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试卷结构: 课后作业 日常测验 标准考试
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更新时间:2018-06-21 浏览次数:1106 类型:小升初模拟
  • 2. 写出下列单词的复数形式
    1. (1) he
    2. (2) foot
    3. (3) mouse
    4. (4) sheep
    5. (5) candy
    6. (6) wolf
    7. (7) fox
    8. (8) child   
    9. (9) peach
    10. (10) am/ is
五、 连词成句
  • 23. 阅读理解

        Tomorrow is Wednesday. It's New Year's Day. Look at Sam's classmates. Everyone is busy this morning. Sam's good friend Peter is cleaning the blackboard. Sam's sister, Mary is sweeping the floor. Mr. Black is Sam's English teacher. He is cleaning the windows. And three boys are helping him. Five girls are setting the desks and chairs.

    1. (1) Today is ________ .
      A . Wednesday B . Thursday C . Tuesday
    2. (2) Everyone in Sam's class is _______ .
      A . busy B . free C . sad
    3. (3) Mr. Black is Sam's________ teacher.
      A . PE B . English C . art
    4. (4) _________ is sweeping the floor.
      A . Peter B . Sam C . Mary
    5. (5) _________ boys are helping Mr. Black clean the windows.
      A . Three B . Five C . Six

