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更新时间:2023-09-19 浏览次数:35 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 根据所给的单词或短语找出同类词,并将选项写在对应的横线上。

    A. short      B. China     C. strawberry     D. who     E. girl    F. on

    1. (1) grape   apple
    2. (2) thin   long
    3. (3) where   what
    4. (4) the UK   Canada
    5. (5) in   under
    6. (6) man   boy
  • 11. 读一读,补全对话,将序号写在横线上。

    Sally来到 Amy 家做客。读对话,选择正确的选项。

    Amy: Hi, mum.

    Mum: Hi, Sally. Nice to meet you.

    Sally: Nice to meet you, too.


    Sally: I'm from Canada.


    Sally: Sorry, I don't like grapes.

    Amy: Here you are. Sally, let's paint! I have new crayons.

    Sally: Wow.

    Amy: Let's count! 1, 2, 3...18. I have 18 new crayons!

    A. Have some grapes.

    B. This is my friend, Sally.

    C. Can I have some apples?

    D. Where are you from?

    E. How many new crayons?

五、Sally帮助 Amy 整理本学期手账,请为图片配上文字。
  • 12. Sally帮助Amy整理本学期手账,请为图片配上文字。

    A.—How many kites do you see?

     —1, 2...I see 12.

    B.—Children, today we'll meet two new friends.


    C.—Is it in the desk?

    —Good guess!

    D.—Row, row, row a boat.

    —How funny!

    E.—Put your hand on the chair!


    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
六、阅读理解。 Sally has a good day on the weekend. (Sally 在周末度过了很棒的一天。)
  • 13. Clean the room! 上午,Sally 整理了房间。请将物品序号填在相应的圆圈里。

    Sally, let's clean the room! Put your books in the desk. Put your toy boat in the box. Put your bag on the chair. Put your pencils on the desk. Put your ball under the chair.


    A.   B.    C.    D.   E.

  • 14. Go to the zoo! 下午,Sally和朋友们想去动物园。让我们一起听一听讲解员的介绍吧!

    Come here, children! Look at the giraffe. It's tall. It's from the USA. Look at the panda. It's eating bamboo. So cute! Where is the panda from? It's from China. Look at the kangaroo. It's from Australia. How many kangaroos do you see? 1, 2, 3... 14. We can see 14 kangaroos. Look at the monkeys. They are from the UK. Look! The little monkey is on the elephant! It's funny!

    1. (1) 将动物与国家连线。

    2. (2) Q1: It's eating bamboo. "bamboo" means(意思):
      A . B . 竹子 C . 香蕉
    3. (3) Q2: How many kangaroos do you see?
      A . Fifteen. B . Fourteen. C . Thirteen.
    4. (4) Q3: Where is the little monkey?
      A . B . C .
  • 15. Read the book! 晚上,Sally和妈妈一起享受阅读时光。我们也一起加入吧!

    A monkey goes to pick (摘) some fruit.


    A stone(石头) looks nice.  He picks it up.

    " What did you get?" asked mum. "A stone for you, mum."

    1. (1) Sally的这本绘本中间还缺了几页,请根据内容,选择相应的图片。

      The apples are red. He picks some apples.

      The bananas are yellow. He throws away(扔掉) the apples. He picks some bananas.

      The watermelons are big. He throws away the bananas. He picks some watermelons.

      The strawberries look juicy. He throws away the watermelons. He picks some strawberries.

      A.   B.   C.   D.

    2. (2) What do you think of the monkey?
      A . 一心一意 B . 三心二意 C . 聪明伶俐

