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更新时间:2024-04-11 浏览次数:20 类型:高考模拟
一、第二部分,阅读,第一节,阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
  • 1.  阅读理解

    STEM Summer Programs for High School Students

    STEM is a term that stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Here is a list of some of the best STEM summer camps for high school students. 

    Future Matters Program

    It is an 8-week paid summer research experience for high school students. This is a hands-on program for students interested in going after a career in medical research. Students will attend seminars led by faculty and participate in discussions with peers. 

    Simons Summer Research

    It is a seven-week program located at Stony Brook University. Students will have the opportunity to participate in special workshops, tours and events free of charge. They will conclude the program b producing a written research abstract and research poster. 

    Research Science Institute

    It is the first cost-free summer program of its kind. During this six-week program, students will dive deeper into the world of science and engineering by experiencing the entire research cycle. In this program students attend classes conducted by famous professors and prepare written and oral presentations to present their research. 

    Program in Math for Young Scientists

    This program is a six-week intensive mathematics program designed for students across the globe. Unlike common programs, it offers a great deal of independence for students to choose their own schedules and decide what they want to study. Besides learning, there is also "mandatory(强制的) fun time" built into the weekly schedule so that students are able to have non-math related activities.

    1. (1) Which program best suits students who want to be doctors?
      A . Future Matters Program. B . Simons Summer Research. C . Research Science Institute. D . Program in Math for Young Scientists.
    2. (2) What do Simons Summer Research and Research Science Institute have in common?
      A . Expense. B . Theme. C . Duration. D . Content.
    3. (3) What's special in Program in Math for Young Scientists?
      A . Cultivating independent skills. B . Attending non-math activities. C . Tailoring personal schedules. D . Enrolling international students.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Ryan is a good kid. He gets great grades, he plays lacrosse (长曲棍球), and he is well-liked. So Jennifer and her husband didn't see any reason why their sixth-grade son couldn't have an Instagram account, until Ryan posted a photo of himself holding an empty beer bottle that his father had just finished. "My husband saw the photo pop up on Ryan's account and went up the stairs in seconds, demanding that he should take it down," Jennifer says. "I don't think my son realized how bad his picture looked. He was trying to be funny, but he's in sixth grade! Even if he was simply posing, that picture was inappropriate."

    With the popularity of photo-sharing site Instagram, it's easy for parents to have a false sense of security. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, Instagram is only for posting pictures and with the 13+ age requirement and privacy feature, so it seems like an almost harmless site for children. How much trouble could they stir up? But that's not the fact.

    Shockingly, some kids are paying for attention on social media. When Paula Pryor found a mysterious $700 charge on her credit card, the last thing she suspected it to be was payment to a company that helped acquire "likes" on Instagram pictures. "My son Hayden thought it was only ten dollars, but it was ten dollars per ‘like'," says Pryor.

    Often, it's not your own teen that's cause for concern — it's someone else's kid. Megan Koster couldn't figure out why her daughter Delaney suddenly became so anxious about whether her panty line could be seen through her jeans. Finally, Delaney said that she was worried someone would take a photo and post it on Instagram. "I don't think I would have survived middle school if sites like this had existed back then," Koster says.

    1. (1) What made Jennifer think her son Ryan could have an Instagram account?
      A . He gained popularity in school. B . He was skilled at using Instagram. C . He showed interest in taking photos. D . He was old enough and behaved well.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "they" in paragraph 2 refer to?
      A . Instagram accounts. B . Social media. C . Pictures. D . Children.
    3. (3) Why did Pryor's son pay the company $700?
      A . To obtain the picture he liked. B . To pay attention to social media. C . To get his photos noticed and liked. D . To pay the charge on his credit card.
    4. (4) What's the text mainly about?
      A . Teen's problems with Instagram. B . Inappropriate pictures from children. C . The influence of the Internet on young users. D . Concerns for the Internet security for children.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Researchers have proposed a novel method for counting and tracking vehicles on public roads, a development that could improve current traffic systems and help travelers get to their destinations faster. 

