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更新时间:2024-03-29 浏览次数:14 类型:高考模拟
一、第一部分阅读,第一节阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
  • 1.  阅读理解

    There is no better way to explore the Great Wall in China than by hiking or walking along it. Here we recommend three most popular hiking routes for you. Take your time and feel the history coming to life. 

    Route 1: Jinshanling-Simatai (West)

    This route is also called Jinshanling Great Wall hiking. It is definitely the best hiking route if you want to see the original Great Wall. It includes some ruined sections as well as some breathtaking scenery with the Wall snaking along the mountain ridges into the distance. 

    Distance from Beijing: 1.5 hours by road   Wall conditions: half ruined

    Time needed: about 3 hours on the Wall   Length: 5 kilometers


    Route 2: Mutianyu-Simatai

    Mutianyu is the best fully restored section of the Great Wall with convenient access from Beijing. Simatai is the most spectacular wild section of the Wall but this route is the most visitor-friendly. An overnight stay in a hotel at Gubei Water Town will allow you to have a relaxing tour of the Simatai Great Wall section. 

    Distance from Beijing: 5 hours by road  Wall conditions: totally ruined

    Time needed: two days      Length: 10 kilometers

    Difficulty: ***

    Route 3: Jiankou-Mutianyu (Wild Hike)

    The experience will be extraordinary. When you reach the mountain ridges, you have conquered the most challenging Great Wall section. What's more, there are no crowds around you-it's just you, the mountains, the ruined wall, your guide, and the history behind these ancient ruins. 

    Distance from Beijing: 2.5 hours by road   Wall conditions: partly ruined

    Time needed: about 4 hours on the Wall   Length: 7 kilometers

    Difficulty: *****

    If you love a hiking trip with pleasant surprises and no disappointments, just pick one from the above routes. 

    1. (1) What elements are included in the above three routes?
      A . Equipment and scenery. B . Length and ticket prices. C . Distance and time needed. D . Time and weather conditions.
    2. (2) Why is Route 2 the most suitable one for elderly visitors?
      A . It includes a night's stay to relax. B . It covers the most original section. C . It offers a full view of the Great Wall. D . It provides best sites for taking photos.
    3. (3) Where is this text probably taken from?
      A . A novel. B . A brochure. C . A course plan. D . A book review.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    "He is a giant of the 20th-century art, but that doesn't mean he only did big paintings, said Lynn Miller, director of Rochester Central Gallery, in an interview last Thursday.

    Entitled "Picasso and His Drafts", a special exhibit marking 50 years since the death of Pablo Picasso is held at the gallery this month. Instead of his paintings, the notebooks on which the Spanish legendary artist drew drafts are shown to the public for the first time.

    Matchbox covers, postcards, restaurant napkins all served as drafting notes for the artist at moments of inspiration. It is important to know that each of the 14 notebooks presented reflects what was going on in his life. 

    For example, a tiny notebook whose size is just 3 by 5 inches stands out among the exhibits. Inside the little book was a self-portrait of the artist finished roughly in pencil, with deep and thoughtful eyes. It was done in 1918 and Picasso, then in his mid-30s, had just got married. He produced big-sized artworks but he also kept this tiny notebook around, filling it with scenes of his wife, their friends, the beach and the town, and drafts of upcoming paintings. Actually, many of the draft drawings are early versions of famed paintings like Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Dora Maar in an Armchair (1939).

    "He is a great artist of the modern period, and we see practice and determination in his notebooks, said Lynn Miller, referring to Picasso's efforts in improving his skills through copious drawing. Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, a grandson of Picasso's, remembered him always drafting until the last piece of paper available. "My grandpa was permanently drawing something, Ruiz-Picasso said.

    In a documentary film shown at the gallery, Picasso, shirtless and in shorts, was standing on a ladder to reach the top of his canvas (画布). It reminds visitors of the real size of his masterworks. 

