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更新时间:2023-11-09 浏览次数:35 类型:月考试卷
二、第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
  • 6. 听对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) When did the man intend to arrive?
      A . By 7:15. B . By 7:30. C . By 8:00.
    2. (2) What is the woman worried about?
      A . The rush hour. B . Parking. C . Being late.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) Where does the conversation most probably take place?
      A . At a hotel. B . At an airport. C . At a travel agency.
    2. (2) What special request does the woman make?
      A . She wants a cheap fight. B . She requires a return ticket. C . She would like a specific meal.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers discussing?
      A . A lecture. B . A product. C . A university.
    2. (2) What does the woman say about Mr Cobb?
      A . He founded a start-up firm. B . He is well known for his lectures, C . He has contributed a lot to the field of electronics.
    3. (3) What does he man ask the woman to do?
      A . Contact a department of the university B . Conduct interview with Mr Cobb. C . Buy tickets for employees.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers short of?
      A . Tomatoes. B . Cheese. C . Cabbages.
    2. (2) What does the man think of Bert?
      A . He is inexperienced. B . He is under a lot of pressure C . He has a good sense of direction.
    3. (3) Who will go to the grocery store?
      A . Elizabeth. B . Bert. C . Jordan
    4. (4) What is Elizabeth doing now?
      A . Reading a menu. B . Cutting vegetables. C . Looking for Bert
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) How long did it take to get to the destination?
      A . One hour. B . Two hours. C . Three hours.
    2. (2) What did the class do in the morning?
      A . They admired the scenery. B . They went horse riding. C . They took a class.
    3. (3) What happened to the speaker when riding his horse?
      A . He fell off it B . He lost control of it. C . He moved slowly on it.
    4. (4) What was the speaker's opinion on horse riding?
      A . Exciting. B . Difficult C . Terrible.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    When you try to blow out 2 lot of candles, you may not have enough air in your lungs to get the mall Here's how to measure your lung capacity.

    What you'll need

    ●Plastic bottle; such as a camping water container that holds a little more than 2 liters of water.A 2-liter soft drink bottle may be large enough: try the experiment and see.

    ●Plastic tube 60 centimeters long.

    ●Large mixing bowl

    ●Rubber bands



    Fill the bowl about one third full of water and G1l the bottle to the top with water.

    ❷Hold your hand over the top of the bottle, turn it upside down and put its top under the water in the bowl: your helper will hold the bottle in place.

    ❸Attach the ruler to the bottle with rubber bands.

    Put the tube in the neck of the bottle, take a dep breath. Hold your nos and blow hard into the tube as long as you can.

    What happened?

    How much water did you blow out?

    Compare the amount of air yo blew into the bottle to the amount of liquid the bottle can hold(2 liters, for example).

    Do this test on different people and see who has the largest and smallest lungs.


    1. (1) What's the purpose of the experiment?
      A . To measure how much water you can blow out once. B . To know the amount of air your lungs can hold. C . To test the size of different people's lungs. D . To hold the air that you blow out at a time.
    2. (2) In this experiment what's water in the bottle used to do?
      A . To measure the air you blow out. B . To display the process of the experiment. C . To show the size of the bottle. D . To hold the air you blow out.
    3. (3) Which of the following statements indicates the experimenter has a larger lung capacity?
      A . The experimenter takes a deeper breath. B . The experimenter blows out air harder. C . Less water is left in the bottle after the experiment. D . Less water is left in the bowl after the experiment.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    The hustle and bustle of life's routines, wandering back and forth from the ideal to reality, and the inner turbulence(动荡) hidden behind a social mask these daily experiences are recorded by Chinese young generations in lines of poetry online. Recently, 124 Bilibili internet users shared their works in a poem collection.

    One blogger on Xiaohongshu who goes by the nickname Gehuaren is one such poetry lover. The twenty-something girl not only writes poems as a form of entertainment in her spare time, but also improvises(即兴创作) poems for others at night markets in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan.

    As a"street-stall poet", Gehuaren often writes pieces of poetry quickly based on themes given by customers. Once the poem has been completed, she refuses to change her work because she feels her poems reflect her first reaction. Therefore,her poems are not very long often just several lines and stated in simple words.

    For her, everything in the world, no matter trivial(琐屑的) or significant can serve as her poetic muse"A glass,a tree on the side of a street in the dawn or a person who once talked with me these all could become themes for my poems," said Gehuaren.

