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更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:18 类型:月考试卷
  • 6.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers talking about?
      A . Eating in China. B . Working in China. C . Traveling in China.
    2. (2) What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Boss and employee. B . Fellow workers. C . Customer and agent.
  • 7.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman's husband want to drink?
      A . Orange juice. B . Lemon tea. C . Hot milk.
    2. (2) When does the woman want the drinks?
      A . At about 7:30 am. B . At about 8:00 am. C . At about 8:30 am.
  • 8.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the man always travel by subway in Beijing?
      A . It's clean. B . It's cheap. C . It's fast and comfortable.
    2. (2) What does the man think of the buses in Beijing?
      A . Slow. B . Wonderful. C . Expensive.
    3. (3) What do we know about the woman?
      A . She doesn't like the subway. B . She travelled much in China. C . She thinks the taxi fares of Beijing are high.
  • 9.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What did Charlie Watson do?
      A . He created a website.

      B He set up his own soccer club. C. He earned a billion dollars at 16. 

    2. (2) Why does Anna Philipova impress the woman?
      A . She put out a fire by herself. B . She saved her two brothers from a fire. C . She climbed the highest mountain in the Andes.
    3. (3) Who will the woman probably vote for?
      A . Charlie Watson. B . Malik Monroe. C . Felipe Flores.
    4. (4) How did Malik Monroe raise money?
      A . By teaching in schools. B . By organizing concerts. C . By working in hospitals.
  • 10.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What was Mr. Perkins like?
      A . He tried to be better than others. B . He tried to be the same as others. C . He was always different from others.
    2. (2) Where did Mr. Perkins go the day after he bought his new car?
      A . His office. B . His friend's house. C . The country.
    3. (3) How did Mr. Perkins finally find his car?
      A . By trying his key in every car. B . By checking the plate number. C . By waiting until all other cars had left.
    4. (4) When did Mr. Perkins leave the parking lot?
      A . Around 5:00 pm. B . Around 6:00 pm. C . Around 7:00 pm.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    Asia is a land of timeless charms with a long history,distinctive cultures,breathtaking landscapes and delicious cuisines. Travelling to Asia,Kathmandu,Ulaanbaatar and the TajMahal in India are always on the top list. No matter what you are interested in,our specialists are able to customize a perfect Asia tour itinerary(路线》for you. 


    The Taj Mahal in Agra is one of the most famous monuments in India and a world cultural heritage. It was selected as one of the"New Seven Wonders of the World". Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum in Agra. It was built between 163l and 1653 by the order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife—Mumtaz Mahal.


    Bangkok,known as the"City of Angels",is the capital and largest city of Thailand. Being one of the most popular travel destinations in Asia,Bangkok well integrates cast and west cultures. You will appreciate the architecture of the Grand Palace,experience the floatingmarket and taste authentic Thai food there.


    Kathmandu is a place that once you went to,it would stay in your heart forever. The city is surrounded by mountains. Founded in 723, it is an ancient city with a history of more than1,200 years. The three Durbar Squares of Kathmandu,Patan and Bhaktapur are all worth to be explored. Also,you could challenge yourself to climb the Himalayan mountains. 


    The capital of Mongolia,built on the huge steppe(草原),Ulaanbaatar is an important transportation center on the Trans-Siberian rail line. The national parks of Gorkhi-Terelj and Hustai will enable you to experience horse riding and the daily life of herdsmen(牧民). 

    1. (1) Which was selected as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World?
      A . Kathmandu. B . Bangkok, C . Taj Mahal. D . Ulaanbaatar.
    2. (2) What do these four destinations have in common?
      A . They all belong to Asia. B . They are all about love stories. C . They are the capitals of their counties. D . They all have a history of more than 1,200 years.
    3. (3) From which is the text probably taken?
      A . A student diary. B . A travel brochure. C . A research paper. D . A sports magazine.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    The Beijing Expo Park,where the International Horticultural Exhibition(国际园艺展)took place in 2019,has become a camping resort this summer. Twelve camping areas each named after the constellations(星座)have recently opened to the public at the park. 

    "When I see parents and children put down their mobile phones and enjoy their family time,I feel happy. At this moment,all our efforts in organizing this camping festival have paid off ," said Xue He,a camping operator at the park.

