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更新时间:2023-10-19 浏览次数:33 类型:复习试卷
  • 1.  你想帮助别人,你应该对他/她说  
    A . Let me help you. B . Thank you. C . OK.
  • 2. 你想说“我喜欢我的故事书”,可以说_____________
    A . I like my storybook. B . I like my maths book.
  • 3.  你想知道教室里有什么,应该说: 
    A . What's in the classroom? B . Is it in the classroom? C . Where is the classroom?
  • 4. (2022四上·期中) 当你想知道你的铅笔盒在哪儿时,你会问:_____
    A . Is this your pencil box? B . Where is my pencil box?
  • 5. (2021三上·济南期中) 当你向别人介绍John时,应说: 
    A . I'm John. B . This is John.  
  • 6.  情景交际,根据问句选答语。                                 

    A. No, it isn't.

    B. Sure.

    C. A storybook.

    D. It's in the desk.

    E. Yes, I do.

    1. (1) What's in your hand?
    2. (2) Is this your notebook?
    3. (3) Where is your Chinese book?
    4. (4) Do you have candies?
    5. (5) May I see it?
  • 7. (2022四上·期中) 句子匹配

    A. It's white and blue.

    B. He is Tom. He is my friend.

    C. Some desks, some chairs and a new computer.

    D. It's near the window.

    E. His name is Tom.

    1. (1) Where is the new fan?
    2. (2) What colour is your hat?
    3. (3) What's his name?
    4. (4) Who is that boy?
    5. (5) What's in your classroom?
  • 8. 给下列句子选择合适的答语。

    A. It's a book.

    B. A fan, a light and a bed.

    C. Good idea!

    D. It's on the desk.

    E. Really? Let's have a look.

    1. (1) —Let's clean the classroom.

    2. (2) —Where is my new book?

    3. (3) —What's in the bedroom?

    4. (4) —We have a new classroom.

    5. (5) —What's this?

  • 9. 匹配对话。                                  

    A. She has a red dress. 

    B. He is my friend, Tom. 
    C. He is 10. 
    D. Yes, he can. 
    E. Yes, she does. 
    1. (1) —Who is he?  


    2. (2) —What does she have?  


    3. (3) —Can he swim?  


    4. (4) —How old is he?  


    5. (5) —Do she have a black skirt?  


  • 10.  根据所给情景选择相应的句子。                                 

    A. What colour is it?

    B. May I see it?

    C. Wow! It's beautiful.

    D. It's cute.

    E. What's in your schoolbag?

    1. (1) 好朋友买了一个新书包,你想看看可以说:
    2. (2) 同学丢了钢笔,你捡到了,为了确认是不是他的,你想问钢笔的颜色:
    3. (3) 同学的书包非常漂亮,你会说:
    4. (4) 妈妈问你的书包里面有什么,她会说:
    5. (5) 夸奖小动物可爱时,你应该这样说:

