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更新时间:2024-02-26 浏览次数:11 类型:月考试卷
  • 6.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's the weather like now?
      A . Cloudy.    B . Sunny.    C . Rainy.
    2. (2) What will the two speakers do next?
      A . Go shopping. B . Go to the museum. C . Go to the restaurant.
  • 7.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man want to buy most?
      A . A bed.   B . A pen.   C . Two chairs.
    2. (2) What does the woman suggest buying?
      A . A desk.   B . A sofa.   C . One dining table.
  • 8.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the man probably?
      A . A student.   B . A writer.   C . A tour guide.
    2. (2) What kind of festival will the two speakers go to?
      A . A local festival in honor of ancestors. B . A festival for people who love reading. C . A festival in honor of local gods.
    3. (3) How long does the woman plan to camp by the lake?
      A . For two nights. B . For one night and one day. C . For two nights and three days.
  • 9.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Which of the following does the man think is important to him?
      A . The home's space. B . A nice view. C . A quiet neighborhood.
    2. (2) How many bedrooms would the man's dream home have?
      A . Two.    B . Three.    C . Four.
    3. (3) Where would the guest bathroom be?
      A . On the first floor. B . On the second floor. C . On the third floor.
    4. (4) When would the man watch the news on TV?
      A . In the morning. B . In the afternoon. C . In the evening.
  • 10.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) When will Monica work in the library?
      A . From 9:15 am to 4:45 pm. B . From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. C . From 8:45 am to 5:15 pm.
    2. (2) What can Monica do while working in the library?
      A . Have coffee. B . Have snacks. C . Read magazines.
    3. (3) Where can Monica have sandwiches for lunch?
      A . In her own office. B . In the dining room. C . In the common room.
    4. (4) Why doesn't the speaker like cafes in the town center?
      A . They are crowded. B . Lunchtime is limited. C . They are expensive.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    Children are celebrated and doted on in the Land of Smiles,making it a great place for a family holiday. Besides the Thais' natural love for kids,Thailand's affordability,weather and lots of activities make it a perfect getaway destination. Here is our list of the best family-friendly places to visit in Thailand.


    Phuket is one of Thailand's most popular destinations. From beautiful beaches and a fascinating old town to aquariums and horseback riding,Phuket has them all. Many of the island's resorts (度假胜地) offer children's clubs and babysitting services,enabling mum and dad to get a well-earned break,too. Phuket is easily reached from most parts of Thailand and has direct flights from many other countries.

    Chiang Mai

    Chiang Mai,Thailand's mountainous cultural center,is a fantastic place to travel with the whole family. Chiang Mai has a calm and relaxed atmosphere and is small enough to easily gain your direction. Here,you'll find plenty of fun and exciting activities for all ages,including museums,local markets,cooking schools and much more.


    The beach lovers' destination Krabi is the perfect place to relax. Not only are some of the country's best beaches in Krabi,but it is also a fantastic place to pick up a snorkel (呼吸管) and mask and become acquainted with Thailand's beautiful underwater world. In the surrounding area,there are also plenty of options for fun day trips to national parks,waterfalls,elephant sanctuaries (保护区) or,for older kids,rock climbing in some of the world's best climbing spots.

    Koh Samui

    Koh Samui has long been one of Thailand's most popular family holiday destinations. It almost has everything one would want. Many resorts have kids' programs on offer,and you'll find plenty of family-friendly activities to choose from. For something a little different,take your tribe to make new furry friends by volunteering at the animal rescue center for the day.

    1. (1) What is the feature of Phuket?
      A . It is easy to get lost there. B . It has convenient transportation. C . It offers some voluntary work. D . It is the cultural center of Thailand.
    2. (2) What can visitors do in Krabi according to the text?
      A . Diving. B . Riding elephants. C . Visiting museums. D . Making furry friends.
    3. (3) Which of the following may interest an animal lover most?
      A . Phuket. B . Chiang Mai. C . Krabi. D . Koh Samui.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Table tennis may not seem a reasonable option for someone with no arms—but Ibrahim Hamadtou doesn't believe in limits. The 48-year-old Egyptian Paralympian breaks the barrier by holding the paddle (乒乓球拍) in his mouth and using his right foot to serve the ball.