    1. (1) What are the key features of the recent exhibit at the gallery?
      A . Notebooks for sale. B . Picasso's artworks. C . Priceless artistic drafts. D . Masterpieces of the 20th century.
    2. (2) What is reflected in the notebooks of Picasso?
      A . His life experience. B . The love for his country. C . The content of his books. D . His education background.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes Picasso according to his grandson?
      A . Creative. B . Diligent. C . Optimistic. D . Humorous.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the author's words in the last paragraph?
      A . Picasso used to mind his appearance. B . The gallery exhibits real masterworks. C . The documentary movie is worth seeing. D . Picasso's artworks are actually of great size.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    If "Why?" is the first question in science, "Why not?" must be the second one. It's interesting to think about why something does not exist in nature, such as a three-legged animal.

    In an online lecture, David Jackson, a biologist in Earth and Planetary Sciences, was challenged to come up with "an animal or plant that does not and cannot exist". Jackson told the audience that in nature, no species known to date has ever been born with a third leg.

    Jackson pointed out that, however, many animals do use a particular three-legged pose for support. Examples include meerkats (猫鼬) resting on their tail and back feet and woodpeckers (啄木鸟) using tail feathers to weigh themselves against a tree trunk, which is more stable and requires less energy. Given that three-legged movement does work in some situations, why are there no animals with three legs?

    The answer may be at the core of evolution. Over a long time in history, almost all animals have adapted themselves and developed into a body shape which is organized around a central point and can be divided into two similar halves. Butterflies are an excellent example. Not only can their body shape be divided into two matching halves, but also the patterns on each wing are exactly the same. The law of having two sides to everything has been in our DNA since the first animals appeared on the earth. 

    And it is important to remember that only those biological changes that prove to have brought advantages can be passed down to next generations. If there were three-legged animals, there would be some good reasons for that to happen. However, three-legged animals would not be able to run as fast as four-legged animals. And they would also not be as efficient as two-legged animals. Three legs would simply make climbing, walking, running, and sleeping more difficult. 

    "The non-existence of three-legged animals can also be seen as the result of natural selection, " Jackson explained to the curious audience.

    1. (1) How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
      A . By arousing readers' curiosity. B . By questioning readers openly. C . By presenting scientific figures. D . By describing recent research.
    2. (2) What is the author's intention of listing examples in paragraph 3?
      A . To express his confusion. B . To challenge the audience's belief. C . To lay the ground for the core question. D . To put forward some practical solutions.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best support the underlined word "evolution" in paragraph 4?
      A . Some species born with three legs. B . Butterflies with mirroring patterns. C . Meerkats resting on their back feet. D . Woodpeckers standing on the trunk.
    4. (4) What can be passed onto next generations according to David Jackson?
      A . Original health conditions. B . Beneficial biological changes.  C .  Possible individual advantages. D . Modern and healthy lifestyles.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    One of the biggest challenges that traditional educators face is how to unlock students' love of learning. Once students overcome their fear or unwillingness, they will be on the track of becoming motivated learners.

    In order to help students discover the joy in learning, some teachers are turning to a simple but effective strategy called gamification-using game-related elements such as activities and rewards to promote students' engagement in class. With an origin in educational psychology, this approach is designed to reach students by making the learning process funny and interesting.

    What's more researches show that gamification can also make assignments less stressful. Without too much pressure, students will associate learning with curiosity and joy. Accordingly, they feel like continuing the journey because positive feelings have boosted their confidence.

    But like any other strategies, gamification has its drawbacks when used incorrectly. It is very likely that some students only focus on winning rewards but have no interest in understanding concepts or learning new skills-exactly the opposite of the desired outcome. To avoid this, teachers can help prevent students from becoming wrongly motivated by choosing suitable rewards. Instead of class parties or snacks, try rewards that help students develop a passion for academic subjects. 

