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  • 1. (2023高一下·平江开学考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    When you study abroad in France, you can expect to be treated the same as your native classmates, whether in a lecture or a discussion class.

    While you can study abroad in France and focus on nearly any subject, it's the students with a passion for the arts, architecture(建筑学) and history that rush to the country in the largest numbers. And that's no shock, considering that France has been the center of the arts for centuries.

    As students of the arts, you will have to make careful use of your time, given all that France has to offer.

    ●Visit the Louvre to view the works of French artists such as Monet, Matisse and Renoir;

    ●Read the works of such French literary geniuses as Baudelaire, Proust and Voltaire;

    ●Listen to the music of Debussy, or more contemporary(当代的) artists like Air and Daft Punk.

    France is also a main destination for architecture students, as you will see architecture in nearly every style:

    ●The Gothic Chateau de Chambord, built in the 1500s;

    ●Place Dauphine built in 1607 in Baroque style;

    ●The post-modern housing development, Marne-la-Vallee.

    History students will find that France has been where the action is for quite some time. Over the course of the centuries, it has been the stage for the most important developments in the history of mankind, including the French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon and the rise of the Fifth Republic under President Charles de Gaulle. It was also the site of the D-Day invasion(诺曼底登陆) of world War Ⅱ.

    As a possible study abroad location, France has a lot to offer, because the combination of educational institutions(教育机构), arts and culture, and national history are second to none.

    1. (1) What can we learn about studying abroad in France from the text?
      A . Few students choose to study in France. B . There are many lectures and discussion classes. C . Students from China are usually treated badly. D . France is the best place for students who love the arts.
    2. (2) What can art students do on weekends?
      A . Enjoy Voltaire's music. B . Listen to Proust's music. C . Read Renoir's literary works. D . View Monet's works in the Louvre.
    3. (3) The text is most likely taken from ________.
      A . a study abroad website B . an architecture advertisement C . a history book D . a fashion magazine
