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更新时间:2024-03-20 浏览次数:14 类型:期末考试
  • 6.  听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who will make the presentation?
      A . A freshman. B . The man. C . The woman's tutor.
    2. (2) Where is the presentation going to be held?
      A . In the library. B . In the Students' Union. C . At the school theater
  • 7.  听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How do the kids find the beach?
      A . Dangerous. B . Relaxing. C . Boring.
    2. (2) Where does the man suggest going?
      A . An art gallery. B . The History Museum. C . Eagle Mountain.
    3. (3) Why does the woman prefer climbing mountains?
      A . To enjoy nature. B . To visit a nearby temple. C . To have a new experience.
  • 8.  听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will the weather be like over the weekend?
      A . Rainy. B . Windy. C . Sunny.
    2. (2) What is the woman going to do next Wednesday?
      A . Meet friends in the park. B . Help Dad with housework. C . Invite the man to her house.
    3. (3) What's the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Classmates. B . Colleagues. C . Family members.
  • 9.  听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the man recommend MUSE Magazine to the woman?
      A . It has inspiring stories. B . It's about science and nature. C . It's helpful for students' schoolwork.
    2. (2) Who is the magzine intended for?
      A . A six-year-old kid. B . A ten-year-old student. C . An eighteen-year-old boy.
    3. (3) Where does the conversation take place?
      A . In a reading room. B . In a bookstore. C . In a science museum.
  • 10.  听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why is Lakeside open until 10 p.m.?
      A . Evening parking lot is free. B . Shoppers enjoy a discount then. C . People engage in evening shopping.
    2. (2) What do we know about Lakeside?
      A . It has 15 banks. B . It has 13 cafes. C . It has a post office.
    3. (3) What can customers do at Lakeside after shopping?
      A . Play soccer. B . Take a dive in a lake. C . Relax themselves in a gym.
    4. (4) What does the speaker mainly talk about?
      A . Shopping centers in Canada. B . The Lakeside shopping centre. C . The sales of morning shopping.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    A family cruise(乘船游览)offers a convenient and cost-effective alternative winter vacation. Here are appealing at-sea vacation ideas to consider this winter.

    Tour Australia with Princess Cruises

    For a faraway family vacation, consider exploring Australia aboard the Princess. Leaving on Dec. 17, the Princess will take passengers to the Whitsunday Archipelago and the Great Barrier Reef. And on the ship, little ones can enjoy a wide range of onboard activities, from dance classes to volleyball classes. In the evening, parents and their kids can enjoy kid-friendly movies.

    Explore Asian Metropolises with Regent Seven Seas

    Regent Seven Seas' ships take visitors to world-class destinations across Asia. Departing on Dec. 17, this 12-day cruise offers plenty of outdoor activities. Kids will enjoy the waterfalls of Miyazaki and the legendary street food scene in Hong Kong. As for onboard food, families can choose from a variety of dining options, from fast food to an Italian eatery.

    Discover Patagonia with Seabourn

    The amazing journey to Antarctica and Patagonia aboard the Seabourn Quest departs on Nov, 29, and includes a jam-packed agenda. Animal lovers can admire penguins, seals and other fascinating wildlife up close via daily Zodiac boat trips. Back onboard the ship, kids can take baths, watch shows, play board games and curl up with a book at the library.

    Cruise to the Caribbean with Disney

    Disney Cruise Line's four ships offer plenty of bells and whistles for kids. Besides, there are plenty of family-friendly stateroom category options that cater to budget-conscious families. Depart from Port Canaveral, on a four-night cruise aboard the Disney Dream for a fun adventure through the Bahamas, with stops in Disney's privately owned island.

    1. (1) What can kids do on the Princess?
      A . Learn dance skills. B . Perform in a drama. C . Read books in a library. D . Join in a sports meeting.
    2. (2) What makes Seabourn special?
      A . Offering family-friendly trips. B . Serving varieties of onboard food. C . Providing close wildlife encounters. D . Covering seven continents of the world.
    3. (3) Which cruise best suits the family who desires to save money?
      A . Princess. B . Regent Seven Seas. C . Seabourn. D . Disney.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Johannes Fritz, an Austrian biologist, needed to come up with a plan again if he was going to prevent his rare and beloved birds from going extinct.

