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  • 1. (2022高一下·凌源月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Travel a Long Distance With a Dog

    Whether you are moving across the country or taking a road trip, traveling can be a stressful activity.  If you want to travel a long distance with your dog, you need to figure out what you should prepare.

    Make sure your dog has all of their vaccinations(疫苗).  Take your dog to the vet(兽医) to make sure it is up to date on its vaccinations so that it is protected against some diseases.

    Let your vet give your dog medicine for motion sickness(晕动症). If you've taken your dog on shorter car rides before, you may have noticed that it gets sick from the motion of the car. Ask your vet if it can help ease the dog's stomach while in motion.

    Pack up the necessary things for your dog in a bag that is easy to get. Every dog is different and needs different items.  Keep this bag in an easy-to-reach place so you can take items out as you need them on your trip.

     Dogs have a lot of energy, especially if they are young. Take your dog on a walk or a hike to exercise and tire them out. This can help with some nervous energy they may have as well.

    A. Lay down a blanket to keep your dog comfortable.

    B. Give your dog a pill every few hours during a car ride.

    C. Traveling with your dog can even add more stress to your trip.

    D. So you should know how to manage your stress during the trip.

    E. Tire out your dog with a long walk before you start your journey.

    F. Make sure you have your dog's food, some water and dishes in a bag.

    G. It is important to make your dog happy and healthy during their travels.
