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更新时间:2024-04-15 浏览次数:23 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. 从方框中选择适当的单词补全下列句子。

    in    on    at

    1. (1) We will have a Christmas party December.
    2. (2) I often go to school 6 o'clock.
    3. (3) My family usually takes a trip summer.
    4. (4) They will have a football match Saturday morning.
    5. (5) My father always comes home night.
  • 2. 选择合适的词补全句子。

    pink,   pick,   swimming,   because of,   picnic

    1. (1) I like summer. I often go with my friends..

    2. (2) It's warm in spring. I often go on a with my friends.

    3. (3) I like summer best Children's Day.

    4. (4) I like fall because I can apples on the farm.

    5. (5) There are lots of flowers in the garden.

  • 3. 选择合适的词填空。

    A. eat    B. exercises    C. for    D. When    E. shopping

    1. (1)  do you go to school?
    2. (2) I often go with my sister.
    3. (3) I usually do morning at 8: 30.
    4. (4)  breakfast at 7: 00.
    5. (5) I want to go a walk this evening.
  • 4. 选择合适的疑问词填写在相应的横线上

    When   Which   Where   What     Why  

    1. (1) — do you do on the weekend?

      —I often go shopping.

    2. (2) — do you like vegetables? 

       —Because they're healthy and fresh.

    3. (3) —do you get up on Sundays?

      —I often get up at 7 o'clock.

    4. (4) — is your pen, the red one or the green one?

      —The red one.

    5. (5) — is my cap?

      —Look! It's on your head.

  • 5. (2020五上·嘉陵期中) 根据图片选出相应短语

    A. plays football B. watch TV C. wash my clothes D. read books  E.do homework

    1. (1) Do you often?

    2. (2) I often.

    3. (3) WuBinbin often.

    4. (4) —What do you often do?

      —I often.

    5. (5) Sometimes I.