    With free verse and broad themes, her poems also strike a chord with many young people online, helping her gain over 190,000 followers on Xiaohongshu. Many of her followers have made comments such as"I feel healed by your poems because I can find...beauty from unnoticeable things and in turn, slow down to reflect on my life."

    Apart from poetry, different means such as vlogging and photosharing can be used to record fragments of daily life.But Wu Ruilin, a student from Ya'an Tianli School in Sichuan province, considers poetry to be the best way to express them. Wu said, "Taking photos or vlogging can just show the object or your emotions in real life. Yet poetry, which can be used to excite the imagination, shows the beauty in life better." So when he is inspired by the beauty of daily life, the18-year-old writes it down into lines of poetry and then shares them with his friends on his WeChat Moments.

    No matter why young people write their unique brand of poems," they are attempting to take every moment in lives seriously, face their lives bravely and actively express themselves," Xiang Biao, director of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Germany, told BJNews.

    1. (1) How does Gehuaren find inspiration for her poems?
      A . By referring to traditional Chinese poems. B . By traveling to different places. C . By observing everyday life. D . By attending various online poetry activities.
    2. (2) Why do Gehuaren's poems strike a chord with her followers?
      A . They have a strong sense of rhythm B . They are original and full of imagination. C . They record the beauty of small and ordinary things. D . They reflect the differences between the ideal and reality
    3. (3) What is an advantage poetry has over vlogging and photosharing for capturing daily life according to Wu Ruilin?
      A . It better presets the beauty of life B . It shows emotions more directly C . It takes less time to write poems. D . It reflects more aspects of life.
    4. (4) What's Xiang Biao's opinion on young people writing their unique brand of poetry?
      A . They are eager to become famous. B . They hope to impress their peers. C . They want to escape from their busy lives. D . They communicate their thoughts bravely.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Take care of your plants! They may "scream" if you treat them badly Although this is an exaggeration plants can make sounds when they are stressed according to a recent paper published in Cell. "Plants interact with insets and other animals all the time, and many of these organisms use sound for communication so it would be very suboptimal(不太理想的) for plants not to use sound at all Lilach Hadany, co-author of the study, told Science Focus With this in mind, the research team started by recording plants sounds. They placed tobacco and tomato plants in soundproof(隔音的) boxes to shut off the noise in the environment. Several ultrasonic(超声的) microphones were then put near the plants which can record at frequencies between 20 and 250 kilohertz(干赫). The maximum frequency that a human adult's ear can hear is about 16 kilohertz.

    There were three groups of plants: One group wasn't watered for five days, another group had the stems cut off and the last group was untouched. The microphones caught sounds at a frequency of 40 to 80 kilohertz from the first two groups. The sound, which was similar to the noise of popcorn popping when "translated" into a frequency humans can hear, grew louder and louder during the five days of water stress. They then began to decline as the plants dried out. A stressed plant produced the popping sound around 30 to 50 times per hour, while the untouched group only produced around once per hour, according to the study.

    The researchers haven't yet discovered how the sounds are made. One theory is that they could be made during cavitation(气穴现象). which is a process of an air bubble in the plant collapsing under some kind of pressure. After the experiment, the team gathered the data on stressed plants and then made machine learning software that could tell how plants "feel". It could differentiate between unstressed plants, thirsty plants and cut plants, which can be useful for farmers in monitoring the conditions of their crops.

    1. (1) What is the main finding of the study?
      A . Plants can communicate through sound. B . Plants can produce sounds when under stress C . Plants make sounds when they interact with insets. D . Plants produce sounds when they grow.
    2. (2) What did the researchers do to record the sounds of the plants?
      A . They wore ultrasonic headphones to pick up sounds. B . They activated air bubbles in the plants. C . They watered all the plants for five days. D . They placed the plants in a soundproof box
    3. (3) How did the sound of stressed plants change over time according to the study?
      A . The sound became quieter B . The sound remained unchanged. C . The sound first increased and then quieted down. D . The sound was only heard in plants that were cu.
    4. (4) What was the function of he machine learning software developed by the researchers
      A . To identity different species of plants. B . To analyze how the sounds were made. C . To monitor the condition of crops. D . To translate plant sound into what humans can hear.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    When you think of a map, is north on the top or the bottom? Usually maps are designed with north on top, though when we think about it there's no logical reason for this bias(偏见) After all,

    there is no up or down in space. So what's wrong with south, cast or west being on the top of the map? The answer is: nothing at all in fact, north-up maps only became the norm in the last few hundred years.

