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更新时间:2024-03-26 浏览次数:30 类型:高考模拟
  • 1.  阅读理解

    The Recology Store


    Follow us on Instagram or Facebook for the latest updates.

    Open Hours: Monday-Saturday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Sunday: 12:00 PM-5:00 PM


    The Recology Store offers a wide variety of products that support a zero-waste lifestyle. We are committed to offering goods that are designed to reduce your waste by replacing single-use items with reusable ones or providing education on sustainability(可持续性).

    Whether you're looking for gifts, housewares, decorations or other products, the Recology Store is worth considering!


    In keeping with our goal to minimize materials sent to landfills(垃圾填埋场), The Recology Store accepts hard-to-recycle materials that cannot be put into recycling carts. These special items include CFL light bulbs, household batteries, textiles, hard-cover books (except soft-cover books), small electronics and bicycles.

    Non-customers may also drop off at the Recology Store for a minimal fee depending on the material. Click here to see our list for an overview of fees or call our store for more details.


    The Recology Store is staffed by a team of recycling experts who are available to provide in-person Customer Service support for our customers. Not sure which materials are supposed to go in the recycling or organics carts? Have an item that you think could be recycled or reused but you're not sure what to do with it? Looking for ways to reduce your waste in your daily life but don't know how to get started? The staff at The Recology Store can help you with all of these questions and more.

    1. (1) When should you visit the Recology Store?
      A . At 1:00 pm, Thursday. B . At 9:00 am, Friday. C . At 7:00 pm, Saturday. D . At 10:00 am, Sunday.
    2. (2) Which of the following can be put into recycling carts?
      A . Bicycles. B . Soft-cover books. C . Household batteries. D . Small electronics.
    3. (3) Where can the text be found?
      A . In a newspaper. B . In a textbook. C . On a website. D . In a life magazine.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    For working parents with busy schedule, mornings are hell: preparing meals, ironing clothes, feeding the children, packing lunches, ensuring everyone has what they need for the day... But I'm pleased to say my perspective on mornings is sunnier than most parents, though being woken at 6 am by kids was hardly a welcome addition to the night owl like me.

    The different views first arise partly from opinions on television. I don't see the harm in letting my kids watch a bit of television before school, so long as they still make time to get dressed, eat breakfast and brush their teeth. This balance took years to achieve: a routine steadily drilled into them via daily practice -pause the TV program with complaints and screams-to fulfil each everyday activity; but, now they've observed that the quicker they perform their essential tasks, the quicker their entertainment will restart.

    With morning necessities completed with speed and proficiency, then comes the 15-minute walk to school. In our family, it's me and the dog who do the school run, and it's actually one of my favourite times of the day. This quarter of an hour provides me privileged access to my kids when they're at their freshest; rather than at the end of the day, when they're tired, hungry and annoyed. They ask stimulating questions, "How is ice cream made?" "How long would it take to drive to Mars?", but they usually can't hear my answers over the drowning noise of the traffic.

    Best of all, there's the walk back: just me and the dog, enjoying the silence. A moment to recharge and reset, ahead of a day's work, and I am grateful for the joy of my family, and perhaps more grateful still that someone has just taken them off my hands for the day. Oh, what a beautiful morning!

    1. (1) What do mornings mean to most working parents?
      A . Peaceful moments. B . Welcome additions. C . Impressive memories. D . Rushed routines.
    2. (2) How has the author's family achieved a balance in their morning tasks?
      A . With regular alarm. B . With strict rules. C . With a tight schedule. D . With freedom and self-discipline.
    3. (3) Why does the author enjoy the 15-minute walk to school?
      A . He can keep his children fit by walking. B . He can spend quality time alone with children. C . He can usually find a low-carbon way to get to school. D . He can satisfy his children's curiosity with his answers.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Parenting at Noon. B . Reuniting with Children. C . Walking on Sunshine. D . Scheduling in the Morning.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Right now, over 3,300 high school and community teams are assembling(聚集)around the world in anticipation of the upcoming season of the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition, which will begin an intense eight weeks of designing, building, and programming new devices in January.

    In two-and-half minute matches, robots compete in groups of 3-vs-3 on a volleyball-sized playing area. Each match starts with fifteen seconds of autonomous action, when robots are programmed to score points on their own. Then, behind a plexi shield(有机防护罩), the humans step up to control their devices, and it's on-speed, power, grace, defense, teamwork, showboating and the occasional collision with bits of plastic and metal flying around.

