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  • 1. (2023高一下·平江开学考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My aunt came to my home with her six-year-old daughter Alice this morning. While my aunt was talking with my mom at home, my cousin felt a bit 1. So I suggested that I go out with her. My aunt happily 2. So we went to the park near my home together. There we bought two 3 and started flying them. While we were doing that, Alice couldn't help laughing. She jumped up and down and I knew she was 4 having great fun. And I must admit that I haven't enjoyed myself like that for a long time.

    Later, we sat down on a bench, looking at the gardens. As we were5 there, Alice looked up at me and said, "What a great day today! " I smiled at her and agreed. I then started thinking about what we had done that day. We did something quite6, yet we were very happy.

    Many people wait for their "best days". But I think today is our 7 day. That's a lesson I learn today. As adults, we often make plans 8 in order to have a great day. Some people think that they can have a nice day through spending a lot of 9. I think we should be more like10. They don't think about money or what will happen tomorrow. They 11live in the moment and enjoy the moment!

    We often hear the expression that we should live in the 12. How do we do that?We're not doing such a 13 job. Remember today is important as we are exchanging(交换) a day of our 14 for it. Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a 15. That's why it is called present. So seize(把握) the day!

    A . tired B . bored C . hungry D . sleepy
    A . explained B . followed C . called D . agreed
    A . birds B . presents C . kites D . planes
    A . willingly B . truly C . faithfully D . hopefully
    A . eating B . jumping C . sitting D . walking
    A . brave B . strange C . common D . interesting
    A . memorable B . special C . important D . perfect
    A . quickly B . carefully C . worriedly D . sadly
    A . money B . energy C . time D . experience
    A . parents B . teacher C . relatives D . children
    A . entirely B . really C . frequently D . finally
    A . morning B . present C . past D . future
    A . good B . professional C . new D . difficult
    A . mood B . home C . family D . life
    A . reason B . book C . gift D . tool