    Using the cameras already installed on campus buses at the Ohio State University, researchers proved that they could automatically and accurately measure counts of vehicles on urban roadways, detect objects in the road and distinguish parked vehicles from those that are moving. 

    In previous studies, Ohio State researchers found that using these mobile cameras provides much better spatial and temporal (时间的) coverage than relying on often temporarily placed sensors that don't provide a view of many streets and roads in a city.

    "If we collect and process more high-resolution (高清) spatial information about what's happening on the roads, then planners could better understand changes in demand, effectively improving efficiency in the broader transportation system," said Keith Redmill, lead author of the study.

    "If we can measure traffic in a way that is as good or better than what is conventionally done with fixed sensors, then we will have created something incredibly useful extremely cheaply," he said. "Our goal is to start building a system that could do this without much manual intervention because if you want to collect this information over lots of potential vehicles and lots of time, it's worth fully automating that process."

    While still a long way from total implementation (实施), the study suggests the system's results bear promise for the future of intelligent traffic surveillance. Transportation planners, engineers and operators make vital decisions about the future of our roadways, so when designing transportation systems to work over the next 30 to 50 years, it's necessary that we give them data that allows them to improve the efficiency of the system and the level of service provided to travelers.

    1. (1) How can cameras on buses benefit travelers?
      A . By shortening their travel time. B . By making their schedules tight. C . By decreasing their transport cost. D . By improving their safety awareness.
    2. (2) What can we know about the sensors placed on buses?
      A . They provide more spatial coverage. B . They can't detect objects on the road. C . They cover less view of the urban traffic. D . They accurately record the flow of traffic.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "surveillance" in paragraph 6 mean?
      A . Operation. B . Monitoring. C . Protection. D . Arrangement.
    4. (4) What is a suitable title for the text?
      A . Transportation automation is on its way B . It is time to improve the efficiency of traffic system C . Transportation planners use cameras to make policies D . Cameras installed on buses can better measure traffic
  • 4.  阅读理解

    We often think about relationships on a scale from positive to negative. We are drawn to loving family members, caring classmates and supportive mentors. We do our best to avoid the cruel uncle, the playground bully and the jerk boss.

    But the most toxic relationships aren't the purely negative ones. They're the ones that are a mix of positive and negative. We often call them frenemies, supposed friends who sometimes help you and sometimes hurt you. But ifs not just friends. It's the in-laws who volunteer to watch your kids but belittle your parenting. The manager who praises your work but denies you a promotion.

    Everyone knows how relationships like that can tie your stomach into a knot. But groundbreaking research led by the psychologists Bert Uchino and Julianne Holt-Lunstad shows that ambivalent (矛盾情绪的) relationships can be damaging to your health — even more than purely negative relationships.

    I had assumed that with a neighbor or a colleague, having some positive interactions was better than all negative interactions. But being cheered on by the same person who cuts you down doesn't reduce the bad feelings; it increases them. And it's not just in your head: It leaves a trace in your heart and your blood.

    Even a single ambivalent interaction can cause harm. In one experiment, people gave impromptu speeches on controversial topics in front of a friend who offered feedback. The researchers had randomly assigned the friend to give ambivalent or negative comments. Receiving mixed feedback caused higher blood pressure than pure criticism. "I would have gone about the topic differently, but you're doing fine" proved to be more distressing than "I totally disagree with everything you've said."

    The evidence that ambivalent relationships can be bad for us is strong, but the reasons can be harder to read — just like the relationships themselves.

    The most intuitive reason is that ambivalent relationships are unpredictable. With a clear enemy, you put up a shield when you cross paths. With a frenemy, you never know whether Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde is going to show up. Feeling unsure can disrupt the body's calming system and activate a fight-or-flight response. It's unsettling to hope for a hug while also preparing for a likely quarrel.