    For example, have students earn points towards a class field trip by behaving and doing their assignments, or pair subjects that a student dislikes with fun books or activities to encourage motivation. That way, they associate fun with reading, math, or other skills. More examples include competing on a leader-board, holding a talent show, or playing other team-building games. All activities and rewards need to be carefully selected and well arranged. 

    If you're having a hard time getting your class interested in learning, talk with them together or individually about what motivates them and include it into your student engagement strategies.

    1. (1) What can we learn about gamification from the first two paragraphs?
      A . It improves students' critical thinking. B . It advocates a traditional teaching style. C . It motivates students to be active learners. D . It promotes the use of video games in class.
    2. (2) What is the author's attitude to the application of gamification?
      A . Favorable. B . Worried. C . Doubtful. D . Objective.
    3. (3) How should teachers avoid the drawbacks of gamification?
      A . Set learning goals for different students. B . Associate learning process with assignments. C . Encourage teamwork by holding class parties. D . Select suitable rewards for teaching activities.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The analysis of a teaching strategy. B . The future influences of gamification. C . A discovery about motivating learners. D . Recent research on education system.
二、第一部分阅读,第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
  • 5.  阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If you are seeking a job, you need to pay attention to your social media and online comments.  The following reminders may help you use social media well and grow your career. 

    ∙ Choose online platforms wisely. 

    Instead, decide on one specific platform where you know what to expect and where you can feel safe and supported, and then build your personal channel there. It's often where people look first to find out more about you. Make it as a space to show the best reflection of you and a place to tell your story and how you want it to be told.


    Know that people are watching-and it is not just your followers. Your potential clients and employers are paying attention, too. They want to learn about you and see if you are a good fit. The key is defining your professional image. Understand how you want to present yourself to the world, show what you want to be known for, and impress them with your best image. 

    ∙ Keep it clean and legal. 

    This is not to limit free speech but to set rules for a respectful, professional environment. Besides, knowing and understanding the basics of copyright law can help. For example, photos are protected by copyright from the moment they are taken, whether they are registered or not. It is OK to share online videos and photos with your friends, without asking for the owner's permission and without paying fines.

    If you use social media to your advantage, jobs will flow your way, not away. It's all in your hands.

    A. Befriend your future colleagues. 

    B. Define your own personal image. 

    C. You don't have to register every online platform.

    D. Consider setting ground rules for your online channel. 

    E. Anything that has ever been shared on the Internet is rediscoverable. 

    F. However, using them in your social media is against the copyright law. 

    G. They are open for any and all to see-including your future employers. 

三、第二部分语言运用,第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
  • 6.  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Elmer Whitaker sighed as he looked over his muddy crops. A terrible 1  had swept through his farm the night before, and his crops were now covered in 2  and destroyed. His neighbor, a kind young man named Thomas, 3  to offer his help. 

    "What a disaster, "Whitaker said. " My whole family has always survived on the harvests of this field. I feel 4 and don't know what to do now.

    Thomas calmed him down and thought for a moment. "I see this not as a disaster but as an 5 , " he said. Whitaker looked at him 6 . "How can it be?" he asked. Thomas smiled 7 , "Now you have a chance to try something new. You've always grown beans and cabbages. Why not try planting 8 crops that will also fit in this soil? You can diversify and therefore 9 your farm once again. "

    Elmer Whitaker considered this. Thomas was right-he had become set in his ways. This disaster could push him to make his farm 10 and sustainable in a new way. "You have 11 me, " Whitaker said. He clapped Thomas on the back. "Thank you for showing me the opportunity in this difficulty. "

    And so Whitaker 12 new crops and soon, the farm was full of life again. Farmers from neighboring towns were 13 with the wonder of Whitaker's fields, and they began to 14 their crops as well. Elmer Whitaker's farm has become a 15 of adaptability and hope, telling everyone that in every storm, there is a chance for new growth.

