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  • 1. (2022四上·西城期末) 阅读短文,根据内容选择最佳选项。

    Marti and her dad were on the beach.

    "Dad, I like the beach. It's so quiet. Jason is too noisy at home." said Marti.

    "Your brother is just a baby,"said Dad."You cried a lot when you were a baby. Now you are quiet and you can do a lot of things. You learnt(学会) to ride a bike last year."

    "Yes, it was hard. But you helped me."" said Marti.

    "And you learmt to tie(系)your shoes last week." said Dad.

    "You helped me, too," said Marti."Thanks, Daddy!"

    "I'm glad to help you, my dear! I'm so proud (自豪的) of you! But Jason also needs our help." said Dad.

    "I can help," Marti said."Now let's go home."

    1. (1) Marti and her dad were on the ____ beach.
      A . sunny B . noisy C . quiet
    2. (2) Jason is Marti's ____.
      A . brother B . sister C . father
    3. (3) Marti learnt to ____ last year.
      A . help Jason B . ride a bike C . tie her shoes
    4. (4) Dad was proud of Marti because(因为) ____.
      A . she loves her dad B . she likes the beach C . she learnt to do lots of things
    5. (5) From the story we know ____.
      A . Jason is a good boy B . Dad is angry with Marti C . Marti will be a helpful sister