    Hamadtou, who lost his arms in a train accident at the age of ten, was drawn to table tennis after being challenged by a friend. "I was once watching a match between two of my friends," Hamadtou explains. "They disagreed on a point. When I was in favor of one of them, the other player told me, ‘Mind your own business as you will never be able to play.' It was that statement that fired me up to decide to play table tennis."

    It took Hamadtou three years to master the sport. He said the biggest challenge was figuring out the best way to control his body. "I was trying first to use the bat under the arm, and I also tried using other things, which weren't working so well. Finally, I tried using my mouth. It took me nearly a year of practice to get used to holding the paddle with my mouth and making the serve. With practicing and playing regularly, this skill improved."

    The Egyptian's incredible talent came to light in 2014 when he was awarded the best Arab Athlete of the Year. He won a silver medal at the 2016 African Championships,qualified for his first Paralympics in 2016 at 43, and then again for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games at 48.

    The inspiring athlete says, "The disability is not in arms or legs but to give up whatever you would like to do."

    1. (1) What made Hamadtou take up table tennis?
      A . His passion for table tennis B . His ambition to prove himself. C . His willingness to inspire others D . His suffering in a train accident.
    2. (2) What was the most difficult for Hamadtou to play table tennis?
      A . Serving the ball with his mouth. B . Holding the paddle under his arm. C . Practicing strengthening his muscles. D . Playing the game with the right body parts.
    3. (3) What can we learn about Hamadtou from the text?
      A . He was recognized as a gifted player at 41. B . He was awarded the best athlete in Africa. C . He won a medal in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. D . He realized his dream of winning a gold medal.
    4. (4) What message does the story convey?
      A . Well begun is half done B . Love breaks down barriers. C . Success gives people delight. D . Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    New research by scientists at the University of Bristol explains how a "stop-start" pattern of evolution,governed by environmental change,could explain why crocodiles (鳄鱼) have changed so little since the age of the dinosaurs.

    Crocodiles today look very similar to ones from 200 million years ago. There are also very few species alive today—just 25.Other animals such as lizards and birds have achieved a diversity of many thousands of species in the same amount of time. Prehistory also saw types of crocodile we don't see today,including giants as big as dinosaurs,plant-eaters,fast runners and snakelike forms that lived in the sea.

    The rate of their evolution is generally slow,but occasionally they evolve more apace because the environment has changed. In particular,this new research suggests that their evolution speeds up when the climate is warmer,and that their body size increases. 

    Lead author Dr. Max Stockdale said,"Our analysis used a machine learning algorithm (算法) to estimate rates of evolution. Evolutionary rate is the amount of change that has taken place over a given amount of time,which we can work out by comparing measurements from fossils and taking into account how old they are. For our study we measured body size,which is important because it interacts with how fast animals grow,how much food they need,how big their populations are and how likely they are to die out."

    The findings show that the limited diversity of crocodiles and their apparent lack of evolution result from a slow evolutionary rate. It seems the crocodiles arrived with an already efficient and versatile (多功能的) body plan that doesn't require changes. This versatility could be one explanation why crocodiles survived the meteor (流星) impact at the end of the Cretaceous period,in which the dinosaurs died out. Crocodiles generally develop better in warm conditions because they cannot control their body temperature and require warmth from the environment.

    1. (1) What do we know about prehistoric crocodiles?
      A . They fed mainly on plants and lived in the ocean. B . They evolved much faster than contemporary birds. C . They were more diverse in species than present crocodiles. D . They differed greatly in appearance from present crocodiles.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "apace" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . Naturally. B . Steadily. C . Separately. D . Quickly.
    3. (3) The body size of a crocodile has an effect on its ____. 
      A . growth rate B . food choice C . length of life D . speed of evolution
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . What determines crocodiles' body size B . Why crocodiles have changed so little C . How crocodiles have evolved since their existence D . What effects climate has on the evolution of crocodiles
  • 14.  阅读理解

    People with fewer friends are more likely to attract new friends than people who already have a wide social circle—but most people think the opposite is true, a January study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found.

    The study demonstrated what the authors call "the friend number paradox (悖论)", or the concept that we think we'll magnetize more friends if we're more popular,but at the same time are more interested in befriending others if we know their circle is small.

