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  • 1. (2023高一下·贵池期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    People are spending much time at home. Whether you're in a crowded apartment building or an uncrowded suburban area, it's important to have an awareness of what you're doing and how it affects those around you. .


    You might love to get up early and start your day with a sports class. Now that you're exercising at home, it may present a problem when your floor is someone else's ceiling. Try to reduce the amount of noise you're making, especially at very late and early hours. If you know your next -door neighbor has a baby, try to be mindful of nap times.

    Littering used items

    . In addition to rudely littering, there is a chance that you're actively spreading bacteria to those passing by or certainly to those tasked with cleaning our streets and outdoor spaces. Therefore, it's important to deal with used items in trash cans safely and properly.

    Disrespecting personal space

    Don't invade the personal space of others. . But you need to be mindful of this. Create distance physically and stay away from others' individual privacy. Don't ask too many questions about personal information.

    Messing up communal (公共的) areas

    Neighbor manners are all about respecting shared spaces, whether that's the sidewalk in a suburban area or the hallways in an apartment building. . Make sure that you leave spaces better than how you found them. If you're emptying your trash and coffee grounds spill out, try to clean that up. Tidiness starts with you.

    A. Ignoring noise levels

    B. Exercising in the morning

    C. With that in mind, don't leave messes in these areas

    D. Here are some rude neighbor behaviors that people should avoid

    E. Throwing away items like gloves is rude and may become harmful

    F. There are a lot of things you can do in order to be a good neighbor

    G. This can be challenging, especially for people living in apartment buildings
