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更新时间:2023-10-09 浏览次数:19 类型:期末考试
一、Read and choose. 选择填空。(15分)
二、Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the words given, 用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分)
三、Fill in the blanks with the right words. 用适当的单词填空。(5分)
四、Fill in the blanks. 根据所给情景填空,每空一词。(10分)
五、Complete the dialogue. 补全对话,将正确答案序号填在横线上。(5分)
  • 31. 补全对话,将正确答案序号填在横线上。

    A. We're going to Xi'an.

    B. I'm going to visit some famous places with my parents.

    C. We are going to visit the Singapore Zoo and the Singapore Flyer.

    D. Where are you going?

    E. How are you going there?

    A: Good afternoon, Zhang Yi and Zhao Nan.

    B: Good afternoon, Wang Xin.

    A: The summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do during the summer holiday?


    C: Where are you going?


    The famous place there is the terracotta army.


    B: We're going there by train. What about you, Wang Xin?

    A: We are going to visit some interesting places in Beijing.

    C: Oh, there are many interesting places to visit there. And I'm going to Singapore with my sister.

    B: What famous places are you going to visit?


    A&.B: Great! Have a good time!

    C: Let's all enjoy ourselves.

六、Fill in the blanks with the words given. 请用方框中所给单词填空。(10分)
  • 32. 请用方框中所给单词填空。

    wrote  interesting  use  did  learned

    interested  was  tell  began   taught

    Let me tell you how I English in primary school. I to learn English when I in Grade One. I am very in our English lessons. Our English teacher us in many ways. I learned a lot by doing things. We often listened, spoke, read, , chanted, and played games. It's very . We used words and sentences to stories. We learned to help each other and learn from each other. Now I can English to do things. I can sing English songs, do role plays and act in drama. I can also write a little English about my real life. I a good job in English study.

七、Cloze. 完形填空。(5分)
  • 33. 完形填空。

    Mr. Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife (妻子), Mrs. Brown and his son, Jim. He usually1in an office near his house on weekdays. He is free(空闲的)2Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden behind his house. He likes3 flowers and he also plants some vegetables too. He often works in the garden4. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs. Brown likes5very much. The vegetables are very good, and they can eat them. They're very healthy. Jim often helps to water the flowers and vegetables. He is happy to work in the garden.

    A . work B . works C . working
    A . in B . on C . at
    A . growing B . grows C . grow
    A . on weekends B . in weekends C . of weekend
    A . they B . their C . them
八、Reading comprehension. 阅读理解。(15分)
  • 34. 阅读理解

    My home is in a small town(城镇). There's a main road in the centre. On the main road, there is a restaurant, a hospital and a post office. The hospital is between the restaurant and the post office. The food in the restaurant is very healthy. The doctors and nurses of the hospital are very kind. I can collect stamps in the post office. There is also a school, a bookshop and a clothes shop. The bookshop is next to the school and the clothes shop. There are many interesting books in the bookshop. I can buy some beautiful skirts in the clothes shop. The school is Xi Wang Primary School. There are twelve classes in it. I'm in Class Two, Grade Six. I love my school.

    1. (1) The restaurant is _________ the main road.
      A . for B . on C . at
    2. (2) The food in the restaurant is _________ for our health.
      A . bad B . cool C . good
    3. (3) There are many __________ in the post office.
      A . stamps B . vege1ables C . fruits
    4. (4) I can buy _________ in the clothes shop.
      A . some food B . some stamps C . some skirts
    5. (5) I'm in Class Two, Grade Six of _________.
      A . the hospital B . xi Wang Primary School C . the clothes shop
  • 35. 阅读理解

    Jim likes apples very much. Yesterday he ate too many green apples, so this morning he had a stomachache. When he came to have breakfast, he was crying. "What's wrong with you, Jim?" His mother said, "Why are you crying?" "I have a stomachache, Mum. "He answered. "You ate too many apples yesterday, "she said, "and they were green. Go to a doctor and he will give you some medicine." "OK, but I don't want to have breakfast now, "said Jim.

    Jim got to the hospital at 9: 30, but there were four other people in the doctor's waiting room. At about 10:10, the doctor looked over(检查)Jim and he wrote something on a piece of paper and said, "Take this medicine and you will get better. "Jim went home and took the medicine. He was much better.

    1. (1) Yesterday Jim ate too many _________.
      A . red apples B . green apples C . green pears
    2. (2) Jim had a _________ this morning.
      A . headache B . toothache C . stomachache
    3. (3) Did Jim have breakfast this morning?
      A . Yes, he did. B . No, he didn't. C . I don't know.
    4. (4) Jim got to the hospital _________.
      A . at 9:30 B . at 10:10 C . at 10:00
    5. (5) Jim took the medicine and he _________.
      A . got better B . is crying C . had breakfast
  • 36. 阅读理解

    Simon lives near the school. He goes to school by bus. It takes him about ten minutes.

    Jill doesn't live far from the school. She goes to school by bike. It takes her about twenty minutes.

    Joe lives far away from the school. He goes to school by subway. It takes him about half an hour.

    Alice and Kitty live near the school. They go to school on foot. It takes them about fifteen minutes.





    Alice and Kitty


    by bus

    on foot


    half an hour