    Ancient Egyptian maps had south at the top because the Nile River flows downhill from mountains in the south to the Mediterranean Sea in the north. Mecca was to the south of most early Muslim civilizations, and south-up maps were designed so that viewers would look up to see Mecca Medieval Christian maps had east at the top, as they believed the Garden of Eden was in the east. The only early maps that had north at the top were those of early China because the emperor lived in the north.

    North seems to have settled at the top of maps during the 16th century, largely thanks to a Flemish mapmaker, Mercator. Mercator was a great admirer of an early Greek mapmaker, who, for reasons now unknown, put north at the top of maps, so Mercator did, too. When Mercator's world map became the standard map to navigate the oceans, north up became standard as well.

    What is the implication of this north-view of the world? Psychologically, people tend to think of up as good and down as bad. Just think of words and phrases like "upmarket", "upbeat" and moving up in the world", and how they contrast with their opposites. Because north is so consistently put at the top of maps, people now think of north as good, too

    Several attempts have been made in recent years by introducing south-up maps to the market

    These maps not only give us a chance to see the world differently, but also give everyone the chance to see themselves on top.

    1. (1) What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
      A . Mecca maps were based on a legend. B . The south-up map first appeared in ancient Egypt. C . It is ridiculous to decide up or down in space. D . North-up maps were rare in ancient times.
    2. (2) Why is north associated with good?
      A . An illogical reason. B . People's preference for up C . An age old tradition in Greece. D . The spread of Mercator's map.
    3. (3) What is the author's attitude to south-up maps?
      A . Supportive. B . Objective. C . Uncaring D . Dismissive.
    4. (4) What's the main purpose of the text?
      A . To argue for a viewpoint B . To compare various facts. C . To show different maps. D . To make a standard map.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最住选项。选项中有两项为多余选项,

    In today's world, it's all too easy to judge others based on their appearance, beliefs, or actions. Luckily, there are ways to be less judgmental and more open minded.

    Recognize your biases and prejudices

    It's natural to have opinions and preferences but when those opinions turn into judgments that harm others it's time to take a step back and reassess our beliefs This self reflection can

    help us become more aware of our biases and prejudices and enable us to challenge them.

    Practice empathy

    Empathy means putting yourself in someone else's shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. To practice try to listen actively to others ask questions, and show genuine interest in their lives.

    Cultivate a growth mindset

    However this is not true People are capable of change and growth, and when we recognize this, we can become more open minded and less judgmental. To cultivate constructive a growth mindset, try to focus on the positive aspects of others, encourage them to try new things, and provide constructive feedback.

    Being less judgmental requires self-reflection empathy and a growth mindset.This can help us to have a more positive outlook and see the god in others ultimately leading to a more

    Fulfilling and enriching life.

    A. When we judge others we assume they are fixed in their ways and that they cannot change

    B. It also helps to interact with people who are different form us.

    C. However,being judgmental can harm not only the people we judge but also ourselves.

    D. When we focus on the good in others, we are less likely to judge hem.

    E. By practicing these skills, we can become more understanding and accepting of others

    F. It's essential to ask ourselves why we feel a certain way about a person or a situation.

    G. By doing so we can build deeper connections with others and learn more about their experiences

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、 C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    When I sopped by to get a newspaper, a tall sincere man came over to me asking for help with directions. With a printout of Google maps, he was looking for a hotel on the main street but just couldn't find it After checking out his written directions, I mapped it on my phone and showed him1 where he needed to go.

    He,in2 ,mentioned that he had tried going there, but there was no such street number and he just couldn't locate his hotel.I3 it again for him. He thanked me with a big smile, shook my hand,and4 . I got into my car and he got into his, and we5 ways. As I drove to the next grocery store and went in, I sensed something wrong about the directions -so I Googled the address again and6 that he was looking for the night address but in a city half an hour away!

    7 it had been several minutes, the chances of finding him miles away-where he was surely still looking around-were8 . But I thought I'd give it a(an)9 and set off in that

    direction. I'd10 noticed what his car looked like, and was just about to give up. I parked my car as I considered what else I could do11 , like magic, he drove right by and pulled over into a nearby parking spot, still12 about where the hotel was.

