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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语六年级上册Unit 4基础练(情景交...

更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:17 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 问答匹配。                                  

    A. I went to a toy shop.  

    B. No, I didn't.

    C. It was noisy.  

    D. The rabbits sleep in holes.  

    E. Three rabbits.  
    1. (1) —What did you do last Sunday? 


    2. (2) —Who lived under the tree? 


    3. (3) —Did you see them this morning? 


    4. (4) —How was the owl? 


    5. (5) —Where do the rabbits sleep? 
  • 2. (2020六上·深圳期中) 问答匹配

    ⑴What are you going to do this weekend?      A. The Chens are my neighbours.

    ⑵Who are your neighbours?                       B. It was wonderful.

    ⑶Would you like to have e­friends in other countries?      C. Yes, I would like to have one.

    ⑷Did your mum go shopping last weekend?                    D. Yes, she did.

    ⑸How was your summer holiday?               E. I'm going to play with my friends.