    To survive the European winter, the northern bald ibis needs to migrate south for the winter over the Alps. But shifting climate patterns have delayed when the birds begin to migrate and they are now reaching the mountains too late to make it over the peaks, locking them in an icy death trap. Determined to save them, he decided to teach the birds a new, safer migration route by guiding them himself in a tiny aircraft. He was confident that he could succeed in this daring, unconventional plan.

    Some 400 years ago, the Europeans hunted these birds without stopping and devoured the last in the wild, causing the birds to disappear entirely from the wild. When Mr. Fritz was born 56 years ago, the northern bald ibis could be found in Europe only in captivity(圈养).

    Mr.Fritz has spent his career reintroducing the birds into the wild. Through years of trial and error, he learned to fly like a bird. He modified(改装)a lightweight aircraft so it would fly at speeds slow enough for the birds to keep up. In 2004, he led the first flock from Austria to Italy, and has since led more migrations. But the route he originally taught the ibises does not work successfully. With climate change warming the area where the birds summer, they now start their migration at the end of October instead of the end of September. The trip is expected to take about six weeks, "Still, we're optimistic that it'll work," said Mr. Fritz.

    His family and colleagues witnessed the risks he was taking. "But the unavoidable risks are necessary," Mr. Fritz said. "It's not so much a job, but my life's purpose."

    1. (1) What was Johannes Fritz's plan?
      A . To shorten bald ibises' migration route. B . To lead bald ibises to migrate on a new route. C . To better the climate patterns for bald ibises. D . To find out a safer destination for bald ibises.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "devoured" in paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Destroyed. B . Abused. C . Released. D . Raised.
    3. (3) Why was Mr. Fritz's initial route for the birds ineffective?
      A . Owing to the long time it consumes. B . For the slow speed of his modified aircraft. C . Because of the toughness along the first route. D . Due to higher temperatures in the summer habitat.
    4. (4) Which of the following can best describe Mr. Fritz?
      A . Honest. B . Innovative. C . Straightforward. D . Demanding.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    As you're drafting your New Year's resolutions, you may think that it takes 21 days of repeating an action for that action to become a habit. So, you set out to go to the gym for 21 days, thinking that by day 22 heading to the gym will feel automatic—maybe even fun.

    However, that 21-day estimate isn't true. A habit expert Wendy Wood found that this falsehood came from a self-help book in the 1960s and actually described how long it takes to get used to your new appearance after plastic surgery. It's important to note that getting used to something is not the same thing as forming a habit, and perhaps the two concepts got confused along the way, giving rise to the term today.

    To figure out how long it actually takes to form a habit, Phillippa Lally, and her team did a series of research.

    They recruited 96 people and asked each person to choose one new habit and report each day on whether or not they did the behavior and how automatic the behavior felt. Some people chose simple habits like "drinking a bottle of water with lunch." Others chose more difficult tasks like "running for 15 minutes before dinner." At the end of 12 weeks, the researchers analyzed the data to determine how long it took each person to go from starting a new behavior to automatically doing it.

    The study found that it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic—66 days to be exact. And if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a new behavior into your life. Interestingly, the researchers also found that "missing one opportunity to perform the behavior did not affect the habit formation process." That is to say, it doesn't matter if you mess up every now and then. Building better habits is not an all-or-nothing process.

    So, for those who wish to form certain habits, persistence is king. To form a good habit, we need to pay more energy and effort.

    1. (1) What does "21days" actually mean according to Wendy Wood?
      A . The time one drafts a book. B . The time one develops a new habit. C . The time one gets used to something. D . The time one recovers from a surgery.
    2. (2) How did the researchers do the research?
      A . By doing questionnaires. B . By tracking people's behaviors. C . By making predictions. D . By analyzing data of previous studies.
    3. (3) What can we infer from paragraph 5?
      A . Habits cannot be noticed easily. B . The amount of time a habit takes varies. C . One should perform a behavior constantly. D . It takes exactly 66 days to form a new habit.
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?
      A . Habit—good or not? B . Better habit, better life? C . 21days to form a habit? D . Hit or miss with habits?
  • 14.  阅读理解

    The house had been cleaned and decorated elegantly. The air smelt fresh. Little labels on all we saw around the house displayed important details: date of purchase and the current selling price. We were at a garage sale. There was no talking or bargaining. Buyers could pick up at the listed price.

