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四川省巴中市普通高中 2024届高三上学期一诊英语试题

更新时间:2024-04-29 浏览次数:9 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Scotland's landscapes, history, and culture offer a great variety of experiences. This summer, join our unique ranger programs to discover Scotland like never before!

    Young Clan's Highland Games (June 4 to August 22)

    A delightful experience for children! Test their skills in traditional Scottish games and compare their abilities to the historical legends of Scotland. No prior experience needed. Fun and educational, this program is flexible to fit your schedule. Meet at the Highland Folk Museum.

    Wild Highlands Exploration (May 25 to September 3)

    Immerse yourself in the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands. Perfect for families, this program offers guided hikes through scenic trails, wildlife spotting, and camping adventures. Learn about Scotland's native wildlife and how to responsibly enjoy the natural environment. Gather at the Glencoe Visitor Centre.

    Loch Ness Legends and Lore (June 8 to September 3)

    At the world-famous Loch Ness, this program combines breathtaking views with captivating stories about the Loch's history and the mysterious Nessie. Ideal for families and photography enthusiasts. Meet at the Loch Ness Centre & Exhibition for this engaging talk.

    Photography Workshops in the Isles (June 18 & July 11)

    Enhance your photography skills in Scotland's picturesque landscapes. Join our expert photographers for hands-on workshops.

    6/18—Isle of Skye Sceneries: meet at the Old Man of Storr parking area.

    7/11—Capturing the Aurora: meet at the Shetland Isles Observatory

    1. (1) What do we know about Young Clan's Highland Games?
      A . It combines education and pleasure. B . It requires previous experience. C . It offers scenic views. D . It tests athletic skills.
    2. (2) What do Wild Highlands Exploration and Loch Ness Legends and Lore have in common?
      A . Offering guided hikes. B . Enhancing photography skills. C . Being most suitable for families. D . Learning about traditional Scottish games.
    3. (3) What is the main purpose of the Scotland's programs?
      A . To offer a variety of sport activities. B . To provide natural and cultural experiences. C . To focus on historical landmarks. D . To teach about wildlife conservation.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When Darrell Langworthy was growing up, Thanksgiving meant 30 neighbors sharing a potluck meal in the family driveway.

    "My parents worked at a golf course. They'd invite all the workers to Thanksgiving dinner. They would never turn anybody away," he says. "If there was a kid in the neighborhood who needed dinner, he got it." It has become an essential part of their family life. Today, Langworthy carries on the tradition at his restaurant in Colchester, Vermont, where a combination of barbecue and community service has made Mark BBQ a hot spot.

    Colchester is a small town on the shores of Lake Champlain, just north of Burlington. Locals know Mark BBQ for its brisket burgers, pulled-pork sandwiches and Tex-Mex meatloaf.

    For many, Mark BBQ is also a stop on the road to recovery. Enter: Recovery Kitchen, a programme that brings former addicts into the kitchen to build service industry skills. The effort was inspired by manager Casey DeGuise, who arrived with a troubled history and even more determination.

    "He had been turned down for 35 jobs," Langworthy says. "We said ‘Let's take a chance,' and he's never let me down."

    Langworthy knows that a little help can go a long way. "I had a time when I was definitely drinking too much," he recalls. Now, he offers to others the support he once needed. He keeps a cooler by Mark BBQ's front door with free food for anyone who wants it. But his favorite pastime is still watching full plates turn to dirty dishes.

    "If we can pay the bills and staff, we're happy," says Langworthy. "If we can help the community, we're happier." So far, Darrell Langworthy has handed out more than 170,000 free meals.

    1. (1) What's the tradition of the Langworthy family?
      A . To invite people in his community to Thanksgiving dinner. B . To work at a golf course like his parents. C . To start a programme called Enter: Recovery Kitchen. D . To have a family reunion on Thanksgiving Day.
    2. (2) What is special about Darrell Langworthy's restaurant?
      A . It serves tasty and countless food. B . It offers job chances for people. C . It combines BBQ and community service. D . It lies on the shores of Lake Champlain.
    3. (3) Which of the following words can best describe Darrell Langworthy?
      A . Adventurous and responsible B . Generous and empathetic C . Cooperative and productive D . Ambitious and demanding
    4. (4) What message is conveyed in the text?
      A . Action speaks louder than words. B . Many hands make light work. C . Loving is a thing that grows. D . Devotion makes the world a better place.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    In the house where I grew up, we had a room we called the library. It wasn't a real library, of course, it was just a small room dominated by a television set. But there were bookshelves built into all four walls, and hundreds of book — hardback books of many colors — surrounded us in that room. The books, collected by my parents and grandparents throughout their lifetimes, were a part of my childhood.

    But in the 1970s, I'm noticing a worrying trend: a move away from books. American homes might soon lack dedicated spaces for libraries, and hardcover books, once symbols of enduring thought and wisdom, may become endangered.

