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更新时间:2023-09-25 浏览次数:35 类型:月考试卷
  • 6.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What kind of course does Peter take?
      A . The art course. B . The computer course. C . The conception course.
    2. (2) What is the woman's course like?
      A . It's interesting. B . It's boring. C . It's important.
  • 7.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's the relationship between the two speakers?
      A . Teacher and student. B . Headmaster and teacher. C . Manager and secretary.
    2. (2) What can we learn from the conversation?
      A . The boy lost his bike. B . The boy's watch is slow. C . The woman will call the boy's parents.
  • 8.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) When did the robbery happen?
      A . At noon. B . In the morning C . In the afternoon.
    2. (2) How much money did the robber take away?
      A . About $5,000. B . About $1,500. C . About $3,500.
    3. (3) What did the man look like?
      A . Tall and fat. B . Thin and short. C . Thin and tall.
  • 9.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the woman asking about?
      A . How to earn money. B . How to deliver milk. C . How to get to the supermarket.
    2. (2) What does the woman need the money for?
      A . For her coming new term. B . For her new shirt. C . For her shopping.
    3. (3) What will the woman do right now?
      A . Do some shopping. B . Work as a cashier. C . Go for the interview.
    4. (4) Why do most people here go shopping at night?
      A . Because they don't have time in the daytime. B . Because they want to make money here. C . Because they have to wait a long time to check out in the daytime.
  • 10.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How is the race going if it rains that day?
      A . The race will go on. B . The race will be cancelled. C . The race will be put off.
    2. (2) When will the race start?
      A . At 2:00 pm on July 1st. B . At 2:30 pm on May 1st. C . At 2:00 pm on March 1st.
    3. (3) What should you do first if you want to take part in the race?
      A . Come to the playground at 2:00 sharp. B . Enter my name before Tuesday afternoon. C . Get ready on the playground at 1:30 pm.
    4. (4) How many times should all the runners circle the playground?
      A . Once. B . Twice. C . Three times.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    Tell Me More

    This app is widely used in U.S. schools, and it is believed to be the best foreign language learning app around the world. It offers instructions for learning Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. However, the app does not come cheap as it costs around $250.

    Talk Now!

    If you are looking for a cheaper language learning app, then this is just the suitable choice for you. This app will cost you around $40, and even though it is not as useful as Tell Me More, it is still a very good app for the purpose. The disadvantages are that there is very little focus on grammar and there is a clear lack of interactive activities(缺乏互动性活动)for users so it does not result in fluency(流利).

    Instant Immersion

    This app provides learning material for up to 33 different languages, and it is widely considered as the best app for learning Spanish as well. It will cost you around $30, and this is a very reasonable price for such a highly recommended(推荐)and loved language learning app. The learning courses are highly interactive, and the ever present speech recognition feature ensures(保证)that you are getting the pronunciation right when you speak.


    This is a foreign language translation app that you can make use of, and it will cost you around $30. So, it is safe to say that the level of performance will be similar to that of Talk Now! This app is designed more for the use of children for its interesting videos.

    1. (1) What is the disadvantage of Tell Me More?
      A . It lacks language learning methods. B . It offers no interactive activities. C . It provides no interesting videos for children. D . It costs much more than the others.
    2. (2) Which of the apps best suits users with poor pronunciation?
      A . Tell Me More. B . Instant Immersion. C . Talk Now. D . KidSpeak.
    3. (3) The author wrote this passage to ____.
      A . tell us the importance of learning a foreign language B . introduce some language learning apps to us C . tell us the advantages and disadvantages of some apps D . encourage us to use apps in learning foreign languages
  • 12.  阅读理解

    In senior high school, I went on a school trip to New York. The school had us wear name tags(牌)with our school name on it. Since all the attractions we visited were popular with school groups, the tags let the teachers know we should be with our group. If any of us separated from the group, teachers would quickly call us back.

    Some students had tried to hide or throw away their name tags to avoid this, so our head teacher — a very strict lady — announced that anyone found without the name tag would have to spend the rest of the trip within six feet of her at all times and then have a month's worth of lockdown when we got back.

    While we were all on a ferry(渡船), we were allowed to go around. I was playing with friends when I noticed something white flying down to the water below. I didn't realize it was my name tag until it was way too far to reach. I started to freak out at once. I had never gotten into trouble at school before or had even a single punishment, and I would possibly face a month's worth of them! After thinking for a moment, I finally decided to just tell the head teacher what had happened.

    I went to the head teacher and explained very nervously to her. Instead of shouting at me, she took out another name tag and handed it to me. She said, "I have prepared several more name tags in case something unexpected happens." Then she smiled at me, "Did you think you would get lockdown? Don't worry; that's just for the trouble-makers in order to stop them losing it on purpose. I believe you're a good kid. Don't be worried about this. But be careful later."

    When I heard these words, tears came to my eyes. What a kind teacher she is! While staying with her we really respect her willingly.

