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更新时间:2023-10-08 浏览次数:16 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 情景对话匹配,请将对话的数字编号填在相应图片的横线上。

    ①A: Have some grapes.

    B: Thanks, dad.

    A: Let's wash the grapes first.

    B: OK!

    ②A: Look at the panda.

    B: Wow! It has a fat body.

    It's so cute.

    A: Look at the elephant.

    B: It has a long nose.

    ③A: Who's that boy?

    B: He's Mike.

    A: He's tall.

    B: Yes. And he can run fast.

    ④A: How many bikes do you have?

    B: We have seventeen bikes.

    Which one do you like?

    A: I like this red bike.

    ⑤A: Hi, Tim. This is Lily. She's a new student.

    B: Hello, Lily. Nice to meet you.

    C: Nice to meet you, too.

  • 8. 这是小明的房间,请认真观察图片,判断下列句子或对话的对错。

    1. (1) I see a Teddy bear on the bed.
    2. (2) I see a ball under the desk.
    3. (3) A: How many strawberries do you see?

      B: Twelve.

    4. (4) A: Is the bag in the chair?

      B: Yes, it is.

    5. (5) A: Where is the map?

      B: It's on the wall.