    "Located in the Yanqing district of Beijing,the camping area covers about 280,000 square meters. It provides more than 1,000 camping spots where tourists can spend their leisure time on picnics,fishing,horse riding,boating,and many other activities,"said Han Weiwei,a manager of the Beijing Expo Park Investment and Development.

    At the camping area named after Sagittarius,tents are spread throughout the woods, while a wooden trestle(支架) connects the campsites. "We pursue harmony between humans and nature,so the original plants were preserved as much as possible,"said Liu Xiao'ou,an operator in the area.

    "Horse riding is one of the most popular activities here,"Liu said,adding that campers can ride horses in the Sagittarius area under the guidance of coaches. Children can also interact with some little cute horses which are less than one meter in height.

    As the altitude in Yanqing is higher than that in downtown Beijing,the expo park is much cooler in summer. "This is favorable for camping. These abundant activities have given" Is so much fun," said a resident surnamed Yin from downtown Beijing.

    In the coming three months,the Beijing Expo Park is going to host more than 30 activities during the camping festival,including bicycle races,fishing contests and night runs,ac-cording to the organizers. 

    1. (1) What has happened in the Beijing Expo Park?
      A . Horse riding performance has been offered. B . Twelve camping areas have opened, C . Art exhibitions have taken place. D . A traditional festival has been celebrated.
    2. (2) Which of the following best describes the camping festival organized by Xue He?
      A . Successful. B . Unwelcome. C . Boring, D . Important.
    3. (3) What can we know about the Sagittarius area from Liu Xiao' ou?
      A . The camping area is only for children. B . Campers have little fun at the Sagittarius area. C . Horse riding becomes popular only among children. D . Campers are offered a natural environment.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the text?
      A . The Beijing Expo Park will be open to the public. B . The Beijing Expo Park has changed its course for the future. C . The Beijing Expo Park becomes popular for its abundant exhibitions. D . The Beijing Expo park offers memorable camping experiences to the public.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    While it may sound like something that has come out of your nightmares, cyborg cockroaches (蟑螂机器人) have arrived as friends rather than enemies. 

    Scientists in Japan have designed a new remote controlled insect, equipped with a battery"backpack" that is powered by solar panels. The cockroach, which is part insect and part machine, is intended to enter dangerous areas, monitor the environment or undertake search and rescue missions without needing to be recharged. The researchers from the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research had to install some items into a tiny pack to allow for all the cockroach's natural movements.

    Being able to survive the tough conditions,cockroaches,the ancient insects,have been the stimulus for a number of technologies in recent years. Therefore,different teams of scientists have designed various remote-controlled robo-bugs (机器虫) that can climb walls,carry objects and find humans during search and rescue missions. 

    Previously,wires were attached to the cyborg cockroach's two sensory organs to send electrical signals that caused the"insect"to move right or left. A battery was necessary for the sending and receiving of these electrical signals,which needed to be charged up.

    So the RIKEN team wanted to create a more practical one. Finally,they designed an on-board solar cell that could continuously ensure that the cockroach stayed charged while it worked. The solution was to design a special" backpack"that could neatly carry both the wireless leg-control module and rechargeable battery. This was attached to the top of the in-sect,and was 3D printed to fit perfectly to the surface of the cyborg cockroach. It allowed this electronic device to be firmly fitted on the"insect"for over a month.

    1. (1) Why did the scientists in Japan design the cyborg cockroaches?
      A . To help the disabled. B . To monitor the competitors. C . To make an attempt at creation. D . To perform some tasks instead of humans.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "stimulus"mean in paragraph 3?
      A . Inspiration. B . Method. C . Product. D . Outcome.
    3. (3) How does the cyborg cockroach control its movement?
      A . By batteries. B . By humans' speech. C . By the electrical signals. D . By the wireless legs.
    4. (4) What is the last paragraph mainly about?
      A . Why scientists tried to improve the battery. B . How scientists make full use of 3D technology. C . What scientists have done for designing a new backpack. D . How scientists invented more advanced cyborg cockroaches.
  • 14.  阅读理解

    Detecting a person with a high temperature who could be carrying COVID-19 isn't as easy as it may seem,especially in a crowd. Yet that's what public health authorities(官方) want to do in the countries around the world. 