    All efforts that release cash that is locked into stuff touch me deeply. If they break conventional ideas, I will like them even more. It is my view that people love to follow suit and end up with emotions they ought to feel, rather than being true to themselves. To say that one does not care for one's grandmother's necklace is considered rude, so one would simply keep it in the locker and pass it on to the next generation.

    No longer so, I am guessing.

    It's not always about money, but perhaps about considering one's choices. My argument always is to use stuff, if you like it so much. Wear those pieces of jewellery; use those pieces of furnitures; take home those piles of old-time bedsheets. But if none of them fit into your current home, allow someone else to take them home. Turn those properties over instead of leaving them unused.

    Hoarding(囤积)is not a virtue. It is a waste of the money that is locked into the property you are hoarding. I may use it sometime in the future, say some. Give that a time frame. If you are holding something you haven't used even once in five years, ask yourself if someone else may need it. Don't sell if you don't care for money; but do give it away.

    All else needs to earn their place for their value and usefulness for you. Celebrate the liberation from hoarding and let there be light!

    1. (1) What do people often do at the garage sale?
      A . Purchase a garage. B . Label their belongings. C . Talk about decoration. D . Trade their unused stuff.
    2. (2) Why does the author mention "neeklace" in paragraph 2?
      A . To call for respect towards the elderly. B . To advocate holding onto the family tradition. C . To show the financial condition of an average family. D . To prove people tend to follow suit against their wills.
    3. (3) What does the author believe according to paragraph 4?
      A . It is a good idea to save money. B . A good taste counts in purchase. C . Unused items deserve a new owner. D . The outdated should be thrown away.
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?
      A . To call on people to get rid of hoarding. B . To show his worry about wasting resources. C . To draw attention to conserving the traditions. D . To inspire people to spend more on meaningful things.
  • 15.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In our ever-evolving world, where both personal and professional areas are loaded with challenges, problem solving skills are increasingly valuable in the workplace.Here's how to enhance your strategy.

    Clear and brief communication is the key to effective problem-solving, acting as the bridge that connects diverse perspectives toward a common goal.It involves choosing the right words, structuring information logically, and being mindful of the audience to ensure that your message is both impressive and comprehensible. Active listening, on the other hand, is the skill of receiving information. It includes not just hearing words but understanding the underlying messages.

    To foster creativity, individuals must engage in activities that stimulate their imagination and encourage new perspectives. Have free-flowing brainstorming sessions that allow for the exploration of diverse ideas without immediate judgment. Additionally, exposing yourself to different fields promotes creative solution.

    Mistakes are not failures but valuable stepping stones on the path to mastery.Analyse what went wrong, identify areas for improvement and use this knowledge to inform your future problem-solving efforts. Creating a culture that opens the eyes of mistakes within a team or organization encourages an environment where individuals feel comfortable admitting errors.

    The journey to becoming a skilled problem solver is an ongoing process of growth and improvement.Remain curious and open to acquiring new knowledge and skills that are directly applicable to your problem-solving attempt. That ensures you stay ahead of evolving challenges and acquire the skills needed to navigate an ever-changing landscape.

    Furthermore, participating in industry events, joining professional associations and connecting with mentors can offer insights that enrich your problem-solving skills.

    A. Seek continuous learning opportunities.

    B. Therefore, comprehension is a vital skill to develop.

    C. Effective conversation begins with the art of expression.

    D. Problem-solving at its best requires the out-of-the-box thinking.

    E. And they could help you achieve more in your personal life too.

    F. Each misstep provides an opportunity for reflection and learning.

    G. Each individual brings unique information to overcome challenges.

  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Filkin's Drift, a band of two in UK, have been highlighting sustainability(可持续性)in their latest tour along the coast of Wales. The tour1 over 40 shows along the 870-mile path, which started in Flintshire on Sept. 3 and2 on Oct. 31 in Chepstow.

    At one point, because of bad weather, the tour was3 temporarily. When Filkin's Drift was prepared to start touring again, they found too much of their time was spent in a car4 in traffic jams, which wasn't very good for the5 , or mental and physical health.