    1. (1) What would happen to the kids if they lost their name tags according to the head teacher?
      A . They would get another tag at once. B . They wouldn't be allowed to continue to visit attractions. C . They must stay close to the head teacher while visiting and get punished later. D . They would be punished by the teacher for over a month.
    2. (2) What does the underlined phrase "freak out" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . Become very excited. B . Become very interested. C . Become disappointed. D . Become very afraid.
    3. (3) What is the reason why the head teacher didn't punish the writer?
      A . The head teacher was unfair in fact. B . The head teacher liked the writer very much. C . The head teacher knew she didn't lose her name tag on purpose. D . She was always the best kid in the head teacher's eyes.
    4. (4) Which words can describe the head teacher correctly?
      A . Strict, fair, careful, but impatient. B . Strict, kind, thoughtful, and responsible. C . Thoughtful, kind, careful, but unfriendly. D . Brave, careful, knowledgeable, and honest.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    Kosciuszko National Park is a large national park in the province of New South Wales in southeast Australia. It covers 1.7 million acres(英亩)of the Australian Alps mountain chain, including the highest peak(山峰)in Australia, for which the park is named.

    The landform in Kosciuszko National Park is highly different and is grouped into three main parts. The southernmost part is mostly made up of unshaped and dry land and is passed through by the famous Snowy River. The central part is Alpine natural scenery(风景), much of it above the tree line, including the one and only landform features with plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. Many of the park's ski areas are located in this part. The northern part is mostly a highland area.

    While this park is open to visitors with new roads reaching out in all directions to many areas, a large part of the park is designated as wilderness, with six separate wilderness areas. Some animals are so valuable that they were thought to die out until recently rediscovered. The Australian Alps parks system has tried hard to balance protection of the lands, plants, and animals against human use, and a very successful management program has allowed people to enjoy the scenery while protecting them.

    Kosciuszko National Park offers a lot of outdoor activities to visitors. Hiking, camping, and skiing are among the most popular, but the lakes and rivers offer chances for swimming, fishing, and boating in the Snowy and Murray Rivers as well as several smaller rivers. Historic sites like the gold rush ghost town of Kiandra offer understanding of the area's history.

    This area was home to the native Australian aboriginal(土著)people who lived in its lower part before. The higher mountain areas are too cold for humans to live in but were visited by these people during certain times of the year as part of spiritual activity.

    1. (1) What can we learn about the park from the passage?
      A . It features its size. B . It is famous for its location. C . Its name came from its highest peak. D . It includes three main parks.
    2. (2) Where are plants and animals which are hard to find in the world?
      A . In the northern part. B . In the eastern part. C . In the central part. D . In the southernmost part.
    3. (3) What is the successful experience of Kosciuszko National Park?
      A . Making full use of its scenery. B . Balancing environmental protection and human use. C . Making the national park more and more beautiful. D . Attracting a great number of visitors.
    4. (4) What does the writer mainly tell readers in the fourth paragraph?
      A . The use of the rivers and lakes. B . The outdoor activities and attractions. C . The things people like to do most. D . The history of Kosciuszko National Park.
  • 14.  阅读理解

    As is known to us all, reading books is good for children. Now, a new study suggests that just being around books has its benefits(益处). A team of researchers in Australia finds that growing up with a large library at home improves literacy(读写能力), number-sense, and even technological skills in later life. It appeared in Social Science Research.

    The researchers were exploring the advantages of scholarly culture. They were interested in an extra finding that some call the "radiation effect". "The radiation effect is a situation where children grow up around books, but they don't read books. But somehow books benefit them, even though they don't read them as much as their parents wish them to," said Joanna Sikora, a scientist in Australia. Joanna and her workmates studied information collected between 2015 and 2019 by the Organization for Economic Development. The survey tested the literacy, numeracy(计算能力)and technological abilities of more than 160,000 adults from 31 countries. And it included a question about how many books participants(参加者)had in their homes during adolescence(青春期). "What we were able to make clear was that people growing up around books had better literacy, numeracy and technological problem-solving skills than people who had fewer books growing up but had similar education levels, similar jobs, and even similar adult habits in connection with reading or working at numeracy-improving activities," she said.

    In fact, teens who only made it through high school but were raised in a bookish environment did as well in adulthood as college graduates who grew up in a house without books. Now, how might a simple display lead to intellectual(智力的)improvement? "If we grow up in a house, in a home where parents enjoy books, where books are given as birthday presents and valued, this is something that becomes a wealth of knowledge and gives us this lifelong driving force(驱动力)to always come close to books and read more than we would."

    So keep shelves filled with books. Your kids will not only be thankful, they'll be more likely to be able to spell "thankful" correctly as well.