    Robotics competitions are nothing new, but over the last few years, the FIRST Robotics Competition has developed from a fascinating after-school activity to having a real impact on the tech and engineering world. Demand for workers in fields like automation and connectivity, against recent declines in engineering college graduates, makes a recover, showing multiple years of hands-on high school robotics increasingly desirable in corporate America. "We like to see evidence of project-based learning, working in teams, hands-on experience and that sense of discovery," says Jennifer Cluett, head of admissions at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

    A who's-who list of FIRST sponsors-including Coca Cola, Amazon, Apple and Disney -shows how eager big businesses are to prime the pipeline. "Traditionally we would look very heavily at a college GPA(平均分). But increasingly companies are looking for more well-rounded employees," says Jody Howard, vice president of innovation and emerging technology at Caterpillar Inc. "What's so interesting about FIRST is that, while they may be coming out with robotic or programming skills, it's really the teaming and problem-solving that make them stand out."

    1. (1) What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
      A . The rules of the competition. B . The qualifications for competitors. C . The preparations for the project. D . The working principles of the robot.
    2. (2) What do the underlined words "prime the pipeline" in the last paragraph mean?
      A . Raising money from the crowd. B . Being ready to welcome the talents they need. C . Recognizing the significance of the innovation. D . Establishing the scientific view of talent.
    3. (3) What's Jennifer Cluelt's attitude to the competition?
      A . Favourable. B . Disapproval. C . Neutral. D . Unconcerned.
    4. (4) What's the main purpose of the competition?
      A . To lay the foundation for students' future career in robotics. B . To publicize students' great achievements in robotics. C . To enhance students' labor consciousness. D . To improve students' overall abilities.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    The concentric circles(同心圆状斑点), also known as eyespots on butterfly, not only look like real eyes but may also appear to glare directly at predators(捕食者)from many directions, scientists have found. This visual illusion, called the "Mona Lisa effect", could scare would-be attackers and buy the insects enough time to escape.

    Scientists suspect that eyespots, with dark "pupils(瞳孔)" in the center look like real eyes to predators. Hannah Rowland, an ecologist at the Max Planck Institute wanted to see if the direction of this fake gaze contributed to the effect.

    First, Rowland and her co-author trained chicks to attack a worm hidden behind a paper printout of two eyespots at the end of a path. When the eyespots' pupils were specifically pointed in the chicks' direction, the birds repeatedly ran toward the paper and then backed away, and they waited a few minutes before attacking. But when the pupils instead appeared to look away from the direction of the chicks' approach, the birds attacked in seconds. Centrally located pupils, though not as effective as ones that stared directly at the chicks, resulted in longer delays than pupils that looked the other way.

    "This suggests that they really are paying attention to the direction of the pupils in the eyespots and are perceiving them as eyelike stimulation. The concentric eyespots found most often in the insect world may seem to the chicks like a pair of eyes that follow them regardless of approach angle," says Rowland.

    National University of Singapore evolutionary biologist Antonia Monteiro, who was not involved in the research, says the study is a "cool" demonstration of an evolutionary theory for eyespots. "These butterflies can be encountered from all angles, so having the pupil centrally located ends up being pretty good," Monteiro says. Still, she says, the eyespots used in the study were several millimeters larger than even the largest commonly found in nature, raising the possibility that the chicks may have been extra frightened by the size of the paper eyes.

    1. (1) What is the function of eyespots on the butterfly?
      A . Making them look more beautiful. B . Spotting potential dangers. C . Helping them identify the direction. D . Protecting them from being attacked.
    2. (2) How did the chicks react when shown the specifically-pointed eyespots?
      A . They attacked immediately. B . They turned away in seconds. C . They reacted cautiously. D . They became very excited.
    3. (3) What does Monteiro mean in the last paragraph?
      A . The eyespot is a butterfly's powerful weapon. B . The experiment needs further proof. C . The study first proposes an evolutionary theory of eyespots. D . Butterflies in nature have small eyespots.
    4. (4) What's the purpose of the text?
      A . To appeal to readers to preserve butterflies. B . To uncover the hidden biological secret of butterflies. C . To analyze the social behaviour of butterflies. D . To demonstrate the evolutionary theory for eyespots.
  • 5.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to stay healthy on holiday

    Taking time to relax on holiday may be good for our health. . Here's how to stay healthy when you travel.

    Plan before you go

    Besides the stress of organizing your break in the first place, there's the added anxiety of remembering to buy and pack everything you need, as well as getting where you need to go on time. To avoid this, as soon as you've booked your holiday, list the travel documents you'll need. Check you have them and they're valid (有效的). Then start packing several weeks in advance, giving yourself time to buy some daily necessities. .

    Try to forget the cares of everyday life. You can achieve this by ensuring you don't check emails or social media, or feel obligated to use it to record your best holiday moments. Ideally, turn off notices, limit your screen time and try to focus on the present moment. That will enable you to relax and make special memories.

    Eat and drink well and mindfully

    . Take time to really enjoy all the flavors. However, you should be aware that too many alcoholic drinks can cause "holiday heart", characterized by an irregular rhythm. What's worse, if you're holidaying in a hot climate, that can also result in dehydration (脱水).

