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    Each year, backed up by a growing anti-consumerist movement, people are using the holiday season to call on us all to shop less. 

    Driven by concerns about resource exhaustion, over recent years environmentalists have increasingly turned their sight on our "consumer culture", with Groups such as The Story of Stuff and Buy Nothing New Day growing as a movement that increasingly blames all our ills on our desire to shop.

    We clearly have a growing resource problem. The products we make, buy and use are often linked to the destruction of our waterways, biodiversity, climate and the land on which millions of people live, but to blame these issues on Christmas shoppers is misguided, and puts us in the old trap of blaming individuals for what is a systematic problem. 

    While we complain about environmental destruction over Christmas, environmentalists often forget what the holiday season actually means for many people. In fact, for most, rather than an add-on to an already heavy shopping year, Christmas is likely the only time of year they have the opportunity to spend on friends and family, or even just to buy the necessities needed for modern life. 

    This is particularly true for Boxing Day, often laughed at by anti-consumerists the most. While we may look down on the queues in front of the shops, for many, those sales provide the chance to buy things they've needed all year. As journalist Leigh Phillips argues, "This is one of the few times of the year that people can even hope to afford such ‘luxuries', the Christmas presents their kids are asking for, or just an appliance that works. "

    Indeed, the richest 7% of people are responsible for 50% of greenhouse gas emissions. This becomes particularly harmful when you take into account of our consumption "problem" anyway.

    Why are environmentalists attacking these individuals, while ignoring people like Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, who has his own £ 1.5bn yacht with a missile defence system?

    Anyway, anti-consumerism has become a movement of wealthy people talking down to the working class about their life choice, while ignoring the real cause of our environmental problem. It is no wonder no one is changing their behaviour—or that environmental destruction continues without becoming any less severe. 

    1. (1) What can be inferred about the environmentalist movement from Paragraphs 2 and 3?
      A . It has targeted the wrong persons. B . It has achieved its intended purposes. C . It has solved the environmental problems. D . It has persuaded consumers not to shop any more.
    2. (2) What does Leigh Phillips think of Boxing Day?
      A . A trap for consumers. B . A tough problem to deal with. C . A precious shopping opportunity. D . A positive contribution to the economy.
    3. (3) For what purpose is Roman Abramovich mentioned in the text?
      A . To show how rich he is. B . To announce he is a Russian. C . To present his contributions to the environment. D . To suggest the real cause of environmental problems hasn't been found.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The environmental problems are very serious. B . Less shopping can't solve the environmental problems. C . Resources are becoming fewer and fewer on the earth. D . Measures should be taken to protect the environment.