    A friend who owns a bookstore in a college town tells me he struggles to sell hardback books; paperbacks, though easier to sell, still disappoint him. Students, once seen with books, now carry music records. Reading seems to be giving way to listening. Recent observations support this shift: the University of Illinois reported that a significant portion of freshmen have reading skills no better than an average eighth grader, with many of these students having been top performers in high school.

    University professors note that even college graduates struggle with reading and writing. The cultural impact of this change is evident. A successful fiction book might sell a mere 3,000 copies, while a music album by a new band, Boston, has sold millions. This reflects our passive consumption era, where listening to music or watching shows requires little active engagement, unlike reading a book, which demands effort and intent.

    In the past, reading was a fundamental part of life, but now, in the era of fast information access, books are losing their significant place. Today's young Americans are more likely to read a disposable paperback than to cherish and reread a hardcover. In a society that values speed and convenience, the book for keeping and rereading is a weighty dinosaur.

    1. (1) What trend in the 1970s does the author find concerning?
      A . The rise of paperback books. B . The increase in television watching. C . The struggle to sell hardback books. D . The decline in book reading and interest in libraries.
    2. (2) What impact does the shift away from books have on college students?
      A . They may have difficulty in reading and writing. B . They read more hardbacks than paperbacks. C . They are buying more books than music records. D . They are more likely to engage in demanding work.
    3. (3)  According to the author, what is the book for keeping and rereading viewed as today?
      A . A valuable resource. B . A popular trend. C . An outdated relic. D . A new innovation.
    4. (4)  What can be the suitable title for the passage?
      A . Library: A Valuable Place B . Books: An Endangered Species? C . Reading Makes People Wise D . Hardcovers Are Symbols of Wisdom
  • 4. 阅读理解

    As awareness of climate change grows, so does the desire to do something about it. But the scale of the problems it causes—from wildfires to melting glaciers to droughts—can seem utterly overwhelming. It can be hard to make a connection between our everyday lives and the survival of polar bears, let alone how we as individuals can help turn the situation around.

    One way to gain a quantifiable understanding of the impacts of our actions, for good and bad, is through what is known as a carbon footprint. But while the concept is gaining traction, it is not always fully understood. According to Mike Berners-Lee, a professor at Lancaster University in the UK and author of The Carbon Footprint of Everything, it is "the sum total of all the greenhouse gas emissions that had to take place in order for a product to be produced or for an activity to take place."

    What steps a person can take to reduce their personal footprint the most of course depends on the kind of lifestyle they presently live, and the same actions are not equally effective for everyone. Berners-Lee notes that, "for some people, flying may be 10 percent of their footprint, for some people it's zero, and for some it's such a huge number that it should be the only thing they should be thinking about."

    It isn't easy to calculate a carbon footprint and it has been claimed that the earliest such calculator appeared in 2004 as part of the "Beyond Petroleum" campaign of oil giant BP—a fact that causes some observers to criticize the pressure to reduce personal carbon footprints as a "sham" to "promote the slant that climate change is not the fault of an oil giant, but that of individuals."

    "I would say personal carbon footprint calculators are a useful tool to assess the impact of your immediate actions." Berners-Lee says. "But what's much more important than your personal carbon footprint is your climate shadow, which aims to paint a picture of the full sum of one's choices and the impact they have on the planet. For example, how you vote, where you work, how you invest your money, and how much you talk about climate change.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "traction" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
      A . attention B . insight C . control D . power
    2. (2)  How does Berners-Lee explain his opinion according to paragraph 3?
      A . By presenting a fact B . By making a comparison C . By clarifying a concept D . By giving suggestions
    3. (3) What is the observers' attitude to the "Beyond Petroleum" campaign of oil giant BP?
      A . unclear B . favorable C . indifferent D . disapproving
    4. (4)  What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Tools are more important than choices. B . Only individuals are responsible for climate change. C . Climate shadow covers a broad range of actions. D . Calculating carbon footprint is the most effective.
  • 5. /span>.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Have you ever fallen asleep in class? There's no need to be ashamed about dozing off in class. Studies have shown that people can only stay completely focused on something for a maximum of 10 minutes. . This results in poor academic performance. In this article, you'll discover 4simple strategies to feel energized and awake while in class.

    Sleep the night before your class.

    Students who doze in class often missed sleep the night before. . Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and allow yourself time to relax before heading to bed by putting away your phone, homework, and other things that keep your mind active.


    Most people have experienced the well-known "food coma" after eating a large meal, which results in a feeling of heaviness that drains your energy. This is particularly true if you eat certain foods, such as a meal that is high in carbohydrates.

    Drink plenty of water, and bring some to class too.

    Your blood concentration thickens due to a lack of fluid, resulting in the reduction of plasma (血浆) in the blood, which in turn makes your heart work harder to supply oxygen and nutrients to the body. Increase your water intake by consciously taking sips of water throughout the day. .

    Take notes.

    Keep your attention on what's going on in class by taking notes as the teacher gives the lecture. Taking notes is an effective way to stay awake in class. Your brain will be engaged in class if you write down what is being said.

