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牛津上海版( 深圳用 )英语四年级上册Unit 8基础练( ...

更新时间:2023-11-30 浏览次数:17 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. —? (根据答语写出问句)

    —I'd like some candy.

  • 2. —?(根据答语写出问句)

    —They're thirty yuan.

  • 3. —?(根据答语写出问句)

    —Yes, I'd like a pair of small glasses.

  • 4.  读句子,选答语,填字母编号。                                                                                          

    What would you like?  


     A. Thank you.  


     Here you are.  


     B. Thirty yuan, please.  


     How much are these?  


    C. I'd like some candy.

  • 5. 情景交际

    ⑴Can I help you?   

    ⑵What would you like?   

    ⑶How much is the skirt?   

    ⑷How many apples are there?   

    ⑸Here you are.   

    A. Thank you.

    B. Thirty yuan, please.

    C. There are four apples.

    D. Yes, I'd like some meat.

    E. I'd like a hamburger.

  • 6. 问答配对

    ⑴How much is it ?                   A. They are forty yuan.

    ⑵Can I help you?                    B. I would like some bread.

    ⑶What would you like?              C. It is 11 yuan.

    ⑷Would you like some candy?         D. No, thank you.

    ⑸How much are these apples?        E. Yes. I want to buy a shirt.

  • 7.  句子匹配                                 

    A. They are forty yuan. 

    B. I would like some bread. 

    C. It is 11 yuan. 

    D. No, thank you. 

    E. Yes. I want to buy a shirt. 

    1. (1) How much is it?
    2. (2) Can I help you?
    3. (3) What would you like?
    4. (4) Would you like some candy?
    5. (5) How much are these apples?
  • 8. 句子匹配                                  

    A. I need a pencil.  

    B. He is in the garden.  
    C. It is 5 yuan.  
    D. I would like some rice.  
    E. Ginger is full.  
    1. (1) —Where is your father?  


    2. (2) —How is Ginger?  


    3. (3) —What would you like?  
    4. (4) —How much is the milk?  


    5. (5)  —What do you need?  


  • 9. (2022四上·临平期中) 读一读,选择正确的应答句。
    A. It's near your schoolbag.
    B. Two math books and a notebook.
    C. What colour is it?
    D. I have five.
    E. Yes, he is.
    1. (1) How many candies do you have? 
    2. (2) Is he Mike? 
    3. (3) What's in your schoolbag?
    4. (4) Excuse me. I lost my pencil. 
    5. (5) Where is my key? 
  • 10. (2023四上·长兴期中) 读一读,选出正确的答句。

    A. It's under the chair.

    B. He's my friend,Bobby.

    C. Five pencils and a ruler.


    E. Thank you so much.

    1. (1) —Let me help you. 

    2. (2) —Let's clean the desks. 

    3. (3) —Where is my ball? 

    4. (4) —Who's he? 

    5. (5) —What's in your pencil box? 

