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  • 1. (2020·绵阳模拟) 阅读理解

        In Van Nuys California, a beagle (猎兔犬)was dropped off at the city pound because he was too old and had gained so much weight; the owner didn't want him anymore. The people at the shelter guessed that the beagle was 7-8 years old, so he still had a lot of life left, if he could be brought back to a normal weight.

        Unfortunately, dog pounds don't have the time or resources to work an abandoned animal back into good health. Plus, people don't like to adopt animals that are terribly overweight. Without someone's stepping in, this beagle would probably have been put down by giving a drug to end his suffering.

        Thankfully the good people of Karma Rescue, a non-profit organization which provides life-saving aid for pets in trouble, came to his rescue. He was given the name Darwin. Karma rescues a number of dogs, and they were still surprised at what appeared to be neglect (忽略) of the dog for its entire life.

        Darwin was about twice the weight that he should have been and even had a hard time walking. Having a beagle, we know how quickly a beagle can become overweight, which puts stress on their heart and causes other health issues.

        Beagles will eat anything put in front of them, and will eat it all. They don't know when or how to stop eating. We have experienced this when our beagle has gotten into our trash, gotten food on the kitchen counter, and even eaten a bag of chocolate chips. Thankfully our beagle survived his hard times and we have learned to "beagle proof (防护)" the house when we leave.

        Darwin was in for a long journey back to health, but with the support of many people, he is down to a normal beagle weight and he is well on his way.

    1. (1) The underline word "pound" in Paragraph 1 probably refers to a place.
      A . where dogs are trained to hunt B . where people can buy or sell pets C . where sick or injured pets are treated D . where homeless dogs are temporarily kept
    2. (2) What would have happened to Darwin without Karma Rescue's help?
      A . He would have been poisoned to death. B . He would have been abandoned in the wild. C . He would have been adopted by a kind couple. D . He would have been returned to his former owner.
    3. (3) What may they do to "beagle proof' the house before leaving?
      A . Leave all the doors open, B . Place the trash near the beagle. C . Put all the food out of the beagle's reach. D . Build a thick and strong wall around the house.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . The Transformation of an Abandoned Beagle B . Karma Rescue, a Non-profit Organization C . How to Keep Your Beagle in Shape D . Kind People Bring Good Luck