    A .  force B .  smoke C .  war D .  storm
    A .  mud B .  grass C .  mist D .  dust
    A .  went on B .  set off C .  came by D .  burst in
    A .  special B .  desperate C .  sensitive D .  tireless
    A .  opportunity B .  agreement C .  intention D .  element
    A .  as usual B .  in disbelief C .  on purpose D .  with pride
    A .  innocently B .  gratefully C .  politely D .  cheerfully
    A .  major B .  traditional C .  different D .  natural
    A .  restore B .  exchange C .  donate D .  abandon
    A .  formal B .  diverse C .  realistic D .  obvious
    A .  informed B .  demanded C .  enlightened D .  promised
    A .  tasted B .  planted C .  shared D .  received
    A .  careful B .  troubled C .  familiar D .  impressed
    A .  diversify B .  remove C .  deliver D .  observe
    A .  manner B .  dream C .  symbol D .  cause
四、第二部分语言运用,第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Doing morning exercises is a daily routine in every Chinese kindergarten and school. For the grown-ups, however, familiar schoolyards have already been replaced  public parks. 

    The morning scenes in central parks around China are lively. At every corner of the park, you can also see people  (practise) many kinds of sports: square dancing, badminton and so on. 

    But the most eye-catching groups in the park are the so-called "Kung Fu Grandpas/ Grannies", videos have gone viral on the Internet. Most of them are ordinary workers from different industries who only started working out after their (retire). They say age is just a number when it comes to fitness.

    The  (benefit) of exercise are endless: a healthier body together with a slimmer figure and a  (happy) mood. No matter how old they are or when during the day they exercise, they will always strengthen the body. 

    Social connection is also  the elderly seek during their morning workout. Feng, who is seventy-two years old, plays Taichi every day. He  (keep) this exercise routine for six years and now he is managing a WeChat group of 270 members who share  same hobby. 

    "What I like about this place is that newcomers are always welcome. Everyone in the park feels (include), " said Feng. It is like a chorus of life.

五、第三部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
  • 8. 第一节假定你是李华, 你校将举办"国际文化日", 请给外教Caroline写封邮件邀请她参加活动。内容包括:1. 活动时间、地点;2. 活动目的及内容;3. 邀请对方参加并分享自己国家的文化特色。

    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Caroline, 

    Yours sincerely, 

    Li Hua

  • 9.  第二节阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Once upon a time, in the midst of a fine summer, Tom and his younger brother Jack went on an amazing trip to a picturesque beach with their family. 

    Excitement filled the air as Tom and Jack eagerly packed their buckets and shovels (铲子), ready to explore the sandy wonders that awaited them. The moment they arrived at the beach, they wasted no time and rushed directly towards the shoreline. 

    With the wind brushing gently over their cheeks, Tom and Jack dug their hands into the soft grains of sand, laughing happily as they felt grains of sand passing through their fingers. Their laughter was echoing along the coast. 

    Then the two little brothers decided to build a splendid sand castle that would leave everyone in awe. With the sound of seabirds singing in the background, they began their grand project. Side by side, they cupped their hands, dug into the soft beach, and started building their dream castle. With great care and precision, they sculpted and shaped the sand with their fingers, crafting each tower and wall. The boys were lost in their work, feeling the warmth of the sand beneath their fingers. They seemed to hear whispering tales of the distant, mysterious ocean. 

    Time seemed to stand still as the boys poured their hearts into every detail of their sandy creation. With each passing moment, the sand castle grew in both size and beauty and it began to take shape. Together, they patiently decorated their dream castle with seashells and twigs, imagining a world of soldiers, princesses, and magical creatures. 

    Seeing the castle stand proudly before them, the two little brothers breathed out a sigh of relief. Their eyes shone with excitement. They were like architects who were appreciating their masterpiece that expressed their extraordinary imagination. 

    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    However, just before they knew it, the seawater began to rise. 

    Jack nodded his head in agreement and they determined to rebuild it 

