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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语六年级上册Unit 7基础练(情景交...

更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:17 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 问答匹配。                                  

    A. Yes, it's my favourite book.  

    B. I'd like to see The Monkey King.  
    C. Good idea.  
    D. I'm going to watch TV.  
    E. Yes, I'd like to. 
    1. (1) —Would you like to go with us, Kitty? 


    2. (2) —Shall we go and see Police Story? 


    3. (3) —What are you going to do this weekend? 


    4. (4) —What film would you like to see? 
    5. (5) —Do you like this book? 


  • 2. 问答匹配。                                  

    A. I'd like to see Snow White.  

    B. It's an interesting film.  
    C. It's about a brave policeman.  
    D. Sure. I love animals very much.  
    E. I want to go to the Star Cinema. 
    1. (1) —Shall we go and see animals this Sunday? 


    2. (2) —What would you like to see? 


    3. (3) —What is it about? 


    4. (4) —What do you think of the film? 


    5. (5) —Where do you want to go? 


  • 3. 选择配伍。

    ⑴Shall we see a film this evening?    

    ⑵What would you like to see?     

    ⑶What is it about?              

    ⑷Who is the fairest of all?       

    ⑸Is it an exciting story?

    A. It's about a beautiful princess.

    B. Snow White.

    C. Sure.

    D. Yes, it is.

    E. I'd like to see the Monkey King.

  • 4. 选择适当的句子,完成对话。

    What is the film about?

    What time shall we see the film?

    Shall we see a film this weekend?

    Do you like cartoons?

    What would you like to see?

    1. (1) —

      —Sure. I love films.

    2. (2) —

      — I'd like to see Beauty and the Beast.

    3. (3) —

      —It's about a brave young man.

    4. (4) —

      —No, I don't.

    5. (5) —

      —How about 7 p. m.?

