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更新时间:2024-03-20 浏览次数:13 类型:月考试卷
  • 1.  阅读理解

    China's Cargo Spacecraft Sets New World Record

    The Tianzhou 5 cargo spacecraft launched on November 12th docked with the Tiangong space station around noon, setting a world record for the fastest rendezvous and docking operations between the two spacecraft, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

    The Tianzhou 5 was placed into a low-Earth orbit by a Long March 7 rocket that blasted off at 10:03 a.m. at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province.

    After cargo craft entered the orbit, it traveled two hours and seven minutes to rendezvous (交会对接) with the Tiangong space station and then docked with the massive station at 12:10 p.m., the agency said in a news release.

    The maneuvers have become the fastest rendezvous and docking processes for spacecraft, replacing the old record set by the Russian spacecraft Soyuz MS-17 on October 14th, 2020, when it used three hours and three minutes since its liftoff to rendezvous and connect with the International Space Station.

    The manned space agency said the fast rendezvous and docking are key to establishing the capability to transport supplies to the space station in an emergency.

    The cargo ship is carrying about 5.3 metric tons of materials, including living and mission necessities, scientific equipment as well as a mini experimental satellite. The craft also carries nearly 1.4 tons of propellants for the Tiangong station, the designers said.

    1. (1) At which Space Launch Center was the Tianzhou 5 cargo spacecraft launched?
      A . Jiuquan. B . Wenchang. C . Xichang. D . Taiyuan.
    2. (2) What do we know about the Tianzhou 5 cargo ship?
      A . It traveled two hours. B . It carried astronauts. C . It launched on December. D . It created the fastest rendezvous and docking processes.
    3. (3) Which kind of material is not carried by the Tianzhou 5 cargo ship?
      A . A vast satellite. B . Propellants. C . Scientific equipment. D . Mission necessities.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    The FIFA World Cup Trophy (奖杯) is arguably one of the most iconic prizes in the sporting world. So far, two different trophies have been used in the history of the FIFA World Cups.

    The Jules Rimet Trophy was the first trophy awarded to the winners of the FIFA World Cups. Initially, the old trophy was originally named "Victory". However, this trophy was renamed "the Jules Rimet Trophy" in 1946. This change was made to honor former FIFA president Jules Rimet, who voted to organize the first FIFA World Cup in 1930. French sculptor Abel Lafleur designed the trophy in 1930. The trophy was 14 inches in height and weighed 8.4 pounds. It was comprised of a winged representation of Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory and was inspired by the Nike of Samothrace statue.

    Uruguay became the first champion and kept the trophy in 1930. The trophy was eventually retired when Brazil won the World Cup final for the third time in 1970. Following their success in Mexico, Brazil was allowed to keep the trophy permanently. However, the original trophy was stolen for a second time in 1983. It was never recovered, and it was claimed that it had been melted down into gold bars. Following the retirement of the Jules Rimet Trophy, FIFA needed a new cup. Eventually, Italian artist Silvio Gazzaniga's design was selected as the new World Cup trophy.

    The modern FIFA World Cup trophy describes two human figures holding the earth on top of their heads. The base of the trophy has "FIFA World Cup" engraved (刻). Furthermore, following every World Cup, the name of the winning team and the winning year is also engraved at the base. The trophy weighs 13.61 pounds. Unlike the Jules Rimet Trophy, the winning nations and future winners don't get to hold the original trophy anymore. The new regulations state that it remains in FIFA's possession. Instead, winners are given a gold-plated bronze replica (青铜复制品) provided by FIFA.West Germany was the first nation to lift the modern World Cup trophy in 1974.

    The new trophy can hold up to seventeen names and years and is likely to be retired following the 2038 World Cup.