    The authors of the study Dai Xianchi and his colleague conducted three studies that presented participants with scenes to assess the difference between what they predicted others would want in somebody as a friend, and what they wanted in a friend. The researchers found people want high-quality relationships—harder to get from someone with lots of friends—but forget that when guessing what others want in them. They also found they could help correct this difference by reminding participants that, in fact, social butterflies may have less to give.

    The researchers say people's natural self-centered viewpoint contributes to "the friend number paradox". That is, we're more likely to put our (in this case,false) predictions about ourselves onto others than to put ourselves in other people's shoes and apply those insights to us. We also tend to see the positive aspects of having more friends, like signaling a good personality or possessing "precious resources that others seek" in ourselves. We see the negatives, like not having enough time or energy to sustain a friendship, in others, Dai said. It's possible that other factors explain this difference, the researchers say. Maybe we prefer less popular people because we're worried about rejection from queen bees. We might also think choosing someone whose circle is smaller than ours boosts our social influence.

    No matter what the potential causes are, Dai said the findings suggest people shouldn't "show off" a large friend number when seeking new connections.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "magnetize" mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . Ignore. B . Attract. C . Lose. D . Expect.
    2. (2) What do the three studies find?
      A . High-quality friendships are hard to get. B . Social butterflies tend to make more friends. C . Most people care about the needs of others. D . People can't give what they expect from others.
    3. (3) What leads to the phenomenon of "the friend number paradox" among people?
      A . Selfish personality. B . Concern about being rejected. C . Ambition for social influence. D . Preference for larger friend circles.
    4. (4) What is a common misunderstanding of making new friends?
      A . A wider social circle helps. B . A smaller social circle helps. C . The more friends you have, the better. D . The fewer friends you have, the better.
  • 15.  任务型阅读

    For years, research has linked skipping breakfast with the increased BMI (body mass index), but few studies have been carried out into the effect of the other two meals of the day.

    However, a study conducted at Osaka University concluded that not eating dinner is a significant predictor of weight gain and obesity.. As part of their annual check-ups, the students were asked how often they ate breakfast,lunch,and dinner. Researchers also took into consideration the time of eating,whether participants' meal habits changed over the course of the study, and lifestyle factors.

    , the researchers found that those who did so all the time were more likely to be older, more overweight,a smoker or drinker, to sleep for a shorter period of time, and skip other meals more frequently.

    These results suggested that skipping dinner, which was much less popular than skipping breakfast, could result in weight gain and higher likelihood of being overweight than skipping breakfast. It was significantly associated with weight gain of 10% or more, and having a BMI over 25, which is classed as overweight or obese..

    The researchers suggested that the reason why skipping dinner could lead to weight gain is that it makes people hungrier so they end up eating more over the course of the day.. That's because dinner is typically a meal that lends itself to nutritious foods like lean (脂肪少的) proteins and vegetables.

    The researchers noted that their study had drawbacks:. Additionally, they didn't take into account factors like exercise or depression.

    A. The BMI has its limitations after all

    B. Besides, skipping dinner may mean a lower quality diet

    C. It should be repeated to assess a wider group of people

    D. Skipping lunch was more likely to bring about the same results

    E. It followed 20,000 subjects overall above 18 over an average of three years

    F. Although the number of students who said they sometimes skipped dinner was small

    G. Students skipping dinner has a stronger association with weight gain and obesity

  • 16.  完形填空

    Growing up, I was fortunate to travel with my parents and I'm extremely 1 to them for opening my eyes to the world. Travel is one of the 2 things because we can visit beautiful places and it teaches us a lot.

    Three weeks ago, I had the biggest 3  of my life. I went to London alone. It was 4  to enter that airplane at 6:40 am, leaving my parents behind and knowing there was nobody 5  me on the other side. Watching the sunrise from the plane made me remember why I was there. 6 , I was about to realize a dream.

    I had tried making travel plans with friends but7 answers like "It's not the best time." or "I can't8 it." The idea of going alone was scary but9 . I wanted to prove that I was capable of 10 that fear and doing something I wanted.

    It felt great to be 11  everything, from 12 my alarm to deciding which museum to visit. This sense of 13  was one of the best things about traveling alone.

    By this journey, I learned to be more 14 ,realizing what I'm capable of and that I can 15 the journey of life on my own.

