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  • 1. (2023高二上·昆明开学考) 阅读理解

    Chen Xingrong, 16, was born with autism (自闭症). "We did not understand why such a thing would happen to us,"says Chen's father Chen Xunbu. He quit his job at a computer company and devoted his ful attention to helping his son. In 2012, Chen Xunbu learned that swimming could belp people with autism improve their articulation (发音) and physical growth, so he spent months teaching his son to swim

    "The efforts made no difference in the turst tbree months," he recalls. To his surprise, after another three months, he discovered that his son bad developed the ability to control his breath under water, which significantly boosted his confidence. "I used to plan all his exercises for him, but now it is all up to him," says the father. "He decides how many exercises he wants to do, and we respect his choices. " In spite of all the hardships in life, Chen Xingrong managed to become an outstanding swimmer, thanks to constant training and the support of his parents. Last year, he won five medals, including a gold, at the 11th National Games for Persons wim Disabilities and the eighth National Special Olympic Games.

    In 2010, an autism-themed film, titled Ocean Heaven, hit the big screen in China. It describes how a dying father attempts to teach his son the necessary life skills lo live without him. "My wife and I watched the film in the theater," he says. "We wept uncontrollably because we could resonate with the flm's characters. "

    Since then, as well as swimming, helping his son learn basic life skills is also an important aim for the father. Thanks to his efforts, Chen Xingrong has learned to buy food in the market in their neighborhood. He also does voluntary jobs at supermarkets and fast food restaurants, such as arranging shelves and cleaning dining tablcs. "He is part of the community, and I hope he will live a normal life in the future. There is nothing that we want more than that,"says Chen Xunhu.

    1. (1) Why did Chea Xingrong s father atange swimming exercises for him?
      A . To realize his potential of swimming. B . To develop his ability to breathe. C . To become a well-known athlete. D . To overcome his autism-related problems.
    2. (2) What made Chen Xingrong's success?
      A . His fatber's professional instruction. B . His determination and his parents' love. C . His physical disability and hardship in life. D . His own special gift for swimming.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word"tesonate"in paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Work together. B . Get along. C . Fall in love. D . Share common feelings.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
      A . Chea Xingrong has devoted to volunteer jobs. B . Ches Xngrong is trying to eam much money. C . Chen Xingrong is leaning to adapt to society. D . Chen Xingrong has quitted his swinming career.
