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  • 1. (2019六上·宝安期中) 阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Tommy hates school and is always looking for excuse (借口) not to go. He spends more time at home than at school. On the days he has to (不得不) go to school, he looks for excuses to come home early.

        One day he comes home from school in the middle of day. His father is surprised, "You're home early, is the school closed (关闭的) today?"

        "No, Dad," Tommy says, "It's open. I came home early"

        "How can you do that? What do you say to the teacher?"

        "I told her that I had a new baby brother and that I had to come home and help you."

        "But your mother has had twins (双胞胎)," his father says, "you've got a baby brother and a baby sister."

        "Yes, I know, Dad," Tommy says," "I'm saving up my baby sister for (为..而储蓄) next week."

    1. (1) Tommy tries to find excuse for not going to school because ______________.
      A . it gives him a headache B . he should help his dad C . he doesn't like it
    2. (2) Tommy spends most of his time ______________.
      A . at school B . at home C . at the doctor
    3. (3) When he has to go to school, he ______________.
      A . is always late B . tries to leave early C . is often in trouble
    4. (4) He does not tells the teacher about the twins because ______________.
      A . they are very young B . he doesn't know about them C . he wants to keep one of them for another excuse
    5. (5) Which one is right?
      A . Father asks Tommy to come home to look after the twin. B . Tommy tells the teacher that his mother has the twins. C . Tommy doesn't want his teacher to know he has a twin brother and a twin sister.
