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  • 1. (2022高一下·凌源月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    These days, kids seem to spend most of their time on the smart phones or the video games. It's 1to be a bit pessimistic(悲观的) about their future. But if you look closely, there are some young minds that are trying to solve2world problems.

    Jackson3away "Blessing Bags" for the homeless in Chicago: snacks, socks and other things. Jackson started his4at 9 years old.

    In Bali, Melati and Isabel began a campaign to5the beaches and keep their country far from plastic pollution in 2008. Bali is now plastic-free. But they don't6. They are focusing on the rest of Indonesia.

    Ryan was 7 years old when he7Ryan's Recycling. He collected over 200, 000bottles and cans a year from 50 customers.

    In Sierra, Kelvin started bringing8and a community radio station to villages by making batteries(电池). He was 13 years old. Most importantly, Kelvin9other children that they could make a10.

    So far, teenager Slat has11over $ 13 million for his project Ocean Cleanup that uses the ocean's waves to collect plastic12.

    At age 15, Ann 13 a flashlight that uses body heat for power to keep batteries14landfills(填埋).

    Kids around the world are raising much money for cancer research and environmental problems15by running juice shops, sewing dresses and selling flowers.

    A . formal B . easy
    C . unique D . wise
    A . official B . strange C . major D . useless
    A . took B . threw C . put D . gave
    A . work B . school C . hobby D . affair
    A . look into B . clean up C . deal with D . make up
    A . agree B . fail C . apologize D . stop
    A . refused B . started C . struck D . avoided
    A . freedom B . equality C . electricity D . clothing
    A . warned B . debated C . guessed D . showed
    A . difference B . decision C . fortune D . preparation
    A . lost B . donated C . raised D . stolen
    A . rubbish B . equipment C . furniture D . luggage
    A . updated B . borrowed C . bought D . invented
    A . out of B . ahead of C . rather than D . other than
    A . hardly B . simply C . legally D . actually
