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更新时间:2023-11-01 浏览次数:18 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 读句子,找出句子中含有与所给单词画线部分相同发音的单词,将其填在横线上。

    l often eat breakfast with my parents.

    Put the eggplant on the plate.

    l like this green umbrella.

    My sister likes grapes and l like fish.

    My teacher in a white shirt is from China.

    1. (1) brown:  
    2. (2) please:  
    3. (3) grow:  
    4. (4) sheep:  
    5. (5) chicken:  
  • 2. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . basketball B . dinner C . breakfast
    2. (2)
      A . dancing B . morning C . shopping
    3. (3)
      A . usually B . sometimes C . today
    4. (4)
      A . Monday B . December C . August
    5. (5)
      A . snowman B . summer C . autumn
  • 13. 根据句意选词填空


    1. (1) — do you like winter?
      —Because I can  a snowman.
    2. (2) — do you get up?
      —I usually get up  6:50 a.m.
    3. (3) — season do you like best?
      —I like spring best. Because I can go  a picnic.
    4. (4) — do you do on the weekend?
      —I often  sports.
    5. (5) —is your book?
      —It's  my schoolbag.
  • 19. 选择合适的答句

    What's the weather like in autumn?   

    Do you usually go shopping?   

    Why do you like autumn?   

    Let's go for a walk.   

    When is Tree Planting Day?   

    A. Yes. I do.

    B. It's in March.

    C. Great!

    D. Because I can pick apples.

    E. It's windy and cool.

  • 20. 阅读短文,判断正误

    Hi, friends! Let me tell you something about the months and seasons. In Harbin, spring is from March to May. Summer is from June to August. Autumn is short. Winter is long in Harbin. It's from November to February the next year.

    But in Guangzhou, summer is very long. It's from April to October. Spring and autumn are very short. March is spring and November is autumn. Winter is from December to February the next year. And it's not too cold in winter. If you are planning a trip, look at the map first and remember that place where you're going may be not in the same season.

    1. (1) In Harbin, autumn is very short.
    2. (2) Winter is from November to February the next year in Harbin.
    3. (3) Summer is short in Guangzhou.
    4. (4) It's not too cold in winter in Harbin.
    5. (5) Spring is very short in Guangzhou.