    Another factor is that unpleasant interactions are more painful in an ambivalent relationship. It's more upsetting to be let down by people you like sometimes than by people you dislike all the time. When someone stabs you in the back, it stings more if he's been friendly to your face.

    1. (1) Which of the following can be counted as a frenemy?
      A . Your neighbour's kid who advises you to study hard but idles away his own time. B . Your classmate who admires your diligence at first, but doubts your intelligence later. C . Your mother's friend who encourages you to spend more time on homework but less on smart phones. D . Your father's colleague who proposes you to do a moderate amount of homework while ensuring adequate sleep.
    2. (2) Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
      A . Ambivalent relationships have a permanent effect on your well-being. B . The common cause for high blood pressure is ambivalent relationship. C . Ambivalent interactions will be more painful if it is done consciously. D . The negative impact of ambivalent interactions is direct and strong.
    3. (3) The underlined word "belittle" in paragraph 2 probably means ____.
      A . devalue B . appreciate C . respect D . abuse
    4. (4) Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
      A . Some Negative Relationships Are Bad for Your Health B . Your Most Ambivalent Relationships Are the Most Toxic C . The Reasons for Ambivalent Relationships Are Unpredictable D . Some Positive Relationships Are Better than All Negative Ones
二、第二部分,阅读,第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
  • 5.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    What are the health benefits of root vegetables?

    Root vegetables are good for your digestion. The recommended daily fibre intake in the UK is 30g. Here's where root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips and swede come in — they're rich in fibre.

    Orange-coloured vegetables boost your immunity. These foods, known as carotenoids (类胡萝卜素), are a great source of vitamins A and C.  Otherwise, you will catch a cold easily. 

    Carrots can protect against the sun. But did you know they also offer your skin some protection against sunburn? According to a meta-analysis of seven studies, beta-carotene supplementation over ten weeks appeared to have a protective effect. But don't use them as a substitute for a high SPF sunscreen!

     In a study spanning eight European countries, people who ate the most root vegetables had a 13 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those who consumed the least. 

    These vegetables are good for heart health. High cholesterol (胆固醇) can lead to heart problems. Studies have shown garlic can reduce cholesterol. Root vegetables' high fibre content also helps lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol.

    A.It's a truth that carrots are good for eyes.

    B.They could reduce your pressure in daily life.

    C.The flavors of the root vegetables are various.

    D.Root vegetables could reduce your risk of diabetes.

    E.These support your immune system and help prevent cell damage.

    F.Fibre helps us maintain a healthy weight and might even protect against bowel cancer.

    G.Another shows eating 200g of raw carrot each day for three weeks reduces it by 11 percent.

  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    In 9th grade, I joined a military training (军训) camp. The special eye-opener forced my friends away, who were 1  to be away from their families while I turned excited at the 2 .

    In the camp, the 3 was the first challenge. Honestly, I started to be 4 to my parents, who had insisted on doing my part at home. It's not as easy as it sounds. Not to mention, they had to do everything themselves, from dishes to 5 , for us without complaint. But in the camp, we got only 20 minutes during the break to make our beds, sweep the floor and do the washing.

    Besides, from the moment I arrived, the camp impressed me most with a sense of 6 . The days were long and demanding, filled with 7  designed to push us to our limits. We had a(n)8  instructor whistling loudly at 5 a.m. Waken up early on cold December mornings, we were 9  to run four laps before breakfast. It was a real 10 . If one failed, the whole team got two more laps.

    Gradually, the pain 11 . Later in the mountain climbing competition with Boy Team, we Girl Team was the champion! After those freezing mornings, we 12  it. Each member of our team worked so hard on our skills. 13 , the shared experiences taught us a lesson of 14 . We relied on each other for support. Overall, the experience, like the sun in that winter, warms my heart and 15  my way.