    1. (1) Why was the first World Cup trophy renamed?
      A . To remember the designer of the cup. B . To welcome a new global soccer event. C . To expand the popularity of the World Cup. D . To show great respect for the former FIFA president.
    2. (2) Which country has won the Jules Rimet Trophy three times?
      A . Italy. B . Mexico. C . Brazil. D . Uruguay.
    3. (3) How is the modern FIFA World Cup trophy different from the previous one?
      A . It is made of gold and bronze. B . It is owned by FIFA instead of the winners. C . It bears the word "Victory" at the bottom. D . It varies the design every seventeen years.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The rules of the World Cup. B . The history of the World Cup trophy. C . The growing trend of watching the World Cup. D . The inspiration for creating the World Cup trophy.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    On September 26, 2022, NASA successfully completed its Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission by intentionally crashing an unmanned spacecraft into the asteroid(小行星) Dimorphos. The goal was not to destroy the asteroid but to change its orbit. With the successful mission, NASA proved the concept that this technique could keep a potentially dangerous asteroid from crashing into Earth in the future.

    Dimorphos is a small asteroid orbiting the larger asteroid Didymos. NASA noted that Dimorphos is not a threat to Earth, but because it passes relatively close to Earth, it was chosen as the target for the test mission. 

    Although the intended crash should change the asteroid's position slightly, it will add to a major shift over time. "If you were going to do this for planetary defense, you would do it 5, 10, 15, or 20 years in advance for this technique to work," said NASA program executive Andrea Riley. "This is why we test. We want to do it now rather than when there's an actual need."

    Asteroids can pose a significant threat to planet Earth. For example, around 66 million years ago, an asteroid around 6 to 9 miles across struck the Earth in what is now the Yucatan Peninsula. The resulting impact was so catastrophic(灾难性的) that it caused one of the largest extinction events in Earth's history. Therefore, DART's success is an important step forward in protecting the planet from potential damage from an asteroid. This shows humans are no longer powerless to prevent this type of natural disaster.

    The DART spacecraft was launched by NASA on November 24, 2021. It was accompanied by another craft called LICIACube, supplied by the Italian Space Agency, and separated from DART just 15 days before the crash. LICIACube remained in orbit around the asteroid and took photographs of the crash and material ejected(弹出) from the asteroid's surface.

    1. (1) What is the purpose of the DART mission?
      A . To destroy Dimorphos completely. B . To change the orbit of Dimorphos. C . To track potentially dangerous asteroids. D . To prevent Dimorphos from hitting the Earth.
    2. (2) How can we describe the test according to Andrea Riley?
      A . Better late than never. B . Rob Peter to pay Paul. C . Prepare for a rainy day. D . Bark up the wrong tree.
    3. (3) Why does the author mention the example in paragraph 4?
      A . To prove the significance of DART's success. B . To present the effect of the largest extinction events on humans. C . To explain the difficulty of protecting the Earth from asteroid strikes. D . To show the necessity of conducting research on natural disasters.
    4. (4) What is LICIACube intended for?
      A . Recording the crash test with photos. B . Collecting rock samples from Dimorphos's surface. C . Providing additional energy for the DART spacecraft. D . Increasing the force of crashing the DART spacecraft into Dimorphos.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Beautiful coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in Thai seas have been gradually worsening due to global warming that causes coral bleaching, in addition to certain human activities without proper control and environmental consciousness. Recently, researchers from Thai university Chulalongkom have created 3D-printed coral reefs modeled on the nature of real corals called Innovareef to accelerate the recovery of the coral reef ecosystem. 

    Innovareef corals are coated with calcium and phosphate nutrients (钙磷营养物) that corals need to thrive and consist of flat surfaces. The reefs' holes serve as habitats and hiding places for many sea animals. Artificial reefs also make use of hydrodynamics technology to enhance their resistance to tidal forces and ensure that they stay in place. Finally, the PH (level of acidity) of the selected type of cement used for the reefs is close to that of seawater, and the design concept is that of Lego, easily assembled (组装) and disassembled blocks that are easy to transport and fix.

