. He had to start work when he was only eight. When George was fourteen,he became his father's helper. He spent a lot of time learning about engines. On holidays, he often took one engine into pieces and studied each piece carefully. Soon he became a very good worker though he could not read or write.

        He began to learn the English letters when he was seventeen years old. Every day after he did twelve hours of hard work,he walked a long way to have lessons from a young teacher.

        On his eighteenth birthday, he wrote his own name for the first time in his life. George invented many things in his life. The train was the greatest one among them. Today when we watch or take trains from one place to another, we will think of this great man—George Stephenson.

    1. (1) In which year did George Stephenson start to help his father?

      A . In 1781. B . In 1789. C . In 1795. D . In 1798.
    2. (2) He learned about the engine        .

      A . through reading and writing B . by taking it to pieces and studying each piece carefully C . at lessons from a young teacher D . by asking a lot of questions
    3. (3) He spent a lot of time learning about engines and soon became        .

      A . a great man B . a good maker C . a good worker D . a good student
    4. (4) From the passage we know George Stephenson was one of the greatest        in the world.

      A . workers B . writers C . learners D . inventors
  • 20. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people's homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.

        What's going on in the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's the life like in the deepest parts of the sea?

        If you want to answer these and many other questions, just turn on the TV and watch it. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. With TV, however, they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch.

        TV helps us a lot. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.

    1. (1) Some people say the world is smaller than before because         .

      A . TV makes the earth smaller and smaller B . all people like watching TV C . watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day D . TV brings the outside world closer to people
    2. (2) We can         when we watch TV.

      A . go to live in the other countries B . answer many questions C . get a lot of information D . ask TV some questions
    3. (3) TV can        .

      A . teach us a lot of things B . learn a lot of things C . give us what we want D . help us do our homework
    4. (4) This article tells us        .

      A . it's good to watch TV B . not to watch TV any more C . students should not watch TV at any time D . to watch TV instead of reading books
  • 21. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Long long ago, there was a spider. She found a beautiful farm. She liked the farm and decided to live there forever.

        One day, the spider caught a little bug. When the spider ate it, the bug said, “If you let me go, I will tell you an important thing. The thing will save your life.” The spider stopped and listened.

        The little bug said, “You'd better get out of the farm. The harvest is coming! If you stay here, you will be killed by the farmer's machine.”

        But the spider didn't listen to the bug and ate it for lunch. The next day when she was sleeping, the farmer came to have a harvest. The spider was killed by the machine.

    1. (1) The bug tried to get free by         .

      A . running in the web B . telling the spider some important news C . playing against the spider D . turning to his friend for help
    2. (2) The bug asked the spider.

      A . to catch the farmer B . to stay at home C . to leave the farm D . to move to the farm
    3. (3) After reading the passage, we know that the spider.

      A . let the bug go B . thanked the bug C . lived with the bug D . ate the bug
    4. (4) What's best title for the passage?

      A . A Silly Spider B . A Brave Bug C . A Kind Farmer D . A Beautiful Farm
  • 22. 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

          We can use cameras to take photos. Can cats do it? Believe it or not, there is a cat that can use cameras  (take) photos. Read on and find out more information.

          The name  the cat is Cooper. He is a five-year-old cat and he  (live) in Seattle, America. He is very special because he is the only cat who has his own camera.

          At the  (begin), Cooper's owner puts a camera on his neck. He just wants to learn about the  (cat) life from the camera.

          When Copper  (bring) the camera home at the end of the first day, the photos that he took surprised his owner. Many  (beauty) pictures filled Cooper's day.

          It is  (real) interesting to be able to see the world from a cat's eye. Cooper's owner says that these photos let people see into a cat's world,  also help them to learn more about their pets.

           Cooper now has more than 12,000 fans on  Internet and has even made TV shows in America.

  • 23. 未来生活中, 一定有许多发明会给人们带来方便。请根据下面的英文提 示并结合自己的想象, 以“A New Transporter (—种新的运输机)”为题, 写 一篇英语短文。


    1.语句通顺, 语义连贯, 不少于70词。


    提示: transporter, small, light, ride, drive, fly, summer, cool, winter, warm

    A New Transporter

