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冀教版(三年级起点)小学英语五年级上册Unit 2 My C...

更新时间:2017-12-22 浏览次数:203 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 将下列句子排序。

    () Ottawa is the capital city of Canada.

    () The CN Tower is very tall.

    () It has five yellow stars.

    () They speak English and French.

    () I live in China.

  • 42. 给下列句子选择合适的答语。

    ⑴Do you know the U. K.?

    ⑵What is the capital city of China? 

    ⑶Where is Big Ben? 

    ⑷Where do kangaroos live?

    ⑸Is this a map of Canada?

    A. Beijing is the capital city of China.      

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. They live in Australia.   

    D. It is in the U. K.

    E. No, it isn't.

  • 48. 根据图片提示选词或短语填空。

        Hello! I am Lucy. This is . China is a beautiful country. Look! This is . It is in . It is very big. It is very beautiful, too. Do you know what this is? This is . It is in Beijing. Beijing is the of China.

    A. Beijing       

    B. a map of China    

    C. Tian'anmen Square

    D. capital city    

    E. the Palace Museum

  • 49. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

        Do you know about the English­speaking countries? They are Canada, the U. S. , the U. K. , Australia and so on. Canada has a famous waterfall. It is the Niagara Falls. It is very big. Canada's flag is red and white. It has a leaf. The flag of the U. S. is red, white and blue. It is the same colour as the flag of the U. K. The U. K. has a queen. She lives in Buckingham Palace. The U. S. has a president, and he lives in the White House. Australia's flag is blue and Australia has many beautiful beaches.

    1. (1) What is famous in Canada?
      A . Beaches. B . The Niagara Falls. C . Buckingham Palace.
    2. (2) What colour is Canada's flag?
      A . Blue. B . Black. C . Red and White.
    3. (3) What colour is the U. K.'s flag?
      A . Red. B . White and blue. C . Red, white and blue.
    4. (4) The queen lives in ________.
      A . the U. S. B . the U. K. C . China
    5. (5) In Australia, they speak ________.
      A . Chinese B . French C . English