    Thales,an electronic equipment manufacturer,is conducting a study with the NHS(National Health Service)Scotland for a new system to detect individuals with high temperatures,whether they're on their own or in the middle of a crowd. The trial is being conducted at the emergency department of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow. This first section of the trial was performed over a four-week period with around 100 patients—a relatively small sample,admittedly,but big enough to show some interesting correlations (相关性) and confirm whether the concept was trusted. The trial could now be extended to a much broader population of patients. 

    "Most existing solutions are based on industrial systems and they're not designed for medical uses,"said Willie Alexander,Technical Director for Thales Optronics. "They can on-ly scan one face at a time,they're less accurate,and they need to be operated by specialist technicians. With our system,we can scan entire groups of people at the same time and focus on the parts of the face with the same temperature as an ear thermometer(温度计),which is the standard equipment for healthcare professionals. And the solution uses machine learning, so the more patients we work with,the better the model gets. "

    lf the promising initial results of this trial are confirmed,the solution could be used in other sensitive public spaces where groups of individuals need to have their temperatures taken quickly and reliably,such as border areas and airports. And because it 's entirely contactless and none of the data is stored,the method makes both the testers and the people being tested less worried. 

    1. (1) What do public health authorities want to do?
      A . Cooperate with the NHS Scotland. B . Detect high-temperature persons. C . Cure the person who is carrying coVID-19. D . Conduct a study around the world.
    2. (2) What can we infer from paragraph 2?-
      A . Thales is a health institute. B . The trial has been widely applied. C . The trial detected its subjects one by one. D . The first stage of the trial was successful.
    3. (3) What function is expected of the trial?
      A . It can scan a group of people at the same time. B . It can recognize a face at a high speed. C . It can be operated by specialist technicians. D . It can attract more and more patients as models.
    4. (4) Which is the most suitable title for the text?
      A . A public health authority's study on COVID-19 B . A promising but debatable industrial system C . A new solution to take people's temperatures in public space D . A Scottish study on emotional and physical health by the NHS
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Enjoy a Sick Day

    Being sick can be a difficult time. You might not feel like doing much on a sick day,buta few activities can help you make the most of it. A sick day can be a great opportunity to re-lax and focus on your health.


    Even though you might not feel well,laughing can help improve your immune system(免疫系统). Laughing has been shown to reduce stress levels and increase your body's natural killer cells that fight against invading(入侵)cells. 

    Use some of your free time to call up someone you love chatting with. Having a great conversation with a friend or family member has been proven to raise levels of oxytocin,which can help with healing and well-being. 

    Do something you love

     This can help take your mind off being sick and improve your mood. Try some of the following examples to make your sick day an enjoyable one: listen to music,play a board or video game,and do your favorite craft if you feel well enough. 

    Get in some light exercise

    If you have a cold,you might want to try getting some light exercise during your sick day. Listen to what your body is telling you if you do exercise. Exercise is fine if the only symptoms you have are a runny nose,congestion,or sneezing. Do not exercise if you have any symptoms in your chest,like coughing,fever or muscle aches. Stop immediately if you start to feel worse. 

    A. Then you might feel better. 

    B. Improve your own condition. 

    C. Here are some effective tips. 

    D. Talk with a friend or loved one. 

    E. Don't over do it and stop if you feel worse. 

    F. You still need to eat and maintain caloric energy. 

    G. Take some time for yourself during your sick day. 

  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A,B. C,D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    There will be some people who question or judge our motives(动机). But that shouldn't stop us from being friendly, generous and1 to others. Sometimes we are the giver of an act of kindness. Other times,we are the2 . It doesn't matter. Kindness makes everyone feel 3

    My daughter4 this story. Many years ago a man who lived in New York City decided to5 his parents two hours north. As he approached their small town,his car6 A woman stopped to7 a ride to a mechanic(修理工) in town,and as they 8 on the way,he learned that she was a local realtor(房地产经纪人). He shared that he was from the city visiting his9 . They went their separate ways,but he never10 her kindness. 

    Forty years later,his parents died,and the son needed to11 their house. He remembered the realtor who had helped him many years ago and called her office.12 ,the woman had passed away. Her daughter and granddaughter were running the13 and ended up being his realtors. As it turns out,they sold the man's parents' house to my daughter and son-in-law! A simple act of kindness had a(n)14 decades later.

