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更新时间:2023-12-09 浏览次数:16 类型:期末考试
一、Kiki is introducing herself. Listen and choose. ( 10分)听一听,选择正确的字母填写在横线上。
  • 1. 听一听,选择正确的字母填写在横线上。

    a  e  i  o  u


    Hello, my name is Kiki.

    I'm from China.

    I'm s x years old.

    I like pples.

    I have a cute d g.

    Look, it's nder the d sk.

二、 Kiki is introducing her families. Listen and judge. (10分)听录音判断对错。
三、 Kiki has some friends, where are they from? Listen and circle. ( 10分)听录音,选出正确的字母编号。
四、 Kiki is doing exercises with her families. Listen and match. ( 10分)听录音,给图片连线。
五、 Kiki's pet is running everywhere. Listen and number. (10分)
六、 Kiki is shopping in the supermarket with her mom. Listen and choose. (10分) <p align=left >听录音,选择正确的答语。</p>
七、 Kiki buys some fruits with her mom. Listen and write. (10分)
  • 19. 听一听,在横线上写出正确的单词。

    Da Run Fa Supermarket

    01. oranges


    03. apples

    04. strawberries









    Total: 76¥

八、 Kiki likes reading riddles. Read and circle. (10分)根据提示选择正确的答案。
九、 Kiki's friend, Liya comes to her home, Kiki is introducing some photos to Liya. Read and write. (10分)根据图片或上下文提示,把单词写四线格上。
  • 25. 根据图片或上下文提示,把单词写四线格上。

    Liya, this is a photo of my family. This man is tall and thin, he is my (爸爸), he loves my mom very much. My mother has eyes. My brother is a (学生). He likes (西瓜), because they're sweet. And this is a photo of my dog, he likes hiding under the .

十、 Kiki is talking with Liya in the room. Read and choose. (10分)根据对话内容选择正确的句子。
  • 26. 根据对话内容选择正确的句子。

    A. It's under the chair now.

    B. Is it in the box?

    C. How many balls do you have?

    D. How many balls do you see?

    E. Yes, I do.

    F. What's that?

    Liya: I like your room, it's so nice.

    Kiki: Thank you. Do you like apples?


    Kiki: Here you are.

    Liya: Thanks.

    Kiki: I have 1, and my brother has 2 balls.

    Liya: Wow!

    Kiki: It's a world map.

    Liya: Cool! Where is your dog?

    Kiki: No, it isn't.

十一、附加题、Kiki is reading a story. Read and judge. ( 8分)
  • 27. 阅读短文判断对错。

    Sam is a little yellow fish. He sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. Sam doesn't like it. Sam sees a shark. The shark has a big mouth. Sam doesn't like it. Sam sees a gold fish. It has two big eyes. Sam doesn't like it. The goldfish say: "We are both fish, we can be friends." Sam thinks and says:" Great! Let's be good friends. "

    1. (1) Sam is a little ink fish.
    2. (2) Sam likes the shark.
    3. (3) The goldfish has a big mouth.
    4. (4) Sam and the goldfish are both fish.

