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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语六年级上册Unit 9基础练(选词填...

更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:16 类型:同步测试
  • 1. (2022六上·深圳期中) 根据题意选择正确的词填空。

    A. countries B. healthy C. were D. year E. noisy

    1. (1) My little sister is one old.
    2. (2) The owl was a neighbour.
    3. (3) She has some e-friends in different .
    4. (4) Bob likes playing sport. He is strong and .
    5. (5) There many old buildings in this street ten years ago.
  • 2. (2022六上·深圳期中) 选择方框里的词补全句子,每词限用一次。

    A. other B. handsome C. neighbours D. daughter

    E. thousands F. sandwich G. famous H. healthy

    1. (1) Ben is tall. He has big eyes. He is very.
    2. (2) —Are the boys your cousins, Alice?

      —No. They are my.

    3. (3) There are of books in the reading room.
    4. (4) David and Jessica are playing with two children.
    5. (5) Mo Yan is very writer in China.
    6. (6) The girl is my Chinese teacher's . She's a pupil.
    7. (7) Fruit and vegetables are food.
    8. (8) You can eat a for breakfast. There are some on the table.
  • 3. (2019六上·宝安期中) 从所给出的单词中选出合适的选项完成对话。

    A. animals   B. pandas   C. danger   D. about    E. reading

    A: What are you doing, Ben?

    B: I'm a book.

    A: What is the book about?

    B: It's about animals. These animals are in

    A: What are they?

    B: They're pandas, South China tigers and blue whales.

    A: How many are there in the wild?

    B: There are only one thousand six hundred pandas in the wild.

    A: How about blue whales?

    B: There are about ten thousand in the wild.