    In most 15 ,we don't know the long-term effect of our acts of kindness. But the receiver often never forgets. 

    A .  sensitive B .  intelligent C .  cool D .  kind
    A .  winner B .  employer C .  receiver D .  educator
    A .  special B .  good C .  intense D .  strange
    A .  knew B .  discussed C .  shared D .  accepted
    A .  visit B .  find C .  serve D .  choose
    A .  gave up B .  ended up C .  calmed down D .  broke down
    A .  send B .  select C .  offer D .  start
    A .  danced B .  chatted C .  drank D .  sang
    A .  daughter B .  son C .  mechanics D .  parents
    A .  forgot B .  lost C .  passed D .  left
    A .  repair B .  destroy C .  sell D .  rebuild
    A .  Excitedly B .  Unfortunately C .  Besides D .  Therefore
    A .  business B .  house C .  car D .  store
    A .  demand B .  look C .  comment D .  effect
    A .  countries B .  parts C .  plans D .  cases
  • 17.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    With high yield and superior quality,Chinese hybrid rice varieties have been introduced around the world,. (benefit) more people. The export of China's hybrid rice technology started many years ago. In 1979,China provided hybrid rice seeds to another country for the first time,and 40 years later,in(real),China's hybrid rice has been planted in dozens of countries in the world. 

    In the past 40 years,Chinese scientists  (devote) to providing assistance to many other countries. China has trained more than 14,000 hybrid rice professionals for more than80 developing countries through international training courses. This technology has spreadmore and more places in the world so far. 

    Yuan Longping, cultivated the world's first high-yield hybrid rice strain not only earned respect from Chinese people but also the global community. His hybrid rice research has been( entire) saving millions of people from hunger. Yuan's dream was( solve) the global food shortage and promote hybrid rice around the world. China has achieved great wonder,feeding nearly one-fifth of the world's population with less than nine percent of the world's total land. And China is(will) to contribute to global food security and calls for joint efforts to end global hunger and poverty. 

    It( believe) that Yuan's dream will come true one day. 

  • 18. 你校正在举办题为"The Road to Success"的英文演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
    1. 成功之路上可能面对的困难;
    2. 身体对于成功的重要性;
    3. 学习对于成功的重要性。

    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    The Road to Success

  • 19.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    After knowing that she couldn't bear a child,Helen was devastated(悲痛欲绝的).One day while she was driving home from the café,a dirty puppy(幼犬)in the road caught Helen's attention. After consideration,Helen and her husband eventually decided to take him home. And they later named him Ollie. 

    Two years later,Ollie had grown into a large ball of fur. Ollie was Helen's world,and she hated it whenever someone addressed him as her rescue dog. Helen never went out with-out Ollie. One day,they were hanging out together outside a supermarket,unprepared for what was coming their way. 

    "Hey boy,wait in the car. I'll be back,alright?"Helen said as she patted Ollie on his head. She locked him in the car and headed to the supermarket because Ollie hated crowded places and never accompanied Helen to the stores.

    Moments later,there was a sudden outburst of chaos(混乱). Helen was busy shopping and had no idea it was raining heavily outside. The whole area began to flood unexpectedly. People rushed to every open store they could find for shelter. 

    12-year-old boy Matt was looking for a place to run to safety when he spotted people running to the supermarket nearby. He had no time to think and ran after them. 

    Matt hurried upstairs with the rest. Suddenly,Helen noticed the situation and was. alarmed. "What happened?"she asked a man and screamed at the top of her lungs when she learned of the flood. All she could think of was Ollie trapped in the car.

    "OLLIE…, left my dog in the car,"she cried,running toward the window. "My dog is trapped in the car. Somebody,please…"

    Matt looked outside and saw the car Helen pointed to was in the flash flood. Helen was frightened to go out because she didn't know how to swim. Matt understood Helen's anxiety and ran to her pet's rescue. 

    He grabbed an iron rod(棒子)from the corner and raced downstairs. "Hey kid,where are you going? You will drown,"someone shouted. But Matt turned a deaf ear to him because he was determined to save Ollie. In the meanwhile,some people placed a call to the rescue center.

    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    He braved the currents (水流) and swam to the car. 


    Minutes later, a; rescue team arrived. 