    1. (1) What's "the radiation effect" according to the text?
      A . The terrible influence of radiation on men and things. B . The negative influence of giving teens birthday presents which are not valued. C . The beneficial influence of reading books on adolescents. D . The good influence of the bookish environment on adolescents.
    2. (2) What can we learn about the participants from Paragraph 2?
      A . They all graduated from college. B . They had only one answer to the survey. C . They had all been to a sizable library at least once. D . They were brought up in different growth environments.
    3. (3) How does the display of books improve intellect?
      A . Books help to provide a chance to come close to society. B . Books are always given to adolescents as valuable presents. C . Books will offer teens a drive to make great achievements. D . Books bring a sense of being rich in knowledge and longing to read more.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the text?
      A . Reading More Helps Improve Children's Abilities B . Reading at Home Brings Children Many Advantages C . Growing Up Around Books Benefits Children a Lot D . Creating a Bookish Environment for Children Ts of Much Importance
  • 15.  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    It can be truly frightening to fall through ice on a frozen(结冰的)lake.  In fact, there is more time to help you survive than you think.

    As you first hit the freezing water, you will almost breathe(呼吸)quickly at once. Remember to get control of your breathing and not to move around.  This means that it takes about one minute to gain control of your breathing, and ten minutes to move before you get too cold. The final one is to remind you that it will take one hour before you become unconscious(失去知觉的).

    Take that first minute and fully focus on your breathing. Slow it down, and then look around to see if you can find the thickest area of ice. When you find the ice, spread out your arms over the surface, and then begin to flutter-kick(上下打水)until your body reaches the same level of the surface. 

    It is possible that you can live for several hours after passing out. This, however, does require some planning. You only have about 10 minutes before your body becomes too cold to do anything. Besides, what if you feel too weak to go on and you cannot get out?  The point is to try to freeze your coat to the ice, so that if you lose consciousness, you will keep your head out of ice. 

    A. Thus, you will remain visible, wait for someone to come, even if you pass out.

    B. However, if you remain calm, it can save your life.

    C. Place your arms over the surface of the ice and remain still.

    D. Take off any clothing or anything that makes you heavy.

    E. Remember that you should always stay off ice that's only 8cm.

    F. Kick hard and use your arms and hands to climb out of the water.

    G. It can help to remember the "1-10-l rule".

  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    In the second year in Columbia University, Sanford Greenberg had trouble with his vision(视力): he couldn't see clearly. That winter, doctors operated on Greenberg's 1 . However, Greenberg became blind as the 2 didn't work. He was so 3 that he refused to see anyone.

    But Garfunkel and Speyer came to 4 him anyway. They persuaded(劝服)Greenberg to continue his 5 . From then on, Garfunkel and Speyer would 6 textbooks for Greenberg every day and Greenberg ended up scoring A's in the exam. But in daily life, Greenberg was 7 of getting around alone 8 he always depended on Garfunkel and Speyer.

    Then, one afternoon, Greenberg and Garfunkel went to Midtown Manhattan. 9 it was time to return, Garfunkel said he couldn't 10 him and left Greenberg alone in Grand Central Terminal. Unhappily, Greenberg 11 a bus and got off at Columbia University station all by himself. Suddenly, someone knocked into him. "Excuse me, sir." It was Garfunkel's 12 . Greenberg realized Garfunkel had been with him all the way and he had made it possible.

    Greenberg finally 13 his MBA from Columbia and a PhD from Harvard. He became a 14 inventor and got several patents(专利权). "Without my 15 , without today's Greenberg," this is what Greenberg often says.

    A .  head B .  face C .  eyes D .  ears
    A .  operation B .  plan C .  time D .  hope
    A .  weak B .  upset C .  serious D .  nervous
    A .  influence B .  thank C .  challenge D .  help
    A .  education B .  training C .  performance D .  research
    A .  carry B .  copy C .  read D .  buy
    A .  fond B .  afraid C .  shy D .  sure
    A .  instead B .  besides C .  until D .  so
    A .  When B .  If C .  Although D .  That
    A .  go back with B .  call at C .  agree with D .  go without
    A .  met B .  missed C .  passed D .  took
    A .  taste B .  smell C .  shape D .  voice
    A .  got B .  required C .  left D .  designed
    A .  successful B .  careful C .  strange D .  brave
    A .  changes B .  efforts C .  degrees D .  friends
  • 17.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Shirley Chisholm was best known  the first black woman elected to the United States Congress and the first black woman to run for president of the United States. She was an inspiring example to her followers. , her life was filled with much more than being the first black woman to do important things. She believed in being a person to fight for change. It was one of her  (wish) that illegal things and criminals could be gradually reduced. That was the reason  she fought for changes. All her life, she worked to improve the lives of others.

    Shirley received a good education from the British school system. She enjoyed the years she lived with her grandmother who believed in education. As a young woman, Shirley decided  (become) a teacher because she believed she could improve the society by  (help) children. In 1968, she announced she  (run) for the United States Congress. She was elected from the newly created Twelfth District of New York City.

    Shirley Chisholm spoke  (strong) for the poor and for women. She worked for civil rights for African Americans. She often spoke about  (culture) and social issues. Because most of the new immigrants are people of color, cultural adjustments(调整)must  (make) by all groups in America if they are to learn to live together as one nation.

  • 38.  新学期开始后,你已经了解了一些高中生活和学习的情况。请根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍你就读的学校及学校里的生活和学习。



