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  • 1. (2022高一上·郑州月考) 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 

     While I was riding a bike, I noticed a man about a half mile in front of me. He was traveling at a lower speed, I decided to 1  him. I had about one mile to go on the road before turning around.  

     I started to ride faster, and every block, I2  closed the distance. Finally, I 3 him and passed him. He was not even 4  that we were in a race, but I felt like a 5

     After I made it, I 6  that I had been so focused on competing against him that I had 7 my turn, and that I had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to turn around.  

    Isn't that what 8 in life? We spend most of our time competing with neighbors, friends and family, trying to beat them or trying to be more9 than them—while in the first place there was10 a competition.

     We spend most of our time and energy competing with others instead of reaching our 11 , and we miss out on our own paths to our destinies (命运) as a result.  

     12  competition is a continuous process, a never-ending cycle, a race of life. No matter what you do, someone will always be 13  you: someone with a better job, a nicer car and more money.  

     Feel 14  for what life has offered you. Stay focused on your 15 , and live a healthy life. There is no competition in destiny. Run your own race of life and wish others well! 

    A . stop B . pass C . approach D . follow
    A . immediately B . quickly C . slowly D . gradually
    A . gave way to B . took control of C . caught up with D . made fun of
    A . aware B . positive C . anxious D . doubtful
    A . professional B . champion C . loser D . fighter
    A . recognised B . expected C . identified D . observed
    A . made B . reached C . taken D . missed
    A . hides B . matters C . exists D . impresses
    A . successful B . concentrated C . careful D . concerned
    A . likely B . never C . still D . hardly
    A . neighbourhood B . power C . destination D . turn
    A . Illegal B . Equal C . Fair D . Unhealthy
    A . next to B . ahead of C . together with D . far behind
    A . responsible B . confident C . grateful D . graceful
    A . challenge B . determination C . wisdom D . path
