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  • 1. 阅读短文,选出正确答案。

    My grandparents live with us. They often get up at six o'clock in the morning. My grandma cooks breakfast for us. After breakfast, my grandma and grandpa often take a walk in the park. They sing and dance with other old people. In the afternoon, they read newspapers and books at home. In the evening, they always watch TV and talk with us in the living room. They go to bed early.

    1. (1) My grandpa and grandma often get up at ________ in the morning.
      A . 5: 30 B . 6: 00 C . 6: 30
    2. (2) My ________ cooks breakfast for us.
      A . mum B . grandpa C . grandma
    3. (3) After breakfast, my grandpa and grandma often take a walk________.
      A . in the garden B . in the park C . in the street
    4. (4) In the afternoon, my grandparents ________ at home.
      A . read books B . read newspapers C . Both A and
    5. (5) In the evening, my grandparents always watch TV and ________ with us.
      A . talk B . play chess C . play word games