    A . eager B . pleased C . afraid D . hesitated
    A . potential B . adventure C . campaign D . gathering
    A . homesickness B . routine C . standard D . housework
    A . grateful B . pitiful C . respectful D . devoted
    A . washing B . workout C . schedules D . relationships
    A . boredom B . urgency C . security D . discipline
    A . systems B . strategies C . challenges D . tracks
    A . enthusiastic B . strict C . considerate D . responsible
    A . commanded B . advised C . expected D . persuaded
    A . treat B . thrill C . struggle D . shame
    A . eased up B . paid off C . faded away D . came along
    A . took B . meant C . got D . made
    A . Furthermore B . Still C . However D . Anyway
    A . sportsmanship B . teamwork C . friendship D . order
    A . changes B . follows C . lights D . clears
四、第三部分,语言运用,第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
  • 7. (2024高三上·越秀期末)  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Goddess of the Luo River comes alive in a video, which was shared by Henan TV Station on social media platform Sina Weibo. The ancient tale of romance is given  new setting and still provides attractive viewing for a modern audience. The tale is presented in what seems like slow motion. Not (surprise), it became popular and has been viewed more than 20 million times. 

    The story of the Goddess of the Luo River has been the inspiration for countless contemporary artists, have described the goddess of unmatched beauty through various art (form), like movies and dance dramas. 

    But the reason why the video, which runs for around two minutes and (title) Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddess, created such an impression and has generated such a wave  publicity is that it was shot underwater. He Haohao plays the role of goddess. She masters not only her art but the technique of holding her breath as her lungs struggle (carry)out their function. All this is done with the (peaceful) facial expression. 

    It's not the first time that Henan TV Station (gain) attention with its appealing videos highlighting traditional Chinese culture. On Feb. 13th, 2021, a dance piece, titled A Tang Dynasty Banquet, which is less than six minutes long, was staged during a gala (air) on Henan TV Station to mark Spring Festival.

五、第四部分,写作(共两节, 满分40分)
  • 8.  假定你是李华,上周末参加了学校举办的书法讲座。现在你打算给英文校刊投稿,分享活动心得。内容包括:1. 讲座时间和地点:2. 讲座内容;3. 你的感想。
  • 9.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使其构成一篇完整的短文。

    "Hi, Connie."My sister-in-law's familiar bright and clear voice greeted me from the other end of the phone line early one Monday afternoon. "Mom and I just finished baking banana bread, and we'd love to bring you out a warm loaf. Can you have the coffee on in half an hour?"

    Since thoughts of my mother-in-law's freshly baked banana bread clouded my sensibilities and made me unable to think of an excuse, I replied in my cheeriest voice, "Of course, come on up. I'll be here!"

    What was I thinking? I can't let my mother-in-law see the house like this! She's under the impression that I'm perfect. I had to attempt to clean the house within thirty minutes. The past week, however, had been even busier than usual with running my five very active kids back and forth for extra-curricular activities. As a result, the house was neglected.

    To add to my awkward situation, I had spent the morning sitting in the garden drinking coffee in an effort to recover from the rushed weekend of activities. But I told myself, "Where there's a will, there's a way. Then I put my words into action!

    I cleaned up the kitchen in ten minutes. Things were looking good, and I still had twenty minutes remaining. I quickly swept the living room, throwing toys into the toy box as I worked my way across the floor. Glancing at the clock on my way upstairs to the kids' bedrooms, I was relieved to find I had five minutes to spare. That gave me just enough time to tidy up the bathroom and run a brush through my hair.

    Whew! I did it! I put on a fresh pot of coffee, and since my guests hadn't yet arrived, I decided to wipe off the chicken eggs I had gathered after taking the kids to the bus stop. It would be a nice gesture to give them some eggs in return for the banana bread.


    I was finishing the last egg when I heard a knock at the door behind me. 


    But that smile was short-lived when my oldest son ran through the front door. 

