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牛津译林版四年级下册Unit 6 Whose dress i...

更新时间:2024-02-28 浏览次数:6 类型:同步测试
  • 14. 找出对应的答句。

    Is this your coat? 

    A. All right. 

    What are these? 

    B. How nice!

    Whose gloves are these? 

    C. Yes, it is. 

    Look at my dress. 

    D. They're Yang Ling's. 

    Let's go to the party. 

    E. They are new jeans. 

    What colour are your socks? 

    F. They're yellow and green.

  • 15.  阅读理解。

    Hello, I'm Sue. It is Saturday today. We have a party at Ben's home. Tom is wearing blue jeans. The jeans are long. They're Tom's father's. Look at Candy. Her hat is red. She has a basket. What's she like? Yes. You're right. Little Red Riding Hood! What about Ben? Look at his red coat. It's so cool. What do I have for the party?A yellow T—shirt and yellow shorts. We sing and dance. We play games. It's great fun.

    1. (1) The long jeans are____. 
      A . Tom's B . Tom's brother's C . Tom's father's
    2. (2) Who is wearing yellow today?
      A . Sue. B . Tom. C . Ben.
    3. (3) We can see____children at the party. 
      A . three B . four C . five
    4. (4) Little Red Riding Hood means(意思是)"____"in Chinese.
      A . 灰姑娘 B . 白雪公主 C . 小红帽
    5. (5) What party is it?
      A . A fancy dress party. B . A birthday party. C . A New Year's party.