    "The Innovareef is not too large. It's light-weighted and can be carried by anyone thus saving transportation costs. You can simply put it at any desired location in the sea and then dive down to put all the units together to complete the Innovareef. Not even five minutes afterward, fish and several ocean creatures start to come in to survey and make it their new habitat, leading to biodiversity around the Innovareef. More importantly, the research data indicates that the settlement and growth rates of planula on the Innovareef are better than those on other artificial reefs,"said Associate Professor Dr. Nantarika Chansue at Chulalongkorn University.

    Innovareef is the hope for the effective recovery of natural coral reefs. Now the team is focused on adding more details so that the new structures look more like natural reefs. For the future generations of Innovareef, the team will develop a more specific design for each sea species in the area.

    1. (1) What function is expected of the Innovareef?
      A . To extend the life of corals. B . To monitor the growth of corals. C . To help restore natural coral reefs. D . To protect coral reefs from human destruction.
    2. (2) What do we know about the Innovareef from paragraph 2?
      A . It is highly resistant to heat. B . It has low manufacturing costs. C . It provides rich nutrients for fish. D . It is portable and easy to assemble.
    3. (3) What are Dr. Nantarika Chansue's words mainly about?
      A . The advantages of the Innovareef. B . The inspiration for the Innovareef. C . The methods of improving ocean habitats. D . The importance of protecting biodiversity.
    4. (4) What will researchers probably do in the future?
      A . Apply the Innovareef on a large scale. B . Carry out more tests on the Innovareef. C . Make a specific design of the Innovareef. D . Conduct further research on natural coral reefs
  • 5.  七选五

    Strategies to Overcome Social Phobia (社交恐惧)

    Social phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear in social situations. People with social phobia feel paralyzing fear when other people are around, as well as nervousness, anguish, or shyness. As we can see, social phobia is very uncomfortable and limiting for the person who suffers from it, so we must differentiate it from shyness.  

    Learn to relax. People with social phobia often have what is known as anticipatory anxiety.  For this we have to learn to relax instead of anticipating the fear of the future situation.

    Look for social situations.  If we try to relate outside of our usual circle or look for small situations that require a small interaction, we will see how little by little we will feel more comfortable in them. In this way, when a social event arrives that we want to attend or participate in, we will be better able to be comfortable in it.

    Make sure your imagination does not betray you. In the vast majority of cases you are afraid of things that have not happened or are not happening. We have to be especially careful what we think others may be thinking of us.

    Be yourself. Social phobia is due, in part, to the conviction that we have to be what is expected of us, in giving a perfect image.  So we do not have to focus so much on what others may think of us, but on feeling comfortable with ourselves without having to be perfect.

    A. That is, they worry about the situation before it occurs.

    B. Imagination can play tricks on us in social situations.

    C. We have to learn to accept ourselves and trust ourselves.

    D. Be aware of avoiding any situation without overcoming.

    E. Next, we are going to see a series of tips to overcome social phobia.

    F. If we constantly avoid social situations out of fear, it is very difficult for us to be able to overcome them.

    G. If we are able to ask open questions that require more than one "yes" or "no" for an answer and we focus on the answers.

  • 6.  完形填空

    The human memory is phenomenally strong. It also has a habit of getting things badly wrong. According to Jonathan Hancock, our memory expert, faulty 1  can be extremely revealing (揭露真相的).

    Just last week, for example, my wife and I were 2 how we'd chosen our youngest son's name. I had a 3 memory of us writing out a list of possible names, but stopping after just a few because we'd 4 one we both loved.

    My wife disagreed. In her memory, we'd had a much 5 list, and gone back and chosen one from the middle of the 6 . But we found that we'd actually done something completely different to 7 Nate's name.

    Memory mistakes happen on a larger scale, too. The "Mandela Effect" is when lots of people have confident recollections (回忆) that turn out to be 8 . It was named by researchers who were discussing their strong memories of Nelson Mandela's death in prison — when he actually lived for 23 years after his 9 .

