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  • 1. (2023高二下·镜湖期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Ways to Have a Productive Wednesday

    Monday and Tuesday have already come and gone, and it's officially the middle of the workweek. Congratulations on making it halfway through! Here's how to make your Wednesday go as smoothly as possible. Before you know it, Friday will already be knocking on your door.

    Prioritize (优先) the difficult assignments. Writer and essayist Nicolas Cole writes about what unproductive people do, including "accidentally" canceling "their hardest tasks." "Unproductive people find every reason in the world to prioritize making another to-do list over digging into their hardest tasks. Productive people do the opposite," Cole writes.

    Don't be a computer zombie (僵尸), but head outside for a walk. While letting your eyes glaze over as you struggle through the day can be a tempting option, you'll probably need to take some time away from your desk to truly focus..

    Hands off the phone! More time scrolling through social media feeds on your phone means less time crossing things off your to-do list. Try hiding your phone somewhere that isn't in plain view as you work at your desk.Also turn off certain announcements so you have fewer opportunities for distraction.

    Hit a roadblock? Think of yourself as someone else.Put some space in between you and your problems to help decrease your anxiety. If that doesn't work for you, imagine that your friend is in the situation instead.

    Whether you love your job or are just getting by, work shouldn't be your everything. Revisit that page-turner you stopped reading a while back, spend time with family or friends, or get back in touch with your hobby at a class after work.

    A. Do something to enjoy life outside of work. B. If you worked, you have a sense of completeness. C. So go outside for a quick walk and a breath of fresh air. D. It can create a relaxing Wednesday routine. E. It might just be out of sight, out of mind. F. Don't put them off for you won't be able to bury them forever. G. Science says that thinking of yourself in the third person can help you prevent stress.
