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  • 1. Read, choose and write. 读一读,选择正确选项并写一写。

    L am at the gift shop of the zoo. John is there too.

    When's your grandpa's birthday?             Whose birthday is coming?

    What are you doing?                     What will you do for your mother?

         What do you often do on your grandpa's birthday?

    Sam: Hello, John.

    John: Hi, Sam. I am looking at the birthday cards.

    They're beautiful.

    Sam: Yes, they look nice.

    John: My mother's birthday is coming. It's on May 5th.


    John: I'll give her a card and make her some flowers. She loves flowers.

    Sam: That's a good idea. My grandpa's birthday is coming, too.

    John: Really?

    Sam: Tomorrow!

    John: Wow!

    Sam: We often have a party. We cat noodles and birthday cakes. I want to buy a gift for my grandpa.

    John: Let's have a look together.

    Sam: OK.