    Get active

    Try a new activity. Consider walking and swimming or tennis. . Remember that being active not only helps you stay fit during the holiday, but also makes you feel fitter and more refreshed once you're back.

    A. Ignore all the barriers in life

    B. Get rid of the digital addiction

    C. But there's a physical reason for this

    D. However, too much relaxation also has opposite effects

    E. Part of the fun of going away is experiencing the cuisine of other places

    F. On departure day, leave more time than you need to get to an airport or port

    G. If you're somewhere hot, it's best to work out in the early morning or evening

  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Harry Linehan, 13, and his brother Tom, 15, are both members of the Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club. Last Sunday morning, they were training at the beach when a couple 1  and alerted them to a man offshore who was in 2 .

    There were no lifeguards 3 , so Tom made a beeline to the man on his racing paddleboard (冲浪板) and shouted to Harry for 4 . And, as any younger brother would, Harry 5 . When the boys got out to the man, they noticed he was 6 to keep his head above water. With great efforts, the boys 7 to get the man on a racing board and 8 pulled him and the heavy kayak (独木舟) back to shore. 9 , the man was OK and did not need further medical assistance. "He 10 us, but he was definitely in a state of 11 ," said Tom.

    A representative from Surf Life Saving Club arrived shortly afterwards and was 12 the boys had been able to put their training into 13 . Their father Nathan said his sons had been 14 for situations exactly like this. "The purpose of the organisation (SLS) is to teach people 15 so they can use them when needed. The 16 just put them into action," he said.

    Harry has a surf rescue certificate and Tom 17 a bronze medal in a surfing competition only a week before the 18 . "If I didn't have the training I wouldn't have known what to do... you don't realize the skills you have until you 19 them," said Tom. "Anyone with the 20 training would have done the same thing."

    A .  set off B .  settled down C .  turned away D .  rushed over
    A .  silence B .  trouble C .  disappointment D .  charge
    A .  on duty B .  at large C .  under control D .  on board
    A .  protection B .  advice C .  permission D .  help
    A .  hesitated B .  escaped C .  followed D .  froze
    A .  preparing B .  struggling C .  learning D .  pretending
    A .  seemed B .  preferred C .  proposed D .  managed
    A .  suddenly B .  quietly C .  slowly D .  effortlessly
    A .  Luckily B .  Hopefully C .  Normally D .  Naturally
    A .  received B .  thanked C .  welcomed D .  consulted
    A .  shock B .  embarrassment C .  excitement D .  anger
    A .  anxious B .  confused C .  happy D .  curious
    A .  operation B .  study C .  effect D .  practice
    A .  awarded B .  interviewed C .  coached D .  admired
    A .  skills B .  theories C .  standards D .  subjects
    A .  trainers B .  boys C .  representatives D .  couple
    A .  collected B .  lost C .  donated D .  designed
    A .  race B .  test C .  campaign D .  rescue
    A .  remember B .  need C .  cherish D .  master
    A .  free B .  informal C .  appropriate D .  latest
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Duolun county, (locate) in Inner Mongolia, only 180 kilometers away from Beijing,once suffered severe erosion and desertification(沙漠化).

    Ma Yunping, a retired soldier, (sell) six cows to collect 7,000 yuan and decided to contract 3,700 mu of deserted sandy land. Due to Duolun's unique geological(地质) environment, which consists mainly of shifting sand dunes(沙丘), the inexperienced Ma tried planting grass under the (guide) of the forestry department. However, the sandstorms came frequently. He failed many times continued trying, learning from his mistakes.

    During the first three years, planting grass became his primary job. Slowly, the yellow sand was stabilized, and touch of green appeared. In 2016, Ma established a (profession) organization, which now has over 40 members. "I want everyone in my village to (active) participate in preventing and treating desertification and to share in the green achievements," he said.

    So far, in this area, Ma has planted about 400,000 trees in total. All of them have grown into flourishing vegetation, and not a bit of yellow sand can (find). Reflecting the 20-year journey of fighting against desertification, Ma has long engraved the patches of green on the dunes into his heart. "I am so fond of the greenery, and I want to keep (follow) it," Ma said.

五、第四部分,写作,第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 8.  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    My parents and I go on a road trip along G318 in this summer. It is the longest national highway in China from Shanghai to Tibet, along that we enjoyed many famous place of interest. Of all the places, the scenery from Sichuan to Tibet impressed us much. We saw the blue sky but white clouds. With the fresh air refreshed our body and mind, we felt quite relaxed. In addition, the custom of the local people enabled us to have a deeply understanding of our motherland and people. This 10-day journey left them with a strong memory. What wonderful journey it was!

  • 9. 假定你是李华。你校将举办"中国传统文化主题月"系列活动,活动应融入现代科技元素。为此,校英语报向全体学生征求活动建议。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:1. 活动建议;2. 你的理由。

    注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