    There are plenty of other 10 of this phenomenon. If you're sure that you remember seeing the Monopoly Man wearing a spyglass, for instance, or hearing a wicked queen say "Mirror, mirror on the wall," you've 11 it yourself, but her real meaning "Magic mirror on the wall".

    So what's 12 on? Well, for starters, memory often works by association and similar 13 can overlap (部分重叠) in our brains. We're also good at "filling in the blanks" with details that are 14 but untrue. What's more, whenever we run through a memory, we make it stronger, 15 any bits that were wrong.

    But there's plenty of good news here, too.

    Everyone misremembers. We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves when we 16 mistakes. The mental associations that sometimes lead to errors can also 17 us to find information which is difficult to locate. If you're 18 with someone's name, please try thinking of things you associate with them.

    Discussing your memories is great mental exercise. It 19  strengths and weaknesses, and lets you learn tips from others. Besides, remembering is a creative 20 , during which we are also likely to make mistakes. It was certainly true for my wife and me.

    A .  creations B .  memories C .  excuses D .  attitudes
    A .  researching B .  discussing C .  quarreling D .  persuading
    A .  faint B .  smart C .  painful D .  vivid
    A .  sold B .  ordered C .  spotted D .  reserved
    A .  deeper B .  higher C .  wider D .  longer
    A .  plan B .  problem C .  list D .  hobby
    A .  choose B .  write C .  print D .  use
    A .  wrong B .  consistent C .  substantial D .  right
    A .  rejection B .  release C .  imprisonment D .  movement
    A .  instructions B .  puzzles C .  examples D .  advertisements
    A .  experienced B .  witnessed C .  anticipated D .  spread
    A .  depending B .  doing C .  going D .  coming
    A .  conservation B .  separation C .  facilitation D .  information
    A .  logical B .  fortunate C .  casual D .  secret
    A .  excluding B .  regarding C .  including D .  considering
    A .  make B .  carry C .  think D .  avoid
    A .  attain B .  help C .  force D .  refuse
    A .  competing B .  struggling C .  corresponding D .  exchanging
    A .  saves B .  invests C .  spends D .  highlights
    A .  opinion B .  phase C .  outcome D .  process
  • 7. 短文填空

    Bilibili, a (lead) video platform popular among China's younger generation, (announce) on Thursday the phrase of the year on its site to be "You Ya", or "elegant/elegance" when (translate) literally.

    Elegant/elegance is often used to praise someone who is stronghearted or resilient, or good at (stay) calm. No matter what the situation is, he or she can maintain a calm and steady mentality.

     (traditional), elegance is often associated with middle — and high-class groups or those with high academic backgrounds. But now, elegance emphasizes the ability controlling and balancing life for ordinary people. Elegance is no longer priority.

    Bullet comments, that is, real-time (comment) from viewers fly across the screen like bullets while a video is playing.

    Bullet chat (be) a commentary system unique to the Bilibili ecosystem, viewers leave comments that scroll across on-screen content.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    When it come to the ocean, its pollution is becoming more and more serious. World Ocean Day, fall on June 8th, is aimed at raising aware of preserving the ocean.

    The ocean plays a key role in our world. Not only does ocean offered us sufficient food, and it maintains the balance of nature. Thus, it is crucial for us preserve the ocean. First of all, place importance in our daily actions. For example, garbage can't be thrown into the ocean.

    What's the more, we can also hand out booklets to call on more people to preserve the ocean. The more people are involved, the good the ocean environment is.

    All in all, it is high time that we devoted ourselves to preserving the ocean. To preserve the ocean is to protect ourself.

  • 9. 众所周知,肢体语言最好的例子就是微笑。微笑可以帮助我们渡过难关,在陌生人的世界中找到朋友。请你结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈微笑的作用。

    注意:1. 写作词数应为100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


