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更新时间:2023-10-09 浏览次数:28 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 听短文,根据问句选择正确答案。
    1. (1) What did Amy talk about?
      A . Summer holiday. B . Winter holiday.
    2. (2) Where did Amy go for a trip?
      A . America. B . China.
    3. (3) Who is Amy's friend?
      A . Lily. B . Lucy.
    4. (4) How did Amy go back to America?
      A . By train. B . By plane.
    5. (5) Did Amy have a good time?
      A . Yes. B . No.
  • 2. 听短文两遍,在表格中勾选正确的信息。
  • 3. 听短文,填上所缺的单词。

    I had an interesting dream last night. In my dream, I in a forest with my friend Robin. Robin is older and than me. We had a race with the animals happily. Robin and I like a cheetah. But all the animals were faster than us. Then, we went . We rode for an hour. We tired. We some water and slept on the .

    The animals were so smart, too. They the houses, read books, washed the clothes and cooked with us. We took of the animals. They laughed. We all good. Suddenly, I woke up. Oh, I was in bed. It was all a dream. What an interesting dream!

  • 4. 读问句,选答句。

    A. I wear size 36 shoes.

    B. Yes, I enjoyed myself very much.

    C. I was at home. I had a cold and stayed in bed.

    D. No. Wu Binbin is taller than me.

    E. That's too bad. I'm sorry to hear that.

    1. (1) A: Where were you yesterday? We were worried about you.


    2. (2) A: Did you have a good time on Children's Day?


    3. (3) A: Wow! You are so tall! Are you the tallest in your class?


    4. (4) A: I fell off my bike and hurt my leg.


    5. (5) A: What size are your shoes?


  • 5. 读对话,选择恰当的答句。

    A. How was your trip?

    B. How did you go there?

    C. Yes, I did.

    D. I went camping there.

    E. I'm going to Guilin.

    Amy: Where are you going this summer holiday?


    Amy: Oh, I went there with my parents two years ago.


    Amy: It was wonderful.


    Amy: We went there by train. I was excited on the train.

    John: l will go there by plane. Did you ride a horse there?


    John: What else did you do there?


    John: Sounds great!

    Amy: Wish you a good trip.

    John: Thanks.

  • 6. 读短文,选择正确答案。


    Dinosaurs1on the earth 65, 000, 000 years ago! The first dinosaurs 2 like big lizards(蜥蜴). Many of them had short tails, big heads3walked on four legs. Most dinosaurs only ate plants. Some of these dinosaurs were very small, but some dinosaurs were 4 and heavier, because they ate meat. Dinosaurs lived 5warm forests. There were lots6 plants and water. But about 60, 000, 000 years ago, some people said the weather on the earth suddenly got colder and drier (更干燥). Many plants got fewer and fewer. There was no 7 for these big animals. Later there8 any dinosaurs either. Today, people sometimes 9 dinosaurs' teeth in rocks or under the ground. We can learn about them in special science museums or on TV.

    A . living B . lives C . lived
    A . looks B . looked C . looking
    A . and B . because C . than
    A . big B . bigger C . biggest
    A . to B . in C . from
    A . off B . out C . of
    A . food B . home C . trees
    A . were B . wasn't C . weren't
    A . find B . found C . finds
  • 7. 读短文,选择正确的选项。

    My name is Sally. My hometown changes a lot. Many years ago, it was a very poor village. There were no cars. People didn't have enough money. There were no tall buildings. People lived in poor and small houses. Some children had to work in the fields. They couldn't go to school because of the poor families. But now our village is very beautiful. There are some tall buildings and two squares(广场). In the evening, some people go there to dance or go for a walk after dinner. Square Dancing is good for people's health. There is a big supermarket in my village. You needn't take your money while shopping. It's convenient to pay on WeChat(微信)or Alipay (支付宝), I think our life will be better and better.

    1. (1) When Sally was young, she lived in a ______.
      A . town B . city C . village
    2. (2) Many years ago, ______.
      A . all the children could go to school. B . people lived in poor and small houses. C . there were some cars.
    3. (3) Why couldn't children go to school?
      A . Because there was no school. B . Because they didn't want to go to school. C . Because their family didn't have much money.
    4. (4) What's the Chinese meaning of the underline word (下划线单词)?
      A . 可能的 B . 迅速的 C . 便捷的
    5. (5) Which one is NOT right?
      A . There is no supermarket in Sally's village now. B . Sally's hometown changes a lot. C . People's life will be better and better.
  • 8. 读故事,完成任务。

    One day, a little monkey is playing by the well(井). He looks in the well and shouts, "Oh! My god! The moon has fallen into the well! "An old monkey runs to the well and takes a look, "My goodness! The moon is really in the water!" An older monkey walks to the well. He is very surprised and cries out," The moon is in the well. "A group of monkeys run over to the well. They look at the moon in the well and shout, "The moon fell into the well! Come on! Let's get it out!""

    Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree upside down with his feet on the branch(树枝). And he pulls the next monkey's feet with his hands. All the other monkeys follow him. And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.

    Before they reach the moon, the oldest monkey sees that the moon is in the sky. He is excited, "Don't be so foolish! The moon is still in the sky!"

    1. (1) 为故事选择合适的题目。
      A . The Monkeys B . The Moon C . Monkeys Fish the Moon
    2. (2) The little monkey is playing in the well.
    3. (3) The moon really fell into the well.
    4. (4) All the monkeys join in to fish the moon.
    5. (5) The monkeys get the moon out of the well.
    6. (6) The story happens at night.
  • 9. 读短文,完整回答问题。

    John went camping with his parents last summer. They put up a tent(帐篷) by a lake. On the first day, John wanted to climb the mountain in the morning, but it was too cloudy outside, so John and his parents went for a walk in the forest. Then they wanted to play football, but there were too many people, so they played volleyball by the river. Then they went to a cafe for lunch. In the afternoon. They wanted to go boating in the lake, but it started to rain, so they stayed in the tent and played cards. That evening, it rained cats and dogs, the tent was very wet. They all felt cold and unhappy. Then Dad said, "I hate camping. Let's go home!" John and his mother both shouted, "Yes!"

    1. (1) When did they go camping?
    2. (2) Where did John's family put up the tent?
    3. (3) Could they climb the mountain on the first day morning? Why?

      , . Because .

    4. (4) What did they do in the afternoon?
    5. (5) Did they enjoy (享受)camping?
  • 15. 围绕以下问题,描述一下以前的你和现在的你,字数不少于50字。

    What were you like before? What are you like now? What did / didn't you like before? What do you like now? What were you good at before? What are you good at now? What could/couldn't you do before? What can you do now?

    About Me

  • 16. 读短文,根据故事内容在横线上填上合适的单词。

    Helen is twelve and she has got a brother called William, who's six. Last Saturday Helen's dad took them to an art museum in the city centre. There was a show of modern art by a famous artist and the museum was full of people.

    Helen was standing in front of a painting, looking at it when William said, "This looks like a really big pizza with small tomatoes and bits of pineapples on it." Helen said, "You don't understand modern art, William. This is a great painting that shows us that life is beautiful, but difficult. "Helen's dad laughed and said, "l think William understands modern art better than you,Helen. Look!" Helen's dad pointed and Helen saw the title of the painting. It was called "Pizza with tomatoes and pineapples".

    例子: Helen's brother is six years old.

    1. (1) Helen has a called William.
    2. (2) Last Saturday Helen and William art museum with their father.
    3. (3) The show was by a famous artist and there were a lot of in the museum.
    4. (4) One painting like a really big pizza.
    5. (5) Helen's dad read the title of the .
  • 17. 读短文,按要求完成任务。

    Little Red-Cap

    There was a nice girl. Her name was Little Red-Cap. One day,her mother said to her. "Grandma is I______. Take the medicine and the cake to her and look after her. "Grandma I___ in the forest. There w_____ so many beautiful flowers in the forest. Little Red-Cap picked some flowers. Then she saw a wolf. She told the wolf grandma's house was near here. The wolf w_____ to grandma's house and ate grandma. Then the wolf acted her in the bed. Little Red-Cap c____ to the house. She saw grandma and said, "Grandma, why are your eyes so big? Why are your hands so big, too? They look much b_______ than before!" The wolf w_______ to eat the girl but a hunter came and killed the wolf. He saved Little Red-Cap and her grandma. They were very grateful(感激的).

    1. (1) 读短文,根据首字母把单词补充完整。(每空一词)

      I   l   w   w   c   b   w

    2. (2) Little Red-Cap visited her grandma with her mum.
    3. (3) She took some medicine, cake and some flowers to see her grandma.
    4. (4) At last, the farmer saved the girl and her grandma.