    So Bye and Roberts,6 of the band, decided to walk their tour along the coast of Wales. They walked between stops for the rest of their tour, carrying the7 and just enough clothing to walk and8 each day. Along the way, they collected songs, stories, and tunes to make their performances9 . Also, the band raised money for a charity to10 this mission.

    They shared their experiences of the walking tour11 in videos on their website blog, hoping to12 other musicians and the music industry as a whole to approach touring in a more sustainable way. They have shown that a tour on foot is13 , discovering that the music industry, as well as others, could also learn to reduce the  14 for vehicles.

    Today, Filkin's Drift15 a growing number of artists and industry professionals working to spotlight sustainability and the environment in their work.

    A .  completed B .  planned C .  canceled D .  delayed
    A .  failed B .  ended C .  slowed D .  closed
    A .  scheduled B .  interrupted C .  appreciated D .  relocated
    A .  picked out B .  taken up C .  caught up D .  set aside
    A .  security B .  relaxation C .  reputation D .  environment
    A .  researchers B .  followers C .  musicians D .  professors
    A .  instruments B .  documents C .  envelopes D .  photographs
    A .  compete B .  perform C .  advertise D .  conclude
    A .  crucial B .  profitable C .  practical D .  colorful
    A .  evaluate B .  clear C .  outline D .  further
    A .  constantly B .  secretly C .  randomly D .  differently
    A .  inform B .  request C .  inspire D .  permit
    A .  possible B .  flexible C .  typical D .  private
    A .  limit B .  creation C .  upgrade D .  need
    A .  examines B .  joins C .  employs D .  declines
  • 17.  阅读下面材料,在题后空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Flowers, birds, figures and landscapes seem to jump out of the pictures on the walls of craftsman Hao Ruxiang's workshop. From a(distant), these pictures appear to be fine paintings. Yet, up close, they resemble sculptural art, with a three-dimensional feel.

    It is buhu painting,was named a national cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2014. It originatedthe traditional folk art of the Manchu ethnic people, who would use needle and thread to create patterns asapproach to mending boots, hats and clothing for(practice)and artistic purposes.

    Through decades of efforts, Hao and his family have helped buhu painting to evolve,(combine)the essence of numerous traditional crafts. "We got an inspiration from cloisonne(景秦蓝瓷器), glued gold threads along the edges of flowers,created a better visual effect." Hao explains, adding that many techniques (apply)in the art are all coming from practice.

    To date, Hao(explore)many innovative techniques of her own, and managed to deliver beautiful examples of the art. However, her focus has been on broadening this art form to ensure better development, because she believes machinery cannot(full)replace manual work.

  • 18.  假如你是李华,上周日你们班去敬老院(nursing house)慰问老人,请给校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.活动时间;2.活动内容;3.活动感想。


  • 19.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使其构成一篇完整的短文。

    When I was young, I lived in a small town. The spirit of neighborliness was very strong then. All of us were quite poor by today's standards, but we got by.

    However, one family which could be considered as living a marginal(微不足道)existence was the Acob family living in the repair shop opposite our house. Mr. Acob, the auto mechanic, had a large brood of children-twelve to be exact. The joke among the neighbors was that he was aiming to form a football team among his children. However, seriously speaking, it was no joke for him trying to feed his growing children daily.

    My mother was a kind-hearted soul. Often, she would remark that his children were dressed in ragged clothes and looked malnourished(营养不良的). My family was relatively better off in the village. My mother would bring over whatever food we could spare to our neighbors. I remember one particular year when times were very hard. The economy was doing very badly. There and then, Mom still decided to sacrifice a portion of our meals to the family. Despite the protests from my brothers and sisters that we too were hungry, she kept on doing the kind act.

    I shared a room with my brothers overlooking the repair shop. I was interested in the repair of cars and would often stare out of the window to see Mr. Acob hard at work. As the street in front of my house was rebuilt into a main road, I noticed Mr. Acob looked more cheerful. The number of customers at his shop had increased steadily. His business took off like a rocket.

    It was at this time that my father's business took a turn for the worse. And his health was also becoming worse. We were at our wits' end, confused by the mysterious illness he was suffering from. My father then decided to sell our family car to pay off the mounting bills, or my brothers and I had to stop schooling.


    My father and I were parking our car outside of Acob' shop.


    One day, Acob said to me, "You will be an excellent mechanic, boy."