    When I13 next to him, he couldn't believe it "How did you find me?!" he asked. "I'm not sure, but I14 that you are in the wrong city!" I showed him the right directions, and after more 15 and a handshake, we waved goodbye . Likely that we'll never meet again, and that makes it much more sweet.

    A .  constantly B .  absolutely C .  completely D .  exactly
    A .  delight B .  panic C .  puzzlement D .  relief
    A .  confirmed B .  evaluated C .  analyzed D .  adjusted
    A .  took down B .  took up C .  took off D .  took over
    A .  lost B .  parted C .  fought D .  pushed
    A .  determined B .  considered C .  realized D .  stated
    A . Hopefully B .  Unbelievably C .  Consequently D .  Unfortunately
    A . slim B .  big C .  vital D .  obvious
    A .  beginning B .  try C .  change D .  end
    A .  hardly B .  merely C .  regularly D .  occasionally
    A .  while B .  before C .  when D .  since
    A . at a loss B .  at a risk C .  at case D .  at peace
    A .  put out B .  put up C .  pulled down D .  pulled in
    A .  tried out B .  figured out C .  burst out D . carried out
    A . luck B .  smiles C .  greeting D .  praise
六、第二节(共10小题: 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.

    The Meet You Museum's latest exhibition featuring mummies and rare relics from ancient Egypt is drawing attention in Beijing Showcasing more than 100 items(borrow) from the Egyptian Museum in Barcelona, this exhibition presents hieroglyphs(象形文字),religious beliefs, and the funeral culture of ancient Egyptians.

    A special golden coffin of a mummy, which(belong) to a woman we don't know, is shown for the first time in Beijing. It is in great condition  beautiful golden masks, cloth coverings, and shaped plaster,This coffin represents the(wise) of ancient Egyptians and the amazing restoration work done on it.

    With its immersive(沉浸式的) settings inspired by pyramids and the iconic Sphinx(狮身人面像),the exhibition transports visitors back in time, allowing them to immerse(they)in the fascinating atmosphere of ancient Egypt.

    Wang Chunchen,curator(馆长) of the Meet You Museum, mentioned that even without knowing the Egyptian language, visitors can still guess the meaning behind the exhibits(add) to the enjoyment of the overall experience.

     Luis Manuel Gonzalvez, Spanish curator, reflected on the connection between Egypt and ancient China, suggesting that these civilizations might have had historical exchanges that we are yet to(full) uncover.

    Gonzalvez expressed his hopethe exhibition would inspire more people, especially young individuals, to explore the wonders of ancient Egypt. By fostering a deeper understanding and sparking cultural discussions, he believes that the museum's collection can contribute to a(great) appreciation of our shared human heritage.

  • 18. 假定你是李华,某英文报正在举办"喜看家乡新变化"主题征文活动,请你写篇稿件, 介绍你的家乡近十年来的变化。内容包括: 1.家乡的变化: 2.你的感受。

    注意: ①词数80词左右; ②可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;

    My hometown's transformation

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成篇完整的短文。

    It was 1st January, the firs day of the year and a holiday for me. What luck! I decided to withdraw some money from the bank. The bank person, an elderly gentleman with a white beard, replied indifferently as usual to my polite "Happy New Year:" He nodded and I sat in front of him.

    Minutes passed but he didn't raise his head.

    Then very hesitantly I put my form and booklet in front of him. He was busy fling up entries in his register. After a few minutes he took my form and from his cabinet he took out a very thick file, from which he started filling in my details. I sat there wondering why we had computerized banking if we were still filling in forms and register.

    After waiting for a few more minutes, in which I showed all signs of being impatient, I asked him if my work was done. The moment I said the words, I felt as if a bomb had fallen on him. He shouted,"Nothing is done, it will take time!"

    Just then I saw his morning cup of tea which had been lying there for the last ten minutes, untouched. The tea had turned almost cold while he was doing his work. Suddenly I felt what this man, who had been working at this counter for the last God-knows-how many years, must be feeling when customers like me come who are always in a hurry to get their work done. We do not even feel the need to thank them for being there. He must be feeling so anxious that"here comes another person who will push me for doing his work first."

    Paragraph 1:

    Thinking of this, I told him, "Sr you please have your tea. I am not in a hurry."

    Paragraph 2:

    What he said really touched my heart.

