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牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册Module 3 Out an...

更新时间:2023-11-23 浏览次数:15 类型:复习试卷
  • 11. 选词/短语填空

    Shanghai      tourists      sushi      buildings      London

    1. (1) It is a kind of food. People in Tokyo like it. 
    2. (2) It's the capital of the UK. 
    3. (3) They are all around us. People live or work in them. 
    4. (4) They like travelling. They travel for fun. 
    5. (5) It is a city of China. It is in the east of China. 
  • 12. 句子匹配

    A. What is the film about?

    B. What time shall we see the film?

    C. Shall we see a film this weekend?

    D. Do you like cartoons?

    E. What would you like to see?

    1. (1) — 

      —Sure. I love films. 

    2. (2) — 

      —I'd like to see Beauty and the Beast

    3. (3) — 

      —It's about a brave young man. 

    4. (4) — 

      —No, I don't. 

    5. (5) — 

      —How about 7 p. m. ?

  • 13. 选内容补全对话/短文
    A. I was born there.
    B. I went to Shanghai.
    C. We didn't have time.
    D. The xiaolongbao was wonderful!
    E. but I don't know how to use them.

    Jane: Hi, Ken. I didn't see you last week. Where did you go?

    Ken:  My daughter studies there. 

    Jane: Shanghai was my hometown!  Did you have a good time?

    Ken: Yes, I did. We went to the Yu Garden. It was amazing!

    Jane: Did you visit Oriental Pear Tower (东方明珠塔)?

    Ken: No, I didn't.

    Jane: Did you eat any nice food?

    Ken: Yes, we did. 

    Jane: What did you buy?

    Ken: I bought some nice chopsticks,  Can you teach me?

    Jane: Sure. 

  • 14. 阅读选择

    A man was traveling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged. Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a circus (马戏团) which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, "I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!" Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.

    When the man got back to his own country, the customs officers wouldn't believe his story. They said, "You sold your new car while you were abroad and bought this old one!"

    It was only when the man showed them the letter from the circus man that believed him. 

    1. (1) A man was traveling abroad ____.
      A . in a big bus B . in a green jeep C . in a red car
    2. (2) The car was damaged because ____. 
      A . there was a traffic accident B . the circus man broke it C . the elephant sat on it
    3. (3) The circus man said that ____.
      A . he would pay for part of the damage. B . he would pay for all of the damage C . he wouldn't pay for the damage
    4. (4) When the man got back to his country, the customs officers ____. 
      A . would check his new car B . only checked his car C . wouldn't believe what he had said,
    5. (5) It was only ____ that made the officers believe him. 
      A . the letter from the circus man B . a newspaper from the country C . the letter from the government
  • 15. 阅读判断


    Last year, I went to South Africa. I saw lions and zebras. They were beautiful. I swam, too. It was fun but tiring. 


    Last summer, I went to Australia. I skied. It was cold but exciting. We ate a lot, too. The food there was delicious but not very spicy. 


    Last summer, I went to the UK. I went to lots of museums. We visited family and friends, too. It was fun and interesting. 

    1. (1) Last summer, Mike went to the UK. 
    2. (2) Bob swam in South Africa last year. 
    3. (3) Mike and Bill went to different (不同的) countries last summer. 
    4. (4) Bill went to the UK. 
    5. (5) Bill visited family and friends in Australia last summer. 
    6. (6) Bob saw lions and zebras in South Africa last year. 