    A .  faithful B .  thankful C .  helpful D .  respectful
    A .  craziest B .  humblest C .  best D .  easiest
    A .  adventure B .  trouble C .  celebration D .  show
    A .  embarrassing B .  astonishing C .  puzzling D .  terrifying
    A .  waiting for B .  turning to C .  believing in D .  relying on
    A .  In addition B .  For instance C .  After all D .  As a consequence
    A .  was reminded of B .  was warned against C .  was faced with D .  was attached to
    A .  den B .  predict C .  accept D .  afford
    A .  unhappy B .  unrealistic C .  exciting D .  crucial
    A .  ignoring B .  expressing C .  identifying D .  hiding
    A . in honor of B . in possession of C . in need of D . in charge of
    A .  repairing B .  setting C .  purchasing D .  finding
    A .  freedom B .  achievement C .  relief D .  security
    A .  enthusiastic B .  ambitious C .  independent D .  creative
    A .  record B .  complete C .  witness D .  cancel
  • 17.  语法填空

    Back in late 1,700s, long before people understood the reason behind immunity, farmers and doctors in rural areas of Britain noticed that dairymaids (挤奶女工) and other people who got a mild disease called cowpox(牛痘) seldom caught its fearsome cousin, smallpox(天花). Was there a connection? Some decided there was and inserted (嵌入的) material from the cowpox into an incision they cut on the arm of healthy people, thus somehow (protect) them from smallpox. In 1798,a doctor named Edward Jenner published the results of his experiments using this procedure, earning (he)fame as the "Father of Immunology".

    Scientists later figured out that cowpox somehow protected one from smallpox. When people caught cowpox, their bodies made special cells (call) antibodies. They fought the disease. That's not all. They stayed in the blood case the disease ever returned. Because cowpox and smallpox are fairly similar, if a person was later exposed to the more serious disease, antibodies were ready (fight) it too.

    That knowledge helped scientists develop vaccines. The term vaccination originated from Latin. They contain the viruses, weakened, dead or modified (改良的).Injected into the blood, they trick the immune system into making antibodies.  the body ever meets with those same  (virus), even at full strength,the antibodies make short work of them.

    Vaccination prior to  (expose) to the virus is ideal. But a vaccination given within three days of exposure will (complete) prevent or significantly modify smallpox in the majority of people and given within the first four to seven days will likely offer some protection or soften the disease.

  • 18.  假定你是李华,目前在英国学习。你校汉语学习社团将举办中国经典诗歌分享会(Classic Chinese Poetry Sharing Session)。请根据下面的写作提示,写一则英语海报,张贴在学校的通知栏。内容包括:1.时间、地点;2.主要内容;3.报名方式和截止日期。


八、第四部分,写作,第二节(满分25 分)
  • 19.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    "What happened?" asked Mrs. Sharpnack. The red marks covering the test said everything. Without even seeing the grade,I knew I had failed. I felt upset as I realized what would come after this.

    My failing score would mean my grades wouldn't be high enough to be on the Honor Roll that term. In just a few weeks,the names of the Honor Roll students would be read during class. Those on the list would be excused to go watch a movie and have treats. I wasn't as upset about missing the party as I was about to explain to my friends why I wouldn't get to go. My friends always got good grades,and usually,so did I.

    "I know you can pass this test," said Mrs. Sharpnack. "What if I let you take it again? I'll give you a week to study." But I just wanted to go home,forget about the test and never think about math again. Mrs. Sharpnack could have left me behind,but she didn't. Perhaps a great teacher just can't be satisfied with students falling short of his or her potential. "I know you can pass this test," she repeated firmly. She said it with such certainty that it almost felt like a vow (誓言). For a brief moment,I wondered if she could be right.

    I had thirty minutes from the time school let out until my bus came. Mrs. Sharpnack asked if I would be willing to use that time to go over the problems I had missed. I agreed. We started right then and made plans to meet each day for one week,after which I would take the test again. 

    After going over a few problems,my friend Madena came looking for me. 

    "What are you doing?" she asked.

    Before I could say anything,Mrs. Sharpnack turned my test backside up,hiding its contents. "Amanda is helping me with a special project," she said. By then,it was time for our bus to come. I gathered up my things and left with Madena.

    For the next week,I stayed after class with Mrs. Sharpnack. She would go over each problem,carefully explaining their solutions. 


    The day when I should take the test again came soon.


    Things were different this time.

