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更新时间:2023-10-31 浏览次数:53 类型:期末考试
一、Read and choose.(读一读,选出最佳答案。)(5分)
二、Read and choose.(补全对话,选择句子完成对话。)(10分)
  • 6. 补全对话,选择句子完成对话。                                 

    A. It's on July 25th.

    B. It's 30 yuan.

    C. I want to buy a present for my sister.

    D. How about this pink water cup?

    E. And pink is her favorite color.

    Sara: Hi, Mike. What are you doing here?

    Mike: Hello, Sara.  Her birthday is coming.

    Sara: When is her birthday?

    Mike:  I don't know what to buy.

    Sara: What does she like?

    Mike: She likes teddy bears very much.

    Sara:  There is a teddy bear on it. 

    Mike: It looks so cute.  How much is it?


    Mike: I'll take it. Thank you, Sara.

三、Read and choose.(阅读理解)(20分)
  • 7. 阅读海报,根据海报内容判断句子正误。

    1. (1) This is a poster of an after school club.
    2. (2) This club is for children between 6 and 9 years old.
    3. (3) The club starts in winter.
    4. (4) This club takes 90 minutes on Monday.
    5. (5) There are three activities in this club.                                 

      Word bank:

      Club        社团

      Age        年龄

  • 8. 阅读下面的采访,选择正确的答案。

    To be a child: Easy or not?

    Host: Welcome to our show! Welcome the three children! Parents always say it's great to be a child. But, what do the children think?

    Peter: I had one thing to say: IT'S NOT EASY TO BE A CHILD. Being a child looks like fun, but sometimes it's not. Yesterday I was playing balls outside with my friend, but my mother said, "Peter, it's six o'clock. It's time to come back home. It's getting late." When you're a parent, no one can tell you what to do or when to do it.

    Jack: "Hurry up!" "Don't eat too much ice cream." "Don't play computer game." "Keep your room clean." "You should go to bed before nine o'clock." Oh, dear! These nagging words ring in my ears every day.

    Lisa: As(作为) a child, I like to play, but I have no time to play or to do the things I really love. After school or on the weekend, more homework are waiting for me. It's all from my parents. I try to get good grades(成绩) but my parents think I should get better grades.

    Host: Both parents and children have different ideas. Next week, we are going to talk about: To be a parent, easy or not?

    1. (1) Peter ____ with his friend yesterday.
      A . had classes B . played computer games C . played balls
    2. (2) Jack should go to bed before ____.
      A . 10:00 B . 9:30 C . 9:00
    3. (3) "These nagging words ring in my ears every day." Here "nagging words" means "____".
      A . 唠叨的话 B . 有趣的话 C . 重要的话
    4. (4) From the interview(访谈), we know ____.
      A . Peter can play outside late B . Lisa's parents are strict in her study C . Jack can eat a lot of ice cream
    5. (5) The main idea(主旨大意) of this passage is ____.
      A . It's great to be a child B . It's not easy to be a child C . It's not easy to be a parent
四、 Read and write.(根据图片提示及上下文完成句子。)(5分)
五、Read and answer.(阅读两篇短文,按要求完成下列任务,请将答案写在答题卡上。)(20分)
  • 13. 阅读理解

    David has a happy family. There are some rules in his family.

    Rule 1: Keep healthy

    Being healthy is important. David's family do sports for one hour every day. David is good at swimming and he goes swimming every afternoon. His parents run every morning.

    Rule 2:____

    They can't watch TV or spend time on the phone after dinner. The family usually sit on the sofa and talk. David always talks about his school and friends. Sometimes they take a walk together.

    Rule 3:____

    David says "I love you" to his parents in the morning, before he goes to school and in the evening, before he goes to bed. His parents say it to him, too. When David helps his mother, she says "Thank you". They show their love and thanks all the time.

    1. (1) 为David家的后面两条家规选择标题。
      Rule 2: 
      Rule 3: 

      A. Always say "I love you" and "Thank you"
      B. Evening time is family time

    2. (2) How do David's family keep healthy?
    3. (3) What do the family usually do after dinner?
    4. (4) When does David say "I love you" to his parents?
    5. (5) In your family, when do you say "I love you" to your parents?
  • 14. 阅读理解

    An ant was thirsty. He wanted to drink some water from the river, but he fell in and couldn't get out. "Help! Help!" the ant cried. A dove in the tree put a leaf on the river. "That leaf can help you. Climb onto it," said the dove. The ant climbed onto the leaf. The ant was safe. "Thank you, Dove. I wish I could do something for you one day." said the ant.

    One day, the dove was building her nest(鸟巢). A man is going to shoot(射击) her. The ant saw this. He ran quickly up the man's leg. "Ouch!" The man felt(感到) a pain(疼痛) and dropped(丢下) his gun. The dove flew away.

    The dove came back to the ant. "Thank you, my friend. You were so great!" The ant was happy too because he could help his friend.

    1. (1) 据上下文猜测划线单词的意思。



      A. 到......上面    B. 到……里面    C. 安全    D. 危险

    2. (2) 根据故事内容完成下面图表,每空不超过三个单词。

      1. 2. 3. 4.
    3. (3) What did you learn from the story? 
  • 15. 时间如白驹过隙,你马上就要小学毕业进入初中。请根据图表的提示,写一篇毕业致辞,说说自己的变化以及你对初中生活的规划。
    要求:1. 包含图表中的信息,可以适当拓展。2. 语句连贯,逻辑通顺,书写工整,文中不出现真实学校。3. 不少于40词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear classmates,

    I changed(变化) a lot in primary school. _______________