    A. Avoid eating a large meal before class.

    B. Consume less carbohydrates.

    C. It forces you to maintain activity in your mind.

    D. Unfortunately, many class instructors are totally unaware to this learning process.

    E. Furthermore, prevent dehydration (脱水) and make sure you're bringing water with you to class.

    F. Getting enough sleep is your first line of defense for staying awake in class.

    G. It's necessary to make the full use of class time to improve academic performance.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    As the other four players enjoy the crucial victory in an Arena Of Valor competition, they remained unaware that their teammate Lu Dong is a Paralympic 1  champion who plays with her feet.

    At 32, Lu Dong has 2  a lot of medals over her 19-year swimming career. Meanwhile, she has enriched her daily life by 3  into various hobbies.

    Lu 4 an interest in Arena Of Valor in 2017. 5 , her appearances in internet cafes drew a lot of curious glances, which made her 6 However, it also led to generous compliments when others 7 her remarkable skills. "They praised me after watching me play so well with my feet, which gave me a sense of 8 ," Lu said. Besides video games, Lu has 9 an hour daily to piano practice for the past three years and has also 10 her skills in both cooking and beauty makeup.

    Losing her 11 in a childhood accident, Lu stop participating in P. E. classes to avoid 12 in her elementary school days, which made her physically and mentally 13 . Luckily, she was recommended to join the provincial swimming team in 2004. She won two golds and two silvers in the youth group of the National Championship in 2005, earning a 14 in the national squad (代表队). Lu's 15 performances in the pool caught the eye of Beijing Sports University in 2020, 16 the beginning of her college journey.

    Changing from a (n) 17  girl to a national champion, Lu gained immense confidence. She no longer 18  to wear T-shirts in summer or to tuck her sleeves into her pockets in winter.

    "It was swimming that 19 the girl who always talked a lot and the girl who was brave enough to 20 the fixed image of the disabled." Lu said.

    A .  swimming B .  running C .  dancing D .  singing
    A .  accounted B .  accommodated C .  accomplished D .  accumulated
    A .  looking B .  diving C .  leaping D .  bumping
    A .  developed B .  created C .  made D .  built
    A .  Eventually B .  Formally C .  Initially D .  Firstly
    A .  confident B .  comfortable C .  uneasy D .  annoyed
    A .  approved B .  witnessed C .  learned D .  practiced
    A .  responsibility B .  belonging C .  identity D .  achievement
    A .  dedicated B .  lasted C .  waited D .  offered
    A .  found B .  kept C .  required D .  showcased
    A .  hands B .  arms C .  legs D .  feet
    A .  wounds B .  damage C .  injuries D .  loss
    A .  vulnerable B .  capable C .  strong D .  tired
    A .  degree B .  living C .  position D .  point
    A .  unique B .  ordinary C .  typical D .  exceptional
    A .  changing B .  marking C .  following D .  proving
    A .  uncommunicative B .  unambitious C .  selfish D .  impatient
    A .  managed B .  attempted C .  expected D .  hesitated
    A .  found out B .  brought back C .  waken up D .  taken away
    A .  understand B .  accept C .  challenge D .  shape
  • 7. 语法填空

    First presented in 1953 and presented (annual) since 1955, the Hugo Awards, the world's top literary awards for science fiction writing, (announce) at the 2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention.

    Chinese writer Hai Ya's The Space-Time Painter won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette. He became the third Chinese writer (win) a Hugo award after Liu Cixin and Hao Jingfang. (work) in the financial industry, Hai Ya started writing science fiction when he was university student and published his first work in 2019. His novelette is inspired by a painting masterpiece, Qianli Jiangshan Tu, by Wang Ximeng from the Song Dynasty. He has woven the story of Wang's life into a thriller combines the elements of traditional Chinese culture and history with sci-fi and detective genres.

    The Hugo Award for Best Professional Artist went to Chinese digital artist Zhao Enzhe, a longtime cover artist for Science Fiction World magazine. (consider) as the "Liu Cixin of illustration", Zhao has developed a strong interest in sci-fi-themed (create). He once mentioned that almost all his works were created when he kept exploring the idea of merging sci-fi with Chinese traditional culture.

    Commenting  the Chinese winners of the Hugo Awards, sci-fi writer Han Song wrote on Sina Weibo that a new force of Chinese sci-fi has risen. But he said he also felt the need for Chinese sci-fi writers to work even  (hard) because of the strong position Europe and the United States enjoy in this area.

  • 8.  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修以你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







    A few years ago on a vacation trip, I made a video of myself dance wildly in foreign places. I put it on the Internet. Some friends started passing them around and soon millions of people watched it. I was offered money to continue my travels. And since then, I had made two more travel video that include seventy countries. Many people wanted to dance along with me, because I started inviting them to join me. People want to feel connect to each other. They want to heard and seen, and they're curious to hear and see others from places far away. I share with that idea. It's exactly which drives me to travel. When I dance with people, I see them smile and laugh, which makes me truly exciting.

  • 9.  假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike对你如何平衡学习和生活很感兴趣。请你给他写一封邮件,分享你的时间管理方法。你的邮件应包括以下内容:



