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  • 1. (2022高一上·郑州月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 

    I grew up in the countryside of Poland. It's an area where skiing is popular, but my family was poor. I couldn't afford to ride the ski lift, so I used to hike up with the skis on my back.

    K2(乔戈里峰)is called "death mountain". You may hear sad stories: For every four people who reach the top, one dies. I was too afraid to even think about skiing down it.

    But that changed after a training exploration to Broad Peak. I got a clear look at K2's massive face, and it inspired me. Over time, my skills improved and, by 2017, I didn't feel the fear anymore. I began preparations.

      I love nature, and I love setting goals. To be the first to do it just adds to the challenge. Fear is an important part of life, but to ski down K2, I had to stop being afraid. At the base camp, I felt cam and prepared. There were doubts-I just knew I could do it. But there were challenges. At the third base camp, 7, 000 meters up, my safety guide suffered serious back pain. We waited for 36 hours before he got better, and we decided to continue. In total, it took about 3 days to reach the top.  

     For many climbers, getting to the top of K2 would be the defining moment of their lives.  Skiing down a mountain demands patience and endurance(耐力). 

    The most dangerous part was the Messner Traverse. It's pure ice, up to a 75-degree angle in places, with drops on either side. You need to keep your tums and movements smooth with confidence. No one had attempted it before, so it was a relief(宽慰)to cross it. When I eventually skied into camp, I simply lay in the snow, emotionally and physically tired out.

    I'm so proud of what I achieved. No one thought it could be done. It taught me the value of patience and that nobody else can make your dreams come true.

     A. Have you ever tried extreme sports? 

     B. It turned out that this was good practice. 

     C. But for me, it was where the real challenge began. 

     D Even the best ski mountaineer thought it impossible. 

     E. In total, going down the mountain took about 7 hours. 

     F. Why attempt such an impressive and difficult achievement? 

     G. If you overcome fears and difficulties, you will surely make it to the top. 
