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更新时间:2023-11-24 浏览次数:31 类型:期中考试
一、Listen and choose.听音两遍,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)
  • 1. 听音两遍,选出你所听到的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . cat B . cake C . cute
    2. (2)
      A . red  B . right C . rice
    3. (3)
      A . wall B . note C . ruler
    4. (4)
      A . fine B . four C . five
    5. (5)
      A . hot B . Coke C . pot
二、Listen and number.听音两遍,用1-5给下列图片排序。(10分)
三、Listen and choose.听音两遍,选择正确的答语。(10分)
  • 3. 听音两遍,选择正确的答语。
    1. (1)
      A . It's a door. B . It's near the door. C . It's long.
    2. (2)
      A . Many chairs and desks. B . Black.  C . Six books and some pens.
    3. (3)
      A . He is my father.  B . She is Linda. C . She is ten.
    4. (4)
      A . No, she isn't. B . No, he is. C . Yes, he is.
    5. (5)
      A . Thank you. B . OK! C . It's green.
四、Listen and choose.听音两遍,根据短文内容判断句子正误。(10分)
  • 4. 英语课上,老师检查孩子们谁能把下面的文章读得又快又好。
    1. (1) Amma is tall and thin.
    2. (2) Lingling has long hair.
    3. (3) Lingling's shoes are green.
    4. (4) The desks and chairs in the classroom are orange.
    5. (5) Amma has a Chinese book, a maths book and two storybooks in her schoolbag.
五、Read and choose.读一读,选一选,并把相应的编号填进括号内。(6分)
  • 5. Binbin和同学们玩看图猜单词游戏。

    A. quiet  B. door  C. floor  D. candies  

    1. (1) The picture is near the .
    2. (2) I like , they are sweet(甜的). 
    3. (3) A .storybook is on the .
    4. (4) My sister is .
六、Choose and write.看图选词,并正确书写到四线三格上。(10分)
  • 6. 老师让大家用英语介绍自己,听听Kelly是怎么介绍她自己的。

      windows   schoolbag   lights    friendly   toys   

    I'm Kelly. I have a new classroom. It's very big and nice. There are nine , thirty desks and four . Look! The walls are white. Where is my ? It's near the desk. I have some  in my bag. My teacher is .

七、Look, read and choose.阅读图片和句子,选择正确的选项并填进括号内。(10分)
  • 7. Binbin中午去失物招领处帮忙,帮助同学们找到自己丢失的物品。

    A.  B. C.  D.  E. 

    1. (1) I'm Lele. I lost (丢失)my Chinese book.
    2. (2) My schoolbag is a rabbit. But it's not in my classroom.
    3. (3) I want to find my storybook.
    4. (4) I have a PE (体育)class today. Where are my shoes? They are nice. 
    5. (5) I can't find my keys.
八、Read and choose.根据情境选择相应句子,并将字母编号填在横线上。(10分)
  • 8. Binbin和Jake在谈论他的好朋友。

    A.What colour are his glasses?   B. His name is Tom.  C. Yes, he is.  D. I have a new friend. E. A girl or boy?


九、Read and choose.请从方框内选择恰当的句子补全对话,并将字母编号填在横线上。(10分)
  • 9. 放学了Binbin和同学们在打扫教室。

    A. Let me clean it.
    B. Let's clean our classroom.
    C. Let me help you.

    D. Let me clean the fans.  
    E. Our classroom is so nice now.  
    F. Can I help you?

    Binbin: School is over.  

    Sarah: OK. The teacher's desk is dirty.

    Zhang Peng: I am tall.  

    Linda: Let me clean the floor. 

    Amy: Let me clean the desks and chairs.

    John: There are thirty desks and thirty chairs. 

    Amy: Thank you. 

    Miss White: Wow!  

十、Read and finish.阅读短文,完成下列任务。(12分)
  • 10. Binbin在学校公务栏上看到一封来自a Hope School希望小学的求助信。

    My name is Fengfeng. I am ten years old. I'm from a Hope School in a village(乡村). Our classroom is small and old. We are happy, because our teachers are friendly, they are very nice to us. But we are poor. We have no schoolbags, we have no pencil boxes. We have no storybooks. We have no notebooks. We like Chinese, maths and English very much, but we don't have enough books. So we need(需要)more books. Can you help us?

    1. (1) Fengfeng's classroom is small but new.
    2. (2) Fengfeng and his classmates(同学)need some schoolbags, pencil boxes,toys and books.
    3. (3) Fengfeng likes Chinese, maths and English.
    4. (4) How old is Fengfeng?
      A . 10. B . 12. C . 13.
    5. (5) Fengfeng's teachers are ____.
      A . friendly. B . friendly and nice. C . old.
    6. (6) 根据上下文为划线单词"But we are poor"选正确的中文意思。
      A . 富裕的 B . 善良的 C . 贫穷的
十一、 Read and write.请仿照例子看图写句子。(4分)
  • 11. 请仿照例子看图写句子。


    Chinese book, English book, maths book, notebook, storybook ...

    1. (1) I have a Chinese book in the schoolbag.(看图一写句子,单数)
    2. (2) I have a Chinese book and some notebooks in the schoolbag.(看图二写句子,复数)

